[Ask ] skype or msn discussion?

看板EngTalk作者 (warren)時間14年前 (2010/02/03 15:22), 編輯推噓4(407)
留言11則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
hi everyone,i have an idea of creating a discussion group on skype or msn.. The reason is because i wanna know more taiwanes people..secondly, to have fun chatting with each other.. pls,don't be shy, u may speak in whichever languages(mandarin/taiwanese/eng)that u are comfortable with and no limitation on the topics u wanna share (preferebably no politics as i will get asleep in seconds..lol) pls leave me a msg or your contact here or email..i'll reply asap.. Best wishes.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/03 15:37, , 1F
audio chat or what? anyway count me in
02/03 15:37, 1F

02/03 23:00, , 2F
count me in lol
02/03 23:00, 2F

02/04 00:15, , 3F
loveayumi,u are in!i already had your msn!cheers.
02/04 00:15, 3F

02/04 00:22, , 4F
haha i know lol
02/04 00:22, 4F

02/04 10:31, , 5F
02/04 10:31, 5F

02/04 16:45, , 6F
go45452---u are added..
02/04 16:45, 6F

02/04 20:44, , 7F
vivian79421@hotmail.com :)
02/04 20:44, 7F

02/07 10:03, , 8F
Hi, count me in please, Iwanna improve my accent
02/07 10:03, 8F

02/07 10:04, , 9F
cause some co-worker presume my English accent is
02/07 10:04, 9F

02/07 10:05, , 10F
sounds like an Indain, I want to correct that!
02/07 10:05, 10F

02/14 23:30, , 11F
02/14 23:30, 11F
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