Re: 表演研究第二次讀書會內容認領

看板GIDT作者 (用力揮別才能牢記)時間16年前 (2008/10/26 23:19), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《aleswang (另一個開始)》之銘言: : 有要來的人請至少認領兩到三個小節 : 麻煩用repost在標題後面標名字 : 謝謝 : 第二章 What is Performance: : What is to perform : Performances : Bill Parcells wants you to perform : Eight kinds of performances : Restoration of behavior : Caution!Beware of generalizations : "Is" and "as" performance : Maps "as" performace : Make belief and make-believe : Blurry boundaries : The functions of performance : 第三章 Ritual : Ritual, play, and performace : Varieties of ritual : Secred and secular Structures, funstions, processes, and experiences How ancient are rituals? 宗富 Eleven themes relating ritual to performace studies Rituals as action, as performace : Human and animal rituals : Rituals as liminal performaces : Communitas and anti-structure : Ritual time/space : Transportations and transformactions : Asemo's initiation : Social drama : The pig-kill dancing at Kurumugi : The efficacy-entertainment dyad : Origins of performace: If not ritual, then what? : Changing rituals or inventing new ones : Using rituals in theatre, dance, and music -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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