Re: [閒聊] Farewell, Bayless

看板Grizzlies作者 (曲終人不散)時間10年前 (2014/01/10 00:46), 編輯推噓3(300)
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A Farewell and Thank You to Jerryd Bayless by Antonia Bufalino @ 3sob 我自認翻不出這篇的神韻(改天時間真的很多再試試), 還請各位移駕 3sob 看原文,應該不難。 節錄文末 TA 對 Bayless 的看法: “. . .when he[Bayless] was playing for Toronto last year, I kind of was at odds with him. . . I kind of shoved him over the pick n’ roll, and he gave me this look like, ‘Psh, you can’t stick me!’. . . I was kind of gettin’ in him, and I had fouled him. I had to come out, and he gave me that look like, ‘yeah, go sit down,’ or something. . . I got to the bench, and was like, “Yo, who the heck is this dude, Jerryd Bayless? Who the heck- don’t he know I’m the GrindFather! He better know!’ So, it was just crazy because when he got here, I fell in love with him. He’s not arrogant, he’s confident.’” – Tony Allen -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/10 02:29, , 1F
"when he got here, I fell in love with him. "
01/10 02:29, 1F

01/10 02:50, , 2F
01/10 02:50, 2F

01/10 11:40, , 3F
01/10 11:40, 3F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Ipj9WsX (Grizzlies)