[情報] BBC F1 Gossip Column

看板FORMULA1作者 (Californication)時間13年前 (2011/10/16 07:51), 編輯推噓4(407)
留言11則, 9人參與, 最新討論串9/13 (看更多)
星期六的BBC F1小道消息 (此為摘要報導,新聞來源頁面有各摘要連結) (一) Forensic experts would soon trace the perpetrator of the crime to Jenson Button because his fingerprints are all over the weapon. If Lewis Hamilton has suffered a tough season, he should beware an even tougher one next year. Carefully and cleverly, Button has infiltrated the McLaren empire. While Hamilton has been left to seem like a loner, Button has pointed the team in the direction he wants to go, encouraging them to develop a machine sympathetic to his flowing driving style. 法醫很快就會追蹤到罪犯Jenson Button, 因為武器上沾滿了他的指紋。 如果Lewis Hamilton在這個賽季感到很艱困, 他應該要小心更艱困的下個賽季。 Jenson Button小心且聰慧地滲透了McLaren帝國。 當Hamilton被逐漸當成獨行俠看待時, Button為車隊指引了他想到達的方向, 鼓勵他們發展符合他柔順駕駛方式的賽車。 (二) Jenson Button last night warned Lewis Hamilton: I'll be even tougher to beat next year. 昨晚Jenson Button 警告Lewis Hamilton: 明年我會更難以擊敗。 (三) Sebastian Vettel may be the newly-crowned double world champion but can he juggle three balls while riding a unicycle? Nico Rosberg can. Sebastian Vettel可能是新科雙屆世界冠軍, 但是他應該不能騎單輪腳踏車耍弄三顆球吧? Nico Rosberg可以喔! (四) The drivers remain motivated for these final four races. A win is a win and if it were not for this overriding compulsion that drives racing, they would simply not climb into a cockpit. For the teams, however, the emphasis has already shifted to next year's car but not in as straightforward a fashion as it may seem. As with so much in Formula 1, simple lines conceal complex and differing systems. 對於最後四場比賽,車手們保持他們的衝勁。 一勝好歹也是一勝, 如果車手沒有這樣的好勝心去比賽的話, 他們壓根不會想爬進駕駛座。 對車隊來說,重點已經移到明年的賽車了, 不過卻沒有像過去那樣的明顯。 在眾多角色的F1裡面,簡單的一句話的背後藏了既複雜又不同的系統。 (五) Pirelli is hoping to give its 2012 tyres a first proper test on contemporary Formula 1 cars at the forthcoming Abu Dhabi young driver test. Pirelli希望可以在即將到來的Abu Dhabi年輕車手測試時, 首次將他們2012的輪胎放上當前的F1賽車上做測試。 新聞來源: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/motorsport/formula_one/9616281.stm -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/16 09:29, , 1F
10/16 09:29, 1F

10/16 09:56, , 2F
10/16 09:56, 2F

10/16 10:03, , 3F
CSI: F1 φ(._. )>
10/16 10:03, 3F

10/16 10:36, , 4F
10/16 10:36, 4F

10/16 10:59, , 5F
看到第一句我還檢查一下是不是看錯版了 @@
10/16 10:59, 5F

10/16 12:27, , 6F
10/16 12:27, 6F

10/16 12:43, , 7F
樓上+1 +1
10/16 12:43, 7F

10/16 12:49, , 8F
以為看錯+1 = ="
10/16 12:49, 8F

10/16 12:51, , 9F
10/16 12:51, 9F

10/16 12:51, , 10F
10/16 12:51, 10F

10/16 13:14, , 11F
翻譯的時候 看到第一句 差點以為Jenson情殺 冏
10/16 13:14, 11F
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