Re: [情報] NBC to air live episode of 30 Rock

看板EAseries作者 (antonio)時間14年前 (2010/10/16 04:07), 編輯推噓16(1609)
留言25則, 14人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
想不到昨天晚上就是傳說中的live 大家有看了嗎?!來分享一下吧?! 蠻多驚喜的..... 重點是兩次live都沒有人NG!!!好可惜唷~ 我難得可以看30 rock笑得這麼開懷 還沒看的趕快去看 絕對不會失望的 ※ 引述《OanlinNa (Oanlin)》之銘言: : NBC to air live episode of Tina Fey's `30 Rock' : (AP) – 6 hours ago : BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — NBC says "30 Rock" is going live this fall. : The network said Friday a live episode of the comedy will air Oct. 14 and : will be performed twice so that both East and West Coast viewers get to see : it that way. : NBC executives told the Television Critics Association that "30 Rock" : executive producers Tina Fey and Lorne Michaels were approached about a live : episode and were up for the challenge. Fey, the show's star and creator, is : familiar with live TV from her "Saturday Night Live" days. Michaels created : and produces the show. : NBC has aired other live episodes, but this will be the first for the : Emmy-winning "30 Rock," which is produced in New York. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/16 09:29, , 1F
10/16 09:29, 1F

10/16 09:33, , 2F
我東西岸的都有看,兩個還有點不一樣,但一樣好笑!! XD
10/16 09:33, 2F

10/16 09:41, , 3F
Tracy有出槌xD Jenna也差點忘詞
10/16 09:41, 3F

10/16 09:41, , 4F
10/16 09:41, 4F

10/16 10:19, , 5F
只能說Lemon flashback 的地方嚇到我了 太妙了!!
10/16 10:19, 5F

10/16 15:30, , 6F
10/16 15:30, 6F

10/16 18:40, , 7F
10/16 18:40, 7F

10/16 20:15, , 8F
10/16 20:15, 8F

10/16 22:03, , 9F
我覺得東岸的timing比較好... lol
10/16 22:03, 9F

10/17 00:15, , 10F
10/17 00:15, 10F

10/17 00:24, , 11F
10/17 00:24, 11F

10/17 03:01, , 12F
是在諷刺Lemon正在說的話:breaking is cheap laugh
10/17 03:01, 12F

10/17 03:01, , 13F
we don;t need that ...哈哈哈~
10/17 03:01, 13F

10/17 08:36, , 14F
10/17 08:36, 14F

10/17 14:23, , 15F
10/17 14:23, 15F

10/17 19:39, , 16F
10/17 19:39, 16F

10/18 13:25, , 17F
air quoting "doctor"
10/18 13:25, 17F

10/18 20:51, , 18F
這集真的太好笑了 不知道是不是因為觀眾笑聲的關係
10/18 20:51, 18F

10/18 20:52, , 19F
10/18 20:52, 19F

10/18 22:23, , 20F
10/18 22:23, 20F

10/18 22:24, , 21F
10/18 22:24, 21F

10/18 22:28, , 22F
10/18 22:28, 22F

10/19 01:04, , 23F
這一群演員幾乎都演過live show(SNL)或是舞台劇(Jenna)
10/19 01:04, 23F

10/19 06:29, , 24F
很希望他們能像Carol Burnett秀一樣 整個笑翻在舞台上
10/19 06:29, 24F

10/24 00:26, , 25F
今天剛看完東西岸 笑到不行~超讚 推推推
10/24 00:26, 25F
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文章代碼(AID): #1CkBHoRY (EAseries)