Re: [Talk] It's difficult for me...

看板EngTalk作者時間17年前 (2007/09/02 23:13), 編輯推噓2(205)
留言7則, 2人參與, 最新討論串4/4 (看更多)
Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Ruby. About this situation, I have some experiece to share with you. :) If you want to practice your English in speaking and writing, I think the study group maybe a good idea for you, because I am doing the same thing right now. To improve my English ability, I set one study group about Studio Classroom about two weeks ago, and try to learn reading, listening, speaking, and writting. Though the group did not set for a long time, I think I am not afraid of speaking English now. I will try to learn more vocabulary and in my life, And learn to speak it correctly and aloud. If you are shy about talking face to face, You can try to learn in an “on-line study group”, It not only can learn the correct way to speak, But also can make friends with same interests. It’s just a suggestion. Hope you can learn your English happily. ※ 引述《myfort (我的堡壘)》之銘言: : talk in English!!! >"< : As many, I think that listening and reading are easier than : writing and speaking. : I know the best way to improve my oral skill is practice. : The problem is that I can't pursuade myself to across mental obstacles : to talking in English. : Every time I try to express own ideas in English, I will stammer. : How embarrassing the situation!! >"< : In retrospect, when I was a freshman in college, : my teacher tried to correct my habit in speaking English-- : I'm used to utter "umm..." before i produce a sentence. : I know that's a bad habit, but he asked me answer his questions without : any delay that makes me enormously anxious. : Until now, the old habit exists still and I'm afraid to speak English : more seriously. ~"~ : I tried, but felt frustrated. : How could I lower my nervousness in speaking English? : I really want to "talk" fluently.... : Thanks for your reading. : ※ 編輯: myfort 來自: (09/02 22:20) -- 我的生活部落格 歡迎參觀 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/02 23:15, , 1F
Hello, Ruby. Thanks for your suggestion. :)
09/02 23:15, 1F

09/02 23:17, , 2F
I really too shy to talk in English because I'm scare
09/02 23:17, 2F

09/02 23:19, , 3F
to make mistakes. I'll try to do something to across
09/02 23:19, 3F

09/02 23:20, , 4F
my difficulty. :D
09/02 23:20, 4F

09/03 09:00, , 5F
myfort,it is fine to make mistakes,because everyone
09/03 09:00, 5F

09/03 09:01, , 6F
makes mistakes. If you can learn from error, make
09/03 09:01, 6F

09/03 09:04, , 7F
mistakes will not a big deal to you. just try it :)
09/03 09:04, 7F
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文章代碼(AID): #16sjCdlx (EngTalk)