
看板FJU-Med93作者時間19年前 (2005/03/03 21:40), 編輯推噓2(200)
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各組負責人給合唱的名單 改編劇:翁書釗、倪承賦、廖子堯、葉佳衢、蔡亮如、謝福謙 熱舞(男):張鵬浩、顏秉辰、邱柏惟、陳昭賢 國標:朱崇華、郭家瑋、梁怡君、葉芷吟 熱舞(女):錢韻如、徐至頤、馮尹亭、童盛玲、黃琬珺、周錫妙、柯嘉怡 要唱的歌是yanzi的 一起走過 http://w3.nctu.edu.tw/~u9111075/yanzi01 we will get there http://w3.nctu.edu.tw/~u9111075/yanzi02 (上面的連結可以下載這兩首歌來聽) 歌詞部分: 一起走過 是否還記得 從前美麗的天色 那時天很藍 我們的未來都在不遠地方晴朗著 一切都變了 生命不只是快樂 濃濃黑霧籠罩我們 暴風雨就要來了 但誰說不能 肩並著肩站穩 我們用心和用愛創造 讓新的世界誕生 在我心中我知道 這是永恆的長跑 好不容易 來到這裡 明天還要追更多榮耀 把自己角色扮演好 全力以赴每一秒 和我的家人和我的朋友 向著目標 手牽手 一起走到 這又是起點 我們有一樣心願 當我們團結 狂風巨浪也不能阻擋我們走向前 誰害怕改變 只要緊握著信念 心中有夢 沒有遙遠 跨出去就在瞬間 但誰說不能 肩並著肩 站穩 我們用心呵用愛創造 讓新的世界誕生 ===============================分隔線================================== we will get there We remember the days, we sat out together with faith? Remember the times, so fine,when we thought that nothing could stand in our way? Then things weren't the same ,the life that we knew had to change We've struggled through the darkest storms ,we thought we couldn't tame Together we've tried, as we stood side by side I knew we'd build a new world ,a world of hope forever after chorus Deep in my heart I just know, right from the start we will grow Look where we are,we've come so far and there's still a long long way to go All of my heart, i will care I'll play my part, i will share With family and friends, together we'll stand And in the end, hand in hand ,we will get there So now we begin, working together to win Believing in trust, it must be possible to overcome anything. There's so much to do,there's so much we can contribute By sharing just a little love ,we will start again a new So why don't we try? if we stand side by side I know we'll build a new world ,a world of hope for ever after -- ┌─── 輔大醫學系BBS站 ───┐ KKBOX 可立刻 聽音樂 ■ telnet://bbs.kkcity.com.tw:21462/ ■■所有想找的歌通通不必等 ■■ └──From: ──┘ http://www.kkbox.com.tw kimyy:謝啦謝啦~~學弟妹們拜託囉 [03/03] flygreen:大家加油吧! [03/03] 03/03, , 1F
請問是中英各唱一變嘛?? or?? 03/03, 1F 03/03, , 2F
應該是 kimyy好像叫我們先練 03/03, 2F
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文章代碼(AID): #129nEp00 (FJU-Med93)