Re: [Ask ] Have you ever heard someone picks a …

看板EngTalk作者 (進度 : ?)時間18年前 (2006/03/15 09:06), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《sweaters (我的箱子呢)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《ferrarirossa (Sean)》之銘言: : : It is might due to difference of culture between east and west. : : so I heard some Asian-guys pick funny names. : : Like Color, Kodak, Sunshine... : : What I wanna to know is how a foreigner feel about this? : : and If a person pick a rare name -like Greek, Irish- : : Is not strange or something? : : Few years ago I called myself Icarus - form Greek story : : But changed now. : We are not foreigners,so we can't know : how they treat this stuation. : but in my point, there are lots of peoples : in U.S.,so they must be accustomed to other : country's names.but when it comes to east : people, i think name like Sunshine is more : like nickname.Take me for example, : i use Sweaters as my name in Starbucks. : i feel it is strange, too. I think it is not a big problem because are Taiwaness. Many countries' people they don't use English name, it doesn't make any trouble with them. Even his/her name might be different meaning in other language. But some where might have its slang for some names, like the south of US people call Dick (man's name) as penis. Not only the name, many names have implication. Why don't you pick an interesting name can cause people making a deeply impression from you. :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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