Re: [問題] ATP年終八強賽

看板FH26thChih作者 (哈哈大笑苦行僧之旅SS1)時間20年前 (2003/11/18 02:06), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《claudliang (MaiMai)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《salmony (哈哈大笑苦行僧之旅SS1)》之銘言: : : in fact i have no idea about it : : but i know that this guy really gets his place in Tennis now : : In the 2003 ATP,he won all of the 5 games and u may ask so what?! : : he defeated 3 of them,who got champion in slam(meansUS,Aus, year : : and the only other one,Wimbleton open's chempion is he! : : so though i loved AA more : : but this year i started to take a look at him and also hope he : : on some day should become a superstar in Tennis field : : i see ur words and felt u hate this "kid" so much : : i just wanna know why?cause of defeating AA? : This kid has a mansion, a huge house all by himself on Beverely Hill, it's even : shown on TV...that's why i "dislike" him really! now i get it! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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