Re: [情報] Ultima系列裡的名曲: Stones相關下載...

看板GAMEMUSIC作者 (不來的 彼特 ㊣)時間22年前 (2003/01/07 00:09), 編輯推噓0(000)
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STONES Music by: Iolo FitzOwen 現實生活中的真 Iolo 名叫 David Watson Lyrics by: Gwenllian Gwalch'gaeaf 真 Gwenno 叫 Kathleen Jones 歌詞如下: Long ago ran the sun on a folk who had a dream And the heart and the will and the power: They moved the earth; they carved the stone; moulded hill and channeled stream That we might stand on the wide plains of Wiltshire Now men asked who they were, how they built and wonder why That they wrought standing stones of such size What was done 'neath our shade? What was pray'ed 'neath our skies As we stood on the wyrd plains of Wiltshire Oh what secrets we could tell if you'd listen and be still Rid the stink and the noise from our skirts But you haven't got the clue and perhaps you never will Mute we stand on the cold plains of Wiltshire Still we loom in the mists as the ages roll away And we say of our folk, "they are here!" That they built us and they died and you'll not be knowing why Save we stand on the bare plains of Wiltshire -- ╭──╮╭──╮╭╮ ┌──╮ ┌╮ ┌─╮╮ ┌╮ │ ││ │││ │ │ ││ │ │ ││ │││││┌┐││╰─╮│ │ ││ │ │ ││ └┴┴┘└┘└┘╰──╯└──╯ └╯ └╰─╯ └╯ ともかく最強のディフェンダー パォロ マルディーニ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: PaoloMaldini 來自: (01/07 00:09)
文章代碼(AID): #-6QfHXm (GAMEMUSIC)
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文章代碼(AID): #-6QfHXm (GAMEMUSIC)