Re: [問題] TD 的101支免費ETF

看板Foreign_Inv作者 (鄉民)時間11年前 (2013/07/21 21:50), 編輯推噓1(105)
留言6則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/8 (看更多)
剛剛自己問了客服, 不到一小時就回信了 If you enroll in the commission free ETF program, it requires you to hold the ETFs for 30 days after purchase. For the purpose of this program, the trades are viewed as Last IN First Out (LIFO). If you sell a participating ETF within 30 days of a buy, you are charged the short term trading fee of $19.99. You are charged this for each buy in that 30 day period before the sell. If there is anything else I can do for you, please reply to this e-mail. Your business is appreciated and I want to make sure I address all of your questions and concerns. Sincerely, Rachael Peacock Apex Client Services, TD Ameritrade Division of TD Ameritrade, Inc. 看來是要多繳19.99的短線交易費沒錯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/22 11:31, , 1F
07/22 11:31, 1F

07/22 11:31, , 2F
07/22 11:31, 2F

07/22 11:32, , 3F
07/22 11:32, 3F

07/22 11:56, , 4F
07/22 11:56, 4F

07/22 18:59, , 5F
07/22 18:59, 5F

07/22 22:41, , 6F
07/22 22:41, 6F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Hw-SWWM (Foreign_Inv)