Re: [SC. ] PP2#72

看板GMAT作者 (A兔GMAT)時間11年前 (2013/07/20 12:00), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《happysister (...)》之銘言: : Several educational research groups are denouncing the mayor's proposal of : a system by which individual teachers would be given raises or bonuses "should : it be that test scores show their students' mastery of reading skills having" : improved over a nine-month period. : A)should it be that test scores show their students' mastery of reading : skills having : B)should it be that test scores show their students' mastery of reading : skills have : C)should test scores showing their students' mastery of reading skills has : D)if test scores showing their students' mastery of reading skills having : E)if test scores show that their students' mastery of reading skills has : 正確答案 E : 想請教E選項:這裡的if是假設語氣嗎?如果是,show不是應該也要用過去式時態嗎?? : 感恩~~ 這裡是假設語氣, 在假設語氣中, 可以區分這件事是否會成為“事實”, 或是“與事實相反”及“不可能成為事實”, 這裡teachers 加薪或得到bonus是可以成為 事實的, 所以不選A/B/C, 至於if條件句的時態並沒有強烈要求, 因為從句意來看這裡 並非在陳述過去事實條件, 而是在預測未來, 只是這裡用would表達“推測推論“的句意 -- A2GMAT七週精品培訓班 五年來超過350位A2學員取得700+高分, 申請上名校商學院! A2鑽研破解GMAT出題模式,研發實戰解題觀念及快速作答技巧,請詳以下連結: 讓A2GMAT用最快速度助您考取高分! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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