Re: [Ask ]what should I do ,if I wanna improve …

看板EngTalk作者 (無聊的新竹)時間19年前 (2005/10/10 02:45), 編輯推噓0(001)
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Hi there! I think the first thing you have to do is, try to talk with them as much as you can. Speaking in broken English is way better than speechless. At least you have someone who can speak to you in English. You should have felt very lucky. Don't waste this opportunity. By the way, find time to watch more western movies. I hope this helps. ※ 引述《geek3638 (Damo)》之銘言: : Last night,I went out with my new foreigner friends,three of them are from : Finland,the other is from Germany. : That was the third time I went out with them.Somehow,every time I hang out : with them,I do become speakless,my performance was so nerves and barely : satisfactory.I'm very good at talking with people who I'm not acquainted : with.<----I knew that I was able to talk with them in English,but I : didn't know what to say then. : I felt so bad about my performance,and frustrated is full of me,even : can't stop thinking in bad way,like.....they must think I'm a boring guy : or else. : That's why I'm here for any suggestion,how to improve social skills. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/11 01:44, , 1F
TV sitcoms help, too. :)
10/11 01:44, 1F
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