Re: [語文] Text Completion 翻譯

看板GRE作者 (XINATION)時間13年前 (2011/11/09 05:43), 編輯推噓3(304)
留言7則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《sinequanon (暗戀水精靈)》之銘言: : 好難喔。有沒有在補習的大大,拿去問美加徐老師,來欣謝老師,或字神的麟老師呢? : ※ 引述《jason320 (derAffe)》之銘言: : : majortests.com裡面的題目 一字不漏地貼上來的 下面是答案 : : While unwilling to forgo the benefits of standardized testing, many European : : countries are seeking to (i)____ individual (ii)____ which state examinations : : with their (iii)____ growth have bought in their train. : : (i) diminish the check on : : (ii) spontaneity : : (iii) tyrannous growth : : 每個字都查過字典了 可是還是看不懂... : : 想問這段話大致上是甚麼意思呢? 謝謝^^ check = sudden stop train = long tail of dress or wake I think the final part should be: have "been" brought in their train. Let me use a simpler way to express this sentence: While many European countries are unwilling to give up the benefits of standardized testing(like GRE or TOEFL…), they are seeking the way to lower the stop or obstruct of individual spontaneous growth which points out the unjustly severe growth of examinations follows students tightly just like the water wake when a boat pass by. End. ~~Thanks~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/09 07:25, , 1F
有些誤解,原文have brought是對的
11/09 07:25, 1F

11/09 07:29, , 2F
11/09 07:29, 2F

11/09 07:30, , 3F
1)試圖減低對individual spontaneity的壓抑
11/09 07:30, 3F

11/09 07:31, , 4F
11/09 07:31, 4F

11/09 07:33, , 5F
11/09 07:33, 5F

11/10 01:27, , 6F
11/10 01:27, 6F

11/26 10:59, , 7F
終於看懂了 (雖然已經考完GRE了 )
11/26 10:59, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1EkQAKkk (GRE)
文章代碼(AID): #1EkQAKkk (GRE)