Re: [考題] 請問英文文法2題

看板Examination作者 (Kathja)時間9年前 (2015/03/11 12:15), 編輯推噓0(002)
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※ 引述《zozo1217 (來自星星的你~好聽)》之銘言: : [考題] 國考歷屆考題與考題觀念討論(書裡看到的選這個)請附上想法、出處 : 1. An earthquake struck Japan yesterday, _____ many lives.(104 郵局英文) : 1)taking 2)took 3) taken 4) to take : ANS: 1) taking , 請問 3)taken 被動 為什麼是錯??? : 2. After I saw the movie, I was shocked by _____ humans have done to : the earth. (104 郵局英文) : 1) that 2) which 3) what 4) how : ANS: 3) what ,請問 2)which 為什麼不可以選??? : 文法比較差的我 請幫我解題謝謝^^ (1) 句子還原: An earthquake struck Japan yesterday (which took) many lives. (which took=talking) 原句子是主動非被動,故不用taken(which was taken不符語意) (2) After I saw the movie, I was shocked by (what) humans have done to the earth. (what=those which/that which) what是複合關係代名詞,它等於先行詞(that/those)+關係代名詞(which) 我的解法是這樣子,如果有錯誤煩請指教~ -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

03/11 20:17, , 1F
你(1)中的ANS應該是which took=taking~而不是talking!XD
03/11 20:17, 1F

03/11 20:18, , 2F
03/11 20:18, 2F
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文章代碼(AID): #1K_y5QwX (Examination)