[翻譯] 法網決賽賽後訪問

看板Federer作者時間16年前 (2008/06/09 21:17), 編輯推噓37(37016)
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好長好長,還是試著翻譯成中文,有些句子就先略掉翻大意了~~ Rogi還是一派積極坦然。一派的you know~~~ Q. That couldn't have been what you envisioned when you walked onto the court. 那可能不是你在走進球場時所能預見的。 ROGER FEDERER: No, not really. I was hoping for a better outcome, no doubt, you know. But Rafa played well today, made it hard for me, and, yeah, was better. It was a tough loss, but I tried and I hoped, and it wasn't enough. 不是。沒有疑問我希望能有個好一點的結果,但是Rafa今天打得很好,讓一切變得困難, 這是場艱難的敗仗,但是我嘗試過,也抱著希望過,但還是不夠。 Q. Has he improved since this day one year ago, and have you gone off? 他比一年之前進步得多??而你被他拋在後頭?? ROGER FEDERER: I mean, I think he's played a terrific tournament, you know. He's dominated everybody he played these last two weeks, you know. I mean, I definitely think he's improved. 我想他整個賽事都打得很棒。過去兩個星期在每場比賽中他能完全控制比賽,我認為他 絕對有所進步。 I always had that feeling, you know, he's playing, you know, quite differently to the first time we played here in Paris in the semifinals. He's much better on defense, much better on offense, you know. 我一直覺得他跟我們4年前在巴黎第1次交手時打得很不同,他在防守跟攻擊方面做得更 要好得多。 When you, you know, really cannot play your game and he can, you know, play exactly what he wants from the baseline, well, you end up with scores like this sometimes. It's tough for the opponent, obviously. 你真得無法打出屬於你的比賽節奏,但是他可以,他在底線隨心所欲,然後有時比分就 會變成這樣。很明顯這對他的對手是很辛苦的。 Q. Commiserations, Roger. It's 3-all in the second set. You have that break point to go ahead 4-3, and Nadal hits that dropshot. You chase it down. You look to just flick a backhand winner, but unfortunately you net. You don't win another game thereafter. 第2盤在3比3的時候,你握有一個破發點可以領先到4-3,Nadal放小球,你追上去,你 看起來像是要打出一個反手致勝球,但卻很不幸的打下網,之後你再也沒有拿到另外1 局。 I mean, that was a pivotal game, wasn't it? 我是說,那是個關鍵嗎?? ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, looking back, it was. I didn't think it was going to happen when I missed that backhand, you know, into the net. But what can you do? You know, I mean, I guess that was my best chance. But if that would have completely turnedthe match, I don't know. 回頭去看,當我發生那個反手失誤時,我不認為之後會發生那些事情。但你能怎麼辦? 我想那是我最好的機會,但那是否能扭轉整個比賽我就不知道了。 Didn't come real close today so it's disappointing, because I really thought I was playing well the last few weeks and months. And where I've come from, you know, the last, you know, last half year or so, I think, you know, I'm still very--we're very pleased, you know, with the efforts I've put in, you know. 今天真得打得不太接近,所以這令人沮喪,但我真得覺得過去幾個月及幾週我打得很好, 自從上個半年以來,我想我,我們還是非常高興,因為所有我曾經投入的努力。 So to lose the way I did today, it's obviously hard and it's a rough loss, but it's-- it's okay. I'll move on from here, and I'll try again next year. 所以今年以這樣的方式輸球,明顯很難過,這是場艱難的敗仗,但沒關係,我會從這裡 再往前進,明年我會再試試看。 Q. There was almost some 50 unforced errors, approximately, that you did. Do you think that's because of some overconcentration that worked against you, or is it just that what we call unforced errors, the way Nadal's balls bounce, you disliked them? Like, what made these unforced errors that were so numerous? 你幾乎擊出50個非受迫性失誤,你認為是因為過度的關注,或者單純只是所謂的非受迫 性失誤??因為Nadal球質的的彈跳??是什麼使得你有這麼多非受迫性失誤?? ROGER FEDERER: Um, look, doesn't matter now what happened, you know. I mean, the match is over; clay court season is over. I'm just here to answer some questions, not to analyze the match. I wish it was a different outcome. 現在發生什麼都不重要了,比賽已經結束,紅土球季也結束了,我只是要回答些問題, 不是分析整場比賽,我希望能有個不同的結果。 I wish it could have, you know, gotten off to a better start, like maybe the last few years, but today Rafa was supreme, so it was hard. 我希望我能有些好一點的開始,像過去幾年一樣,但是Rafa今天很強,所以很困難。 Q. If there is a key reason in your mind for what happened, and could you name it? 對於發生的事情如果你心裡有個關鍵的原因,你能解釋看看嗎??? ROGER FEDERER: I didn't get the beginning. 我沒聽清楚開頭。 Q. If there is some key reason in your mind for what happened... 對於發生的事情如果你心裡有個關鍵的原因。 ROGER FEDERER: What kind of reason? 什麼樣的原因?? Q. Key reason. 關鍵原因, ROGER FEDERER: Key reason. Excuse me, okay. 關鍵原因,抱歉。 Q. For what happened, could you name it? This thing that happened today, what is it going to mean for you in the next future? 對於所發生的,你可以指出那是什麼嗎??今天發生的事情。對你而言再接下來有什麼意 義。 ROGER FEDERER: I mean, key for me is the way Rafa played. I mean, no doubt he played excellent. He hardly made unforced errors, and when he's on the attack, he's lethal. 對我而言,關鍵是Rafa今天的表現。無疑的他打得很好,他幾乎沒有非受迫性失誤,而 當他要攻擊,就是一拍致命。 On the defense, he had some, I mean, unbelievable shots, you know. I can only praise him for the level of play he's had for the last two weeks and today again under pressure. 在防守上,他有些不可置信的球,我只能讚美他,對於他今天和過去兩周,在壓力下所 打出來的水準。 It's not like it's easy for him either. He handles it very well. To come up with a performance like this under pressure shows what a great champion he is. 這對他來說也不容易,但他處理的很好,在壓力下能有這樣的表現,顯示他是一個多麼 偉大的冠軍。 For me, I mean, it's been a good tournament. I still go out of this tournament, you know, with a positive mindset. You know, not with a mindset, Oh, my God, you know, I had no chance today. I mean, I had a little chance in the second set. Okay. 對我而言這巡迴賽還是不錯的。我仍然有著正面的心理狀態,而不是說,我的天啊,我今 天完全沒機會,我在第2盤曾經有一些機會。 But, you know, it doesn't matter now. I mean, I'm going to look forward to grass. I think the second half of the season, hopefully, is going to be better than the first. 但是現在這都不重要了。我將前進草地。希望這個球季的下半段會好過於上半段。 Q. Does the magnitude of something like this shake your belief that you can win this title? 這會影響到你對於贏得法網冠軍的信念嗎?? ROGER FEDERER: Sure. I mean, after a loss like this you don't want to play Rafa again tomorrow, that's for sure, you know. You hope to be here again next year, and you probably assume that Rafa is going to be here, also. 當然,經過這樣的失敗之後,你不會想要明天在跟Rafa比賽一次,那是一定的。你希望 會是明年再在這裡,而且大概要假設Rafa也會在這裡。 It doesn't make it easier, you know. But I still believe that with the right mindset, with the hard work I'm going to be able to put in hopefully, you know, without hiccups, like what I had in December and February where I unfortunately missed out on, you know, key practice, you know. 這不會使事情變得比較容易,但我還是相信,正確的心態,辛勤的練習,希望不會再向 12月和2月一樣,中斷了關鍵的訓練。 I hope that that's going to maybe help me again for next year to be even better than this year. But, I mean, I still feel like I'm improving, you know. Same counts for him. So let's see what happens again next year this time. 我希望這些能幫助我變得比今年更好。我還是覺得我一直在進步。他也是一樣。所以明年 此時,再看看會發生什麼吧!! Q. When you do play again in possibly four weeks today, will you have still have the psychological edge, do you think? Or do you think maybe that's changed after today? 當你4個星期後再比賽時,你還會有一樣的心理優勢嗎??或者你認為今天之後會有所改變? ROGER FEDERER: Um, look, I mean, I've beaten Rafa 6-Love in a set. I've beaten him in finals before. I've beaten him also quite comfortably on previous seasons. Didn't really give me the edge on clay against him, you know. 我曾經在一盤中讓Rafa一局未得,以前也曾經在決賽打敗過他,前幾個球季也曾經打敗他 打得很順,但這並不會為我在紅土上對戰他帶來優勢。 I haven't lost on grass for, what is it, five years now, six years? I still definitely feel very strong about my chances and being the big favorite, you know, going into grass. You know, it's so far away, grass and clay, that losing in four or five or, you know, no chance like today, I don't think it has a big effect on me mentally. 我已經大概五六年沒在草地上輸球,我仍然覺得我的機會很大,在草地賽季我會是大熱 門。草地和紅土是如此的不同,我不認為這場比賽會在心理上影響我。 Q. Will you play in Halle? 你會打Halle賽事嗎?? ROGER FEDERER: Well, yeah, I'm scheduled to play. 會,我有排定要打。 Q. Roger, you're by miles the second best clay court on earth. At the end of this long clay court season and this incessant talk about Rafa, are you a little bit relieved the clay court season is over? 漫長紅土賽季以及關於Nadal的不停討論都到了尾聲,你是否因為紅土賽季的結束而感到 鬆一口氣呢?? ROGER FEDERER: No. I mean, the tough part about the clay is, let's say the first three or four weeks, you know. Not that enjoyable, you know, because everybody is just talking about Paris, everything is just, you know, this big hype. I mean, it's nice to be part of it. It means you're playing well. It is a little bit much at times. 紅土賽季最困難的部分再於前三四週。因為每個人都在討論Paris。能作為討論中的一 部分很好,這代表你打得很好,但有時候有些多了。 But when sort of the French Open comes around everything sort of calms down. You focus on your section. You know, you're only sort of doing press every second day which sort of helps, as well. 但法網來臨時,一切都平靜多了,你專注在自己身上,只是每兩天接受訪問。 Now I'm much more relaxed than maybe, you know, one month back where I don't think it's that enjoyable for us players sometimes. 現在我比一個月前放鬆,當時我不認為球員們是能樂在其中的。 Q. Beyond that, your peers look at you as an extraordinary player. Do you look at Rafa as an extraordinary player on clay? 你的同輩選手視你為個不凡的球員,在紅土上你也這樣看Nadal嗎?? ROGER FEDERER: Sure. I mean, it's not first time I'm saying that. I'm giving him plenty of compliments. Yeah, I don't know what to tell you. 當然,我不是第一次這樣說,我一直都給他高度的讚美。我不知道要怎麼告訴你。 Q. At this stage in your career, do you still have sort of the capacity for moral victories? Or do you pretty much just go into a tournament, and if you're not winning the trophy it's not fully satisfying? 在生涯的這個階段,你能接受精神上的勝利嗎??或者當你進入一個巡迴賽,不拿冠軍 就無法完全滿足你?? ROGER FEDERER: No. I mean, like--I mean, the tournament has been good for me. I mean, I go out of this tournament thinking, you know, I tried everything I could. You know, I put myself in the position. But Rafa was better today, you know. 這個賽事對我來說很好了。結束這個賽事,我想,我已經盡我所能的嘗試,我讓自己進 入決賽,但是Rafa今天是名比我還要好的選手。 So I do find ways to stay positive even though I don't win the tournament, you know. You know, especially when you end up losing sometimes, victory is so much better, you know. On clay, you know, it's been tough on all of us, you know. 所以我找到方法讓自己有正面的心態,即使我沒贏下冠軍。尤其有時你最後輸掉。勝利 比較好。但在紅土上贏球很困難。 But I stayed very strong and, you know, in my mind, you know, trying to put myself over and over again in the same position and playing Rafa. I could lose every time in the semifinals and tell myself I don't want to face him in the finals, but I've been strong and I've been tough, and I made my way there. 但我心態上保持的很堅強,試著一再讓自己在決賽裡面對Rafa,我也可以一再在準決賽 輸掉,告訴自己我不想在決賽面對他,但我一直很強壯很堅強,我努力讓自己走到這裡。 Then, of course, I hope I can play better when I play Rafa or, you know, that he maybe doesn't play so well. But, you know, like today, it's hard to play against him. It was hard for everybody who faced him these last two weeks. But for me, you know, I go out and I'm positive. It doesn't always need to be a victory to go out in a positive mindset. 當然,我希望當我面對Rafa的時候,我能表現得更好,或是他沒有表現得那麼好,但是 今天,真得很難跟他競爭。過去兩周任何選手要面對他都是困難的,但對我而言,我離 開,而且帶著正面的態度。並不總是需要勝利才能有正面的心理狀態。 Q. Are you going to continue working with Jose Higueras? 你會繼續跟Jose Higueras合作嗎?? ROGER FEDERER: Yeah. I mean, we spoke about it briefly at the beginning of Paris, you know. He's going to come to Halle with me, and he's also going to be in Wimbledon. It's something we're going to speak about the next few weeks, you know. 法網開始時我們有短暫的討論過。他將跟我一起去Halle,也會一起在溫布頓。未來幾週 我們將討論繼續合作的可能性。 But I've given the request that he should consider what weeks he wants to join me for the rest of the year, so we'll see how it goes. 但我曾經要求他考慮,今年接下來哪幾週他要一起加入我的團隊,接下來就會知道如 何了。 Q. Rafa's offensive skills are obviously improving, but do you believe that still on this surface great defense beats great offense? Rafa的防守技巧顯然有所進步,但你是否依然相信在這場地上,防守大於攻擊?? ROGER FEDERER: Look, I mean, he's-- I mean, I don't know if it's got that much to do with great offense or great defense, it's just his movement on clay. It's just better than the rest. 我不確定這跟防守或攻擊有關。重點是他在紅土上的移動速度,這重於其他一切。 I mean, I've always said it three years ago already: He plays like two forehand from the baseline, you know, because he has an open stance on both sides. I can't do that, so I lose a meter or two here and there from the baseline. So he's got a huge advantage in this aspect, you know. 我從三年前就已經開始這麼說:他在底線像是有兩個正手,因為他正反拍都是開放式站位, 我無法這麼做,所有我在底線跑動時會差個一兩公尺。因此,他在這方面有極大的優勢。 I don't know how he grew up doing that, you know, but it's definitely-- I think that's very difficult, and maybe he's got the great advantage as well that in his normal life he's right handed by nature and not a lefty. 我不知道他怎麼培養出來的,但肯定很辛苦。或許他也有個優勢是,他平日慣用右手, 是天生的右撇子而非左撇子。 But his forehand is great, you know, and he's very tough mentally. He hardly misses, and when he goes on the offensive, he plays it close to the line. So he's got a very good clay court game. 他的正手很優秀,心理素質強韌,幾乎不失誤,當他攻擊的時候,非常靠近邊線,他在 紅土上有很好的表現。 Q. What do you think that today Rafa did better than usual? And what do you think that you did worse than usual? I mean, to explain what happened, because the score, of course, is particularly strange, no? 你覺得今天Rafa有什麼是做得比平常好的,而你有什麼是做得比平常糟的。今天的比分 有些特別?? ROGER FEDERER: Well, yeah. I mean, of course it's a tough result, you know. But I guess, you know, when somebody of us plays very well, it's hard to stop the other opponent. Sometimes you get, I guess, results like this. Unfortunately, for the fans, you know, I wish I could have put in a better match, you know. 當然,這是很艱難的結果。但我們其中之一打得很好的時候,是很難去打敗他的。有時 你就是會得到這樣的結果。我希望我能為球迷打出一場更好的比賽。 But I mean he-- he was good today. That's all I can say. No more I need to add. 但是他今天打得很好,這是我唯一能說的,沒什麼可以補充的了。 THE MODERATOR: French questions, please. Q. Do you still think you can win Roland Garros? 你仍然相信你可以贏得Roland Garros嗎?? ROGER FEDERER: Yes. 是的!! Q. Are you sure? 你確定?? ROGER FEDERER: Well, if you want me to answer no if that makes you happy, then no. Choose the answer. I said yes. (laughter.) 好吧!!如果我回答不行會讓你快樂些的話,那就不行。你選一個答案,我是說可以。(笑) Q. The fans were very much on your side today. How did you feel about it? 今天球迷站在你這邊,你感覺如何?? ROGER FEDERER: On the points I won, yes, but there were not that many. This is why I really hoped I could do better today, because I thought the fans could be an asset for me if the match was getting close. 我拿下分數的時候是這樣,但是並不太多。那也是為什麼我真得希望我今天可以表現得 更好。因為我認為如果比賽比較接近的話,球迷們可能會幫到我。 But I never managed to be close enough to Rafa in the match to give the fans an opportunity to join in, so it's my mistake. 但比賽中我無法打得跟Rafa更靠近一點,所以讓球迷不能投入其中,所以這是我的錯。 Q. When did you become aware, when did you realize, that you had to play an excellent Nadal? 你什麼時候發現你得要跟一個超級強的Nadal比賽?? ROGER FEDERER: I think he started off very well. I don't think I served bad today. My serve was okay. But he made huge progress returning my serve, and I had many difficulties taking the lead with my serve, even more than usual. 我想他有個很好的開局。我不認為我今天發球不好。我發得還可以,但是他在接發上有 很大的進步。而我要在發球局中領先很困難,比平常困難。 I think this is what cost me the match, because when I can win my serve, then I always have an opportunity on his serve. But when he keeps on breaking you like this, it's very difficult when I was two sets down, 4-Love. I mean, I realized there was nothing I could do. 我想這使我輸掉這場比賽,因為當我能贏下發球局,我就能在他的發球局中獲得機會, 但當他持續像這樣破發,事情變得艱難,當我失掉兩盤,在第3盤4比0的時候,我發現 我無計可施。 Q. Is it more difficult to lose on such a score, or do you just accept you have a guy who can do just anything on the court? 以這樣的比分輸掉是否更為艱難??又或者你只是接受有個人能在這這球場上無所不能?? ROGER FEDERER: Well, right now I'd say it's easier to lose this way as today, because all along the match you realize that there is nothing you can do. You're not going to win. 我得說以這樣的方式輸球會輕鬆一點,因為整場比賽你都知道你無計可施,你不會贏。 I think it was the same thing for him, and this is probably why his reaction was not as intense as it usually is. That's because of the result. It's always more difficult when you lose when you really could have won. Today I lost, and I lost, clearly. 我想對他而言也是如此。這大概也是為什麼他的反應沒有平常激烈。是因為這結果, 當你覺得你會贏得時候輸球總是比較困難,今天我輸了,輸得乾乾淨淨。 Q. He is always much better than you on clay. Is he getting closer to you on grass? 他在紅土上總是打得比你好,他在草地上是否也越來越接近你呢?? ROGER FEDERER: Well, we just played each other once on grass in Wimbledon. We played each other quite a few times on clay. I don't think we've had many matches on hard surfaces this year, but he is improving as a player. 我們才剛在溫布頓的草地上打過,我們在紅土上打過好幾次。今年我們還沒有在硬地上打 過。但作為球員他一直在進步。 I improved, as well, this year. But I think I had to work harder to come back to my usual level after I had this disease. It was a bit difficult for me at the beginning of this year. This is probably why I lacked practice. It's a lot like for him two, three years ago when he had been injured, and you know, I was coming back. 我今年也進步了。但在生病之後,我想我要更努力才能回到平常的水準。今年的開始對 我來說有點不容易,也大慨是我缺乏練習的原因。這很像他兩三年前受傷的時候。我正 在回復。 So you need to put more effort to reach this level, and this is what I had to do. So it's a great satisfaction for me too, that I reached a final. 所以你所需要的就是更努力去達到這個水準,這就是我得做的,對我而言進到決賽是個 大滿足。 Of course, defeat is difficult today. I also feel how much Rafa has progressed on clay, but we'll see in the future if he is stronger on grass or on hard surfaces. 當然今天輸球很艱難。我也感覺到Rafa在紅土上的進步有多少。但是未來我們會看到他在 草地或硬地上是否變得更為強大。 Q. Is it possible for anybody to defeat Nadal in Roland Garros? We have a feeling that this is getting tougher and tougher for everybody. 在Rolang Garros打敗Rafa有可能嗎??感覺上到對所有人而言這都愈見困難。 ROGER FEDERER: Of course it's tough. But you want to believe it, and this is what I tried to do. This is what I tried to do. But, I mean, the way he played today made it very difficult. 當然難啦!!但你會想要相信你可以。而這正是我嘗試要做到的。但是他今天的打法讓這 變得非常困難。 He has wonderful, awesome sensations here in Roland Garros. He has never been defeated. The only time he wasn't there was because he was injured, so, yeah. Many players should think about defeating Rafa, because I don't think many of them do that, do think about defeating Nadal. 他在法網有很好的感受。他從未在這裡被打敗。唯一一次沒在這是因為他受傷了。我想 許多球員應該想想打敗Rafa,因為他們大多都沒想過這件事情。 Q. Imagine it's 2009 and this little fairy comes to you and says, You're going to win one tournament, but you have to choose: Wimbledon or Roland Garros. Which one? 假使現在是2009年,有個小精靈對你說,你將可以贏得一個巡迴賽,但你只能選溫布頓 或法網,你選哪一個。 ROGER FEDERER: I don't want to answer these stupid questions anymore. They're too stupid. 我不想再回答這些傻問題,太傻了。 Q. But why? 為什麼?? ROGER FEDERER: Because I want to win at everything. I have no preference. 因為我什麼都想贏,沒有特別喜好。 Q. You talked about your disease and the problems you had at the beginning of this season, and all the hard work you had to put in to come back to your best level. Many times during this tournament you said that you felt you were at 100% of your physical abilities. Now tell us the truth. Weren't you lying a bit to us about that? And do you genuinely feel at the top level, the level you were at before your disease? 你剛剛談到你今年年初的生病和遭遇到的問題,以及所有你為了回到最佳狀態所需付出 的努力。在法網期間你說過好多次你的體能狀態是百分之百。現在老實說,你是不是有 點小說謊,你真得覺得你在最佳狀態??生病前的狀態?? ROGER FEDERER: Honestly, yes. I felt good today from a physical standpoint, but things turned out a bit more difficult for me than usual. He no longer plays short balls as he did in the past. You can no longer attack him on his forehand, as I could in the past. He is getting much more aggressive, and it's becoming much more difficult. 老實說我是在最佳狀態。從體能上來說我今天感覺很好,但事情對我而言變得比平常困 難,他再也不像以前一樣打出短球,你再也不能像以前一樣攻擊他的正拍,他變得更積 極主動,比賽變得更為困難。 I tried to fight him physically speaking and points were not difficult for me, but he was just much stronger than me today. I didn't want to give him any free points, but it's got nothing to do with mental state or physical state. He was just stronger today. 身體上我試著與他戰鬥,對我而言體能不太困難。但只是他今天比我強大,我不想簡單 把分數讓給他,但這與身體或心理狀態無關,今天他就是比較強大。 Q. You're still No. 1. That's good. 你還是世界第1,那很好。 ROGER FEDERER: Thank you. I'm happy you say so. 謝謝,很高興你這樣說。 Q. But do you feel competition from younger players? 但你有感受到年輕球員的競爭力嗎?? ROGER FEDERER: Yes and no. I played young players and all the players-- I mean, players older than me, but they were stronger, like Hewitt and such when I came on the tour. I had to play Agassi, Roddick, Ferrero, and then there was Rafa. Now there's Djokovic coming up. He was playing semifinals in Grand Slam tournaments this year, so yes and no. 是也不是。我跟年輕球員跟所有球員打過--我是說,比我年紀大的球員,他們比較堅強, 像是Hewitt,還有當我進入職業時,我得跟Agassi Roddick Ferrero 然後是Rafa打比賽 現在是Djokovic的來臨。他今年在大滿貫至少打到準決賽,所以,是也不是。 So it's motivating to see all these young players coming up. It's a challenge, but I'm quite confident the second half of the season is going to be better than the first, and this is why I want to focus on grass now. 所以看到年輕球員的崛起會激起鬥志。這是挑戰,但我自信球季的下半段會好過上半段, 這也是為什麼我現在想要專注在草場上。 We'll see later what happens for the ranking. It's true that Rafa has played very well so far, but the clay season is over, so let's see what happens. 接下來我們會看到排名會有什麼變化,Rafa到目前為止真是打得非常好,但是紅土賽季 結束了,所以來看看接下來會發生什麼事情吧!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/09 21:22, , 1F
真的好長... 感謝megar大翻譯 記者愚蠢問題一直層出不窮XD
06/09 21:22, 1F

06/09 21:23, , 2F
他自己都對自己那麼有信心了 球迷應該要更有信心:)
06/09 21:23, 2F

06/09 21:29, , 3F
06/09 21:29, 3F

06/09 21:32, , 4F
06/09 21:32, 4F

06/09 21:33, , 5F
06/09 21:33, 5F

06/09 21:36, , 6F
you know, you know, you know... 感謝翻譯
06/09 21:36, 6F

06/09 21:38, , 7F
06/09 21:38, 7F

06/09 21:39, , 8F
在溫布頓不是打過兩次了= =?
06/09 21:39, 8F

06/09 21:41, , 9F
我誤翻 ><"
06/09 21:41, 9F

06/09 21:47, , 10F
06/09 21:47, 10F

06/09 21:53, , 11F
06/09 21:53, 11F

06/09 22:20, , 12F
Rogi加油!! GOGOGO!!
06/09 22:20, 12F

06/09 22:32, , 13F
為啥我看you know那幾個字比較亮
06/09 22:32, 13F

06/09 22:33, , 14F
故意上亮色的啊 我想知道他有多常講 you know~~
06/09 22:33, 14F

06/09 22:34, , 15F
有lose XD
06/09 22:34, 15F

06/09 22:35, , 16F
06/09 22:35, 16F

06/09 22:44, , 17F
06/09 22:44, 17F

06/09 22:50, , 18F
謝謝翻譯~~又再一次的感覺到Rogi 的貼心>///<
06/09 22:50, 18F

06/09 22:53, , 19F
記者真的是很多蠢問題阿....= =" 看到都有點火了
06/09 22:53, 19F

06/09 23:04, , 20F
06/09 23:04, 20F

06/09 23:06, , 21F
i'll try next year rogi加油
06/09 23:06, 21F

06/09 23:07, , 22F
感謝原PO 現在,還不到灰心的時刻阿 Rogi加油!!
06/09 23:07, 22F

06/09 23:15, , 23F
you know魂!!
06/09 23:15, 23F

06/09 23:15, , 24F
you know魂? XD
06/09 23:15, 24F

06/09 23:15, , 25F
原PO辛苦了!! Rogi真的好貼心好棒!!加油!!
06/09 23:15, 25F

06/09 23:37, , 26F
Rogi是有風度的好人啊!要是我的話當場翻臉走人 XD
06/09 23:37, 26F

06/09 23:37, , 27F
記者的蠢問題真的很多 = =
06/09 23:37, 27F

06/09 23:44, , 28F
就是說~這個蠢問題都問過幾次了= = 加個小精靈是有比較
06/09 23:44, 28F

06/09 23:45, , 29F
06/09 23:45, 29F

06/09 23:56, , 30F
06/09 23:56, 30F

06/10 00:01, , 31F
06/10 00:01, 31F

06/10 00:21, , 32F
Rogi 加油! 一定要保持你正面積極的一面!
06/10 00:21, 32F

06/10 00:43, , 33F
it's time for 6連霸
06/10 00:43, 33F

06/10 01:43, , 34F
大家心裡都是問號 但是Federer的回答總是這麼輕易帶過 :/
06/10 01:43, 34F

06/10 02:11, , 35F
megar大辛苦了! 仍然期待Roger回復優雅的反拍!
06/10 02:11, 35F

06/10 11:15, , 36F
在訪問中Rogi是說Rafa正反手都是open stand,所以再跑動的
06/10 11:15, 36F

06/10 11:17, , 37F
06/10 11:17, 37F

06/10 11:18, , 38F
我怕我看錯,Rafa平常是右撇子嗎? 我剛剛看訪問看到的,這樣
06/10 11:18, 38F

06/10 11:19, , 39F
簡直是作弊啊!! 那隻手壯成那樣還不是慣用手.....
06/10 11:19, 39F

06/10 11:21, , 40F
06/10 11:21, 40F

06/10 11:25, , 41F
06/10 11:25, 41F

06/10 12:32, , 42F
積極 坦然~~好棒的詞!
06/10 12:32, 42F

06/10 15:42, , 43F
06/10 15:42, 43F

06/10 15:43, , 44F
可以問一下 open stand的中文說法是什麼嗎??有專用語嗎??
06/10 15:43, 44F

06/10 16:01, , 45F
應該是指擊球前腳的站法是開放式 和封閉式對應
06/10 16:01, 45F

06/10 18:13, , 46F
06/10 18:13, 46F

06/10 19:10, , 47F
"正反拍站位都是開放式" 這樣應該就可以了吧 我覺得啦
06/10 19:10, 47F

06/10 19:12, , 48F
但看原文不是很確定"both sides"指的是正反拍
06/10 19:12, 48F
※ 編輯: megar 來自: (06/10 19:37)

06/10 20:06, , 49F
06/10 20:06, 49F

06/11 00:49, , 50F
原po大大辛苦嚕^^ Federer加油!!!!!!
06/11 00:49, 50F

06/11 19:37, , 51F
06/11 19:37, 51F

06/11 19:38, , 52F
06/11 19:38, 52F

06/11 20:20, , 53F
06/11 20:20, 53F
文章代碼(AID): #18JIrwsM (Federer)
文章代碼(AID): #18JIrwsM (Federer)