Re: [問題] pp1-ps-62&175

看板GMAT作者 (忘記過去)時間13年前 (2011/04/17 15:14), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《wonderfulhwh (leeward)》之銘言: : 62. : Alice's take-home pay last year was the same each month, and she saved the : same fraction of her take-home pay each m : onth. The total amount of money : that she had saved at the end of the year was 3 times the amount of that : portion of her monthly take-home pay that she did not save. If all the money : that she saved last year was from her take-home pay, what fraction of her : take-home pay did she save each month? : 請問答案為什麼是(D) 1/5 ? 題目有點不好懂 但還是看懂了 The total amount of money that she had saved at the end of the year 是指他整年所存的錢 monthly take-home pay that she did not save 是指一個月當中他所沒存錢的部分 這題難就難在大家沒看出這是"整年"和"一個月"比較 所以存了 x, 沒存 1-x (fraction) 12x = 3(1-x) x = 1/5 : 175. : Before being simplified, the instructions for computing income tax in Country : R were to add 2 percent of one's annual income to the average (arithmetic : mean) of 100 units of Country R's currency and 1 percent of one's annual : income. Which of the following represents the simplified formula for : computing the income tax, in Country R's currency, for a person in that : country whose annual income is I ? : 答案:(C) 50+I/40 看不太懂題意..... : 這兩題 麻煩好心人士幫忙 謝謝~ add 2 percent of annual income to the average of xxxx = 2 percent of annual income + average of xxxx xxxx = (100 , 1% I) 所以 total income tax = 2%I + average (100, 1%I) = 2%I + (100 + 1%I)/2 = 50 + I/40 -- GMAT、各金融證照 資訊交流 - 勇闖夢想的新鮮人 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: dounts 來自: (04/17 15:15)

04/17 17:02, , 1F
原來如此! 感謝:)
04/17 17:02, 1F
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