[新聞] 川普:檢測武漢肺炎很愚蠢

看板Gossiping作者 (Hustler)時間3年前 (2020/10/25 09:59), 3年前編輯推噓96(1091381)
留言203則, 155人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
1.媒體來源: Independent 2.記者署名: Danielle Zoellner 3.完整新聞標題: 川普:檢測武漢肺炎很愚蠢 Trump says 'in many ways it's foolish' to test for Covid after US suffers record number of new cases 4.完整新聞內文: Donald Trump has again made the claim that the only reason why coronavirus cases are up across the United States was because of the increased testing initiative. 川普又一次宣稱, 確診病例之所以會再度飆高,只是因為檢測數量變多。 It was reported on Friday that the US recorded its largest single-day jump in cases since the start of the coronavirus pandemic – with 83,000 new Covid-19 cases. 美國日前以83000確診病例再創單日新高紀錄。 Mr Trump addressed the rise in cases during a campaign rally in Lumberton, North Carolina, on Saturday by blaming testing. 川普把確診病例飆高一事怪罪到檢測上。 “You know why we have cases? It’s because we test so much,” the president told his rally crowd. “In a lot of ways it’s good, and in a lot of ways it’ s foolish.” 川普: 「你們知道我們為什麼有這些確診病例嗎? 這是因為我們檢測太多了。 就許多方面來說,這樣很好; 而就許多方面來說,這樣很愚蠢。」 The president went on to state that the Covid-19 mortality rate was down “ because of the therapeutics”, which was correct, but that other countries didn’t have as many cases because they didn’t test as much, which was incorrect. 川普表示,武漢肺炎死亡率下降是因為治療奏效了,這點沒錯; 但他說其他國家的確診病例之所以比較少, 是因為他們檢測數量沒有那麼多,這倒是說錯了。 “If we tested half, cases would be half," Mr Trump said. 川普: 「如果我們只檢測一半, 確診數量就會變一半。」 Testing the public for coronavirus not only informs health officials how widespread the novel virus is within a community, but it also helps them trace who else might have it and stop it from further spreading. 大眾檢測可以幫助公衛官員了解社區感染狀況,並加以追蹤截斷。 Turning a blind eye and testing half as much, as the president suggested, would cut down the number of reported cases but would not stop the virus from spreading to others. Instead, decreasing testing would likely further increase the number of infections. 若依照川普建議, 睜一隻眼閉一隻眼,只檢測一半數量的話, 的確可以將確診病例減半, 但這樣無法阻止病毒擴散, 反倒會增加感染人數。 During the rally Mr Trump added: "That's all I hear about now. Turn on television, ‘Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid’. 川普: 「我現在打開電視只會聽到武漢肺炎。」 "A plane goes down, 500 people dead, they don't talk about it. 'Covid Covid Covid Covid.' By the way, on November 4th, you won't hear about it anymore. 'Covid! Covid! Please don't go and vote, Covid!'" 「飛機墜落,死五百人,沒有人會提。 只會一直講武漢肺炎。 等到11/4,你就不會再聽到這個詞了。 『武漢肺炎!武漢肺炎!別去投票!武漢肺炎!』」 The president focused on cases as the leading data point causing concern across the country. But hospitalisations are also on the rise. 川普只把確診數當作為頭號數據, 而這讓全美都憂慮不已, 但住院人數也在增加。 In Wisconsin, 90 per cent of hospital ICU beds are full, Governor Tony Evers said on Friday. The state opened a makeshift field hospital and accepted its first patient on Wednesday to manage the surge. 威斯康辛州有九成加護病床都滿了, 當地於是加開野戰醫院來應急。 In the month of October, 37 states have reported an increase to their hospitalisation rate – including the rate doubling in states like Connecticut, Montana, New Mexico and Wyoming. 在十月,就有三十七州的住院率都呈現增加的狀況, 而在康乃狄克、蒙大拿、新墨西哥和懷俄明, 住院率都加倍成長。 North Carolina was one of the states reporting an increase in both cases and hospitalisations. Additionally, the state reported its highest number of new cases in a single day this week. 北卡羅來納的確診數和住院率都在增加, 單日確診數也在本週再創新高。 Although the coronavirus mortality rate has been down in recent months, it was currently on the incline following the increase in cases and hospitalisations. 儘管近幾個月來的死亡率開始下降, 但隨著確診數和住院率再度上升, 死亡率又逐漸成長了。 On Wednesday, the US posted more than 1,100 new deaths, the highest death toll in a single day in more than a month. 美國週三有逾1100人死亡, 這是近一個多月來最高的單日死亡人數。 The full impact of the current rise in coronavirus cases on the mortality rate won’t be known for another three to four weeks, as the death toll remains a lagging indicator behind the case count and hospitalisation count. 要再過三、四週, 我們才能知道這一波確診數上升對死亡率的影響。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://bit.ly/35v48jt 6.備註: 飛機墜落死500人 vs 武漢肺炎死23萬人 Docchi? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1603591149.A.FFF.html

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10/25 10:00, 3年前 , 3F
兒子做愛比較可惡吧 竟然可以做愛
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10/25 10:03, 3年前 , 14F
歐美地區能壓低死亡/重症率 醫療系統不崩潰就算守住了
10/25 10:03, 14F

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10/25 10:04, 3年前 , 19F
你才愚蠢 你全家愚蠢
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10/25 10:06, 3年前 , 22F
Taiwan Can Help
10/25 10:06, 22F
※ 編輯: EvilisGood ( 臺灣), 10/25/2020 10:07:42

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10/25 10:09, 3年前 , 27F
= =他的邏輯也沒錯 只是很瞎
10/25 10:09, 27F

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10/25 10:09, 3年前 , 29F
原來是普篩仔 進攻進攻
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10/25 10:11, 3年前 , 37F
美國是有在普篩嗎 會去篩的不都是懷疑自己中的
10/25 10:11, 37F

10/25 10:12, 3年前 , 38F
不驗不就跟中國蓋牌也沒兩樣啊 都說沒確診 結果根本沒驗
10/25 10:12, 38F
還有 125 則推文
10/25 12:52, 3年前 , 164F
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10/25 12:52, 3年前 , 165F
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10/25 12:54, 3年前 , 166F
害死美國人 世界各國人的是中共病毒 支納粹五毛在怪川普
10/25 12:54, 166F

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10/25 12:58, 3年前 , 169F
不敢怪中共 是有多無恥
10/25 12:58, 169F

10/25 13:02, 3年前 , 170F
美國共產黨 敗登 嚇頸粒 對中共的罪行全部吭都不敢吭一聲
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10/25 13:15, 3年前 , 173F
一個蠢蛋和一個賣國賊 要來競選美國總統
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10/25 13:31, 3年前 , 174F
看家教就知道要支持川普了 川普的小孩後輩個個有氣質教養
10/25 13:31, 174F

10/25 13:31, 3年前 , 175F
反觀敗登 上演美國版熔爐加強版 真的噁心到了一個極點
10/25 13:31, 175F

10/25 13:33, 3年前 , 176F
還拿錢當莎庫拉、牽狗仔 根本是賣國賊 噁心到了一個極致
10/25 13:33, 176F

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10/25 14:51, 3年前 , 184F
沒錯啊 這邏輯就是台灣防疫的邏輯啊 一天平均驗不到300個
10/25 14:51, 184F

10/25 14:52, 3年前 , 185F
這數字還包刮入境驗的 你覺的能驗出啥
10/25 14:52, 185F

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10/25 18:54, 3年前 , 192F
越親中共疫情越重防疫有良方 https://bit.ly/2SOGCHW
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10/26 00:07, 3年前 , 198F
笑啥 你不驗是知道控制啥 反正死的都當不明死跟浮師就好了
10/26 00:07, 198F

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10/26 12:48, 3年前 , 202F
川:小感冒 到底在擔心什麼?
10/26 12:48, 202F

10/26 13:36, 3年前 , 203F
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