Re: [情報] 該來的躲不掉

看板FBaseball作者 (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)時間11年前 (2013/07/10 19:08), 編輯推噓9(907)
留言16則, 9人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《BlueSunLight (不跟豬吵架)》之銘言: : MLB to suspend Braun, Rodriguez and others : According to ESPN's T.J. Quinn and Mike Fish, Major League Baseball is : "expected to suspend [Ryan] Braun and [Alex] Rodriguez, along with as many as : 20 players sometime after next week's All-Star break." : MLB investigators began digging into the Biogenesis records last month with : the cooperation of the clinic's founder, Anthony Bosch, and are ready to : announce suspensions now that cases have been built against the players who : are suspected of purchasing PEDs from Bosch and his associates. Those : sentences will of course be appealed, and the process of reviewing those : appeals could take a while. Braun refused to answer some questions during : MLB's investigation and could face a 100-game suspension. A-Rod might also : get 100 games. This is happening. : 預計下周明星賽後公布禁賽100場 陣容 我方 對方 有點想換Braun,因為我覺得他根本不會被禁賽 試探性質詢問一下後對方開出 Jennings+Braun for Rizzo+Chris Davis 這當然是某摳林 只是對方跟我的陣容交易契合度似乎也不太match 他的SP跟CL都不缺,那該怎樣提比較合適 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/10 19:24, , 1F
07/10 19:24, 1F

07/10 19:25, , 2F
07/10 19:25, 2F

07/10 19:26, , 3F
07/10 19:26, 3F

07/10 19:26, , 4F
07/10 19:26, 4F

07/10 19:27, , 5F
07/10 19:27, 5F

07/10 19:27, , 6F
07/10 19:27, 6F

07/10 19:28, , 7F
我回提Braun for Trout 或 Braun for McCutchen
07/10 19:28, 7F

07/10 19:32, , 8F
樓上好兇 XD 我的Peralta也是打算用到禁賽再丟
07/10 19:32, 8F

07/10 21:10, , 9F
07/10 21:10, 9F

07/10 21:23, , 10F
07/10 21:23, 10F

07/10 21:28, , 11F
07/10 21:28, 11F

07/10 21:36, , 12F
07/10 21:36, 12F

07/10 21:37, , 13F
反而Braun出DL讓我很困擾要丟誰 @_@
07/10 21:37, 13F

07/10 22:09, , 14F
E卡布 也在名單內嗎?
07/10 22:09, 14F

07/11 00:04, , 15F
我有E. Cabrera 跟 Nelson Cruz...慘Q_Q
07/11 00:04, 15F

07/11 11:15, , 16F
同樓上還加個Colon 在想打包賤賣還是用到禁賽
07/11 11:15, 16F
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