[新聞] 審計發現美軍偽造了數萬億美元的賬務消失

看板Gossiping作者時間7年前 (2016/08/20 18:18), 編輯推噓50(691937)
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1.媒體來源: 路透社 2.完整新聞標題: 審計發現美軍偽造了數萬億美元的賬目 3.完整新聞內文: The United States Army’s finances are so jumbled it had to make trillions o f dollars of improper accounting adjustments to create an illusion that its books are balanced. 審計發現美軍的賬目非常混亂。為了符合開支賬目甚至不惜修改了賬目表,總數高達數 萬億。 The Defense Department’s Inspector General, in a June report, said the Army made $2.8 trillion in wrongful adjustments to accounting entries in one qua rter alone in 2015, and $6.5 trillion for the year. Yet the Army lacked rece ipts and invoices to support those numbers or simply made them up. 國防部檢察長在一份6月的報告中指出,2015年一個季度內美軍就對賬目進行了多達2.8 萬億的修改,全年高達6.5萬億。而且這些修改完全沒有收據和發票登記,直接修改了財 務報表。 As a result, the Army’s financial statements for 2015 were “materially mis stated,” the report concluded. The “forced” adjustments rendered the stat ements useless because “DoD and Army managers could not rely on the data in their accounting systems when making management and resource decisions.” 因此,該報告指出,美軍在2015年的財務決算報告是有“重大錯誤稱述”的。這些人為 修改表明財務決算報告完全是廢紙,因為國防部不能基于該報告在人事和財務方面做出 正確的決定。 Disclosure of the Army’s manipulation of numbers is the latest example of t he severe accounting problems plaguing the Defense Department for decades. 美軍造假賬事件只是國防部數十年來幾個重大審計問題之一而已。 The report affirms a 2013 Reuters series revealing how the Defense Departmen t falsified accounting on a large scale as it scrambled to close its books. As a result, there has been no way to know how the Defense Department – far and away the biggest chunk of Congress’ annual budget – spends the public ’s money. 該報告同時也表明,2013年路透社關于美軍大規模偽造賬目的系列報道是真實可信的。 而且,正因為許多賬目是偽造的,現在已經無從知曉國防部是如何花掉每一筆納稅人的 錢的,而且這筆開支一直是國會預算中較大的一筆。 The new report focused on the Army’s General Fund, the bigger of its two ma in accounts, with assets of $282.6 billion in 2015. The Army lost or didn’t keep required data, and much of the data it had was inaccurate, the IG said . 新報告著重于總賬,美軍檢察長指出,美軍總賬目在2015年有2826億的賬目丟失、不完 整或者不準確。 “Where is the money going? Nobody knows,” said Franklin Spinney, a retired military analyst for the Pentagon and critic of Defense Department planning . “這些錢去哪了?現在沒人知道”,五角大樓一位退役的軍事情報員Franklin Spinney 如此批評。 The significance of the accounting problem goes beyond mere concern for bala ncing books, Spinney said. Both presidential candidates have called for incr easing defense spending amid current global tension. 審計問題目前看來急需解決,不僅是賬目需要核對,而且現在兩位總統候選人都打算增 加軍費。 The Army account’s errors will likely carry consequences for the entire Def ense Department. 軍隊賬目的錯誤會給國防部帶來一系列影響。 Congress set a September 30, 2017 deadline for the department to be prepared to undergo an audit. The Army accounting problems raise doubts about whethe r it can meet the deadline – a black mark for Defense, as every other feder al agency undergoes an audit annually. 2017年9月30日是國會給每個部門設定的審計準備期限。美軍賬目的問題顯然使它難以做 好準備。 For years, the Inspector General – the Defense Department’s official audit or – has inserted a disclaimer on all military annual reports. The accounti ng is so unreliable that “the basic financial statements may have undetecte d misstatements that are both material and pervasive.” 多年來,美軍檢察長在年度報告中一直加入了免責聲明,表示財務決算報告或許有未發 現的錯誤,這些錯誤是嚴重的而且普遍的。 In an e-mailed statement, a spokesman said the Army “remains committed to a sserting audit readiness” by the deadline and is taking steps to root out t he problems. 在一份電子郵件的聲明中,國防部發言人表示美軍仍會按時完成審計準備,并開始著手 解決問題。 The spokesman downplayed the significance of the improper changes, which he said net out to $62.4 billion. “Though there is a high number of adjustment s, we believe the financial statement information is more accurate than impl ied in this report,” he said. 該發言人縮小了賬目偽造的規模,表示只有624億,還表示,財務決算報告絕對沒有審計 報告中說的那么不準確。 Jack Armstrong, a former Defense Inspector General official in charge of aud iting the Army General Fund, said the same type of unjustified changes to Ar my financial statements already were being made when he retired in 2010. 前國防部檢查官Jack Armstrong表示,在他退役的2010年的時候,決算報告就已經有問 題了。 The Army issues two types of reports – a budget report and a financial one. The budget one was completed first. Armstrong said he believes fudged numbe rs were inserted into the financial report to make the numbers match. 美軍完全是在根據預算報告來制作決算報告。 “They don’t know what the heck the balances should be,” Armstrong said. 他們也不知道賬目是如何的。 Some employees of the Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS), which handles a wide range of Defense Department accounting services, referred sar donically to preparation of the Army’s year-end statements as “the grand p lug,” Armstrong said. “Plug” is accounting jargon for inserting made-up n umbers. 一些國防部財務和會計局的雇員的工作就是向決算報告中插入偽造的數字。 At first glance adjustments totaling trillions may seem impossible. The amou nts dwarf the Defense Department’s entire budget. Making changes to one acc ount also require making changes to multiple levels of sub-accounts, however . That created a domino effect where, essentially, falsifications kept falli ng down the line. In many instances this daisy-chain was repeated multiple t imes for the same accounting item. 雖然一眼看去,修改數萬億的決算報表是不可能的,因為這超過了國防部的預算。這是 因為修改報表中一個數字需要修改一系列報表,使整個賬目吻合。因此同一份偽造數據 在不同賬目里被修改了多次。 The IG report also blamed DFAS, saying it too made unjustified changes to nu mbers. For example, two DFAS computer systems showed different values of sup plies for missiles and ammunition, the report noted – but rather than solvi ng the disparity, DFAS personnel inserted a false “correction” to make the numbers match. 檢察長的報告也指責了國防部財務和會計局,認為他們做了不正當的修改。比如會計局 的兩個系統中,同一份彈藥的支出不一樣,他們不去解決二者的不同,反而插入了一條 新的支出來使總支出相等。 DFAS also could not make accurate year-end Army financial statements because more than 16,000 financial data files had vanished from its computer system . Faulty computer programming and employees’ inability to detect the flaw w ere at fault, the IG said. 會計局現在也沒法給出準確的年度軍隊決算報告,因為超過16000份財務文件消失了。也 沒法查證是軟件錯誤還是雇員的問題。 DFAS is studying the report “and has no comment at this time,” a spokesman said. 一位國防部發言人表示,會計局目前在仔細研究審計報告,目前還沒有進一步可透露的 消息。 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-audit-army-idUSKCN10U1IG 5.備註: 民主國家最清白了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1471688290.A.19F.html

08/20 18:18, , 1F
08/20 18:18, 1F

08/20 18:18, , 2F
學支那 真沒品
08/20 18:18, 2F

08/20 18:18, , 3F
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08/20 18:19, , 4F
國軍不意外 咦?
08/20 18:19, 4F

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08/20 18:19, , 7F
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08/20 18:19, , 8F
民主國家還查的到 專制囯家誰查了就準備被自殺
08/20 18:19, 8F

08/20 18:19, , 9F
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08/20 18:19, , 10F
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08/20 18:19, , 11F
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08/20 18:19, , 12F
hail Hydra
08/20 18:19, 12F

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08/20 18:20, , 14F
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08/20 18:20, , 15F
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08/20 18:20, , 16F
真有錢… 有錢就是任性
08/20 18:20, 16F

08/20 18:20, , 17F
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08/20 18:20, , 18F
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08/20 18:20, , 19F
帝國軍你敢嘴 養外星人怎麼報帳啦
08/20 18:20, 19F

08/20 18:20, , 20F
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08/20 18:22, , 27F
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08/20 18:23, , 28F
那他們中國的帳目在哪 ?
08/20 18:23, 28F

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08/20 18:25, , 31F
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08/20 18:26, , 32F
審計部北七嗎 你以為過去幾年都沒發生外星人入侵嗎
08/20 18:26, 32F

08/20 18:27, , 33F
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08/20 18:30, , 39F
08/20 18:30, 39F
還有 47 則推文
08/20 19:52, , 87F
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08/20 20:15, , 89F
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08/20 20:31, , 90F
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08/20 20:36, , 91F
萬億是三小 有兆不會用嗎
08/20 20:36, 91F

08/20 20:39, , 92F
國軍怎麼不學學美國... 這是美國?
08/20 20:39, 92F

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08/20 21:18, , 95F
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08/20 21:35, , 96F
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08/20 21:36, , 97F
萬億你妹 有兆這單位不用?
08/20 21:36, 97F

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08/20 22:28, , 104F
隱藏的財務都用在秘密武器和黑科技研發 不能做明帳目啊
08/20 22:28, 104F

08/20 22:36, , 105F
被神盾局(九頭蛇)A走啦 不然哪來的錢做戰艦
08/20 22:36, 105F

08/20 22:49, , 106F
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08/20 22:54, , 107F
林萬億: 誰找我?
08/20 22:54, 107F

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08/20 23:03, , 109F
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08/20 23:21, , 110F
26人啊 當然不知道有兆
08/20 23:21, 110F

08/21 00:02, , 111F
都是bin laden的錯,飛機把帳都撞爛惹 到現在還調不回
08/21 00:02, 111F

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08/21 00:39, , 113F
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08/21 00:42, , 114F
舔美屌:美帝最棒了 世界警察 民主表率
08/21 00:42, 114F

08/21 01:07, , 115F
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08/21 03:30, , 121F
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08/21 04:14, , 122F
15年美國國防預算才6100億, 陸軍假帳卻有6.7兆是怎樣(笑)
08/21 04:14, 122F

08/21 04:18, , 123F
阿打錯, 是6.5兆. 順帶一提, 15年美國國家預算才3兆多唷
08/21 04:18, 123F

08/21 10:22, , 124F
ID4就說過啦 那是51區的預算
08/21 10:22, 124F

08/21 13:48, , 125F
研究外星人總要錢吧 又不能光明正大列入預算
08/21 13:48, 125F
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