Dodgers sweep, stay tied atop West

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Dodgers sweep, stay tied atop West Kuroda, Kuo team up for two-hitter on quiet night for Manny By Ken Gurnick / LOS ANGELES -- Except for dreading the occasional dreadlock question, Joe Torre appreciates everything that Manny Ramirez brings to the Dodgers. But even while Mannymania has the town in a frenzy, Torre cautions that winning or losing depends on pitching, and the Dodgers proved his point Thursday night when they completed an impressive four-game sweep of the Phillies with a 3-1 victory. It was the Dodgers' first four-game sweep in four years, the first at home in 13 years and the first over the Phillies in 46 years. 雖然城內陷入manny 熱,Torre 認為贏球或輸球取決投手,道奇在星期四之夜3比1勝利,以四場橫掃費城人隊證明了此點,13年來在主場,對費城人對已是46年 Coming off a pair of walk-off wins, they nailed down this one without a Ramirez home run or RBI or even a base hit. 從兩場再見勝,他們贏一場沒有manny全壘打或打點或推進壘包安打。 They did it with pitching, a combined two-hitter by Hiroki Kuroda and Hong-Chih Kuo, a huge triumph for the organization's Asian operations on a day when Kuroda's native Japan beat Kuo's native Taiwan in Olympic baseball. 他們靠投球,藉由黑田博樹和郭泓志壓制費城人隊只打出兩支安打,球團亞洲向巨大勝利,同一天在奧運黑田博樹母國日本隊擊敗郭泓志母國台灣隊… "We made a bet and he owes me dinner," said Kuroda. 黑田說:我們打賭-現在他欠我一頓晚餐 The two-inning save was the first for Kuo in the Major Leagues, another milestone in a star-crossed career that the organization doubted would ever get untracked after four elbow operations. 對郭泓志而兩局救援是在大聯盟頭一回-在四次手肘手術後-球團懷疑是否還能回到正軌另一個里程碑… "I guess it's about time, with all the rehab I've done," Kuo said. 郭泓志說:我想那需要時間和我做過所有復健 And it was a crucial performance by Kuroda. Reestablishing a nasty slider, he allowed only two hits while striking out seven without a walk in seven innings, providing needed rest for a pitching staff that lost two of its own -- Brad Penny and Cory Wade -- to the disabled list earlier in the day. 另一個勝利關鍵是黑田- 在七局內靠噁心的滑球,三振七人,沒有保送,只被擊出兩支安打,補足在損失penny和wade的投手陣 "I put a lot of burden on the bullpen this season, so I wanted to pitch deep into the game," said Kuroda, 2-0 with a 1.21 ERA since allowing seven runs in 3 2/3 innings to San Francisco on July 28. 黑田說:本季我造成牛棚一些負擔,所以在比賽中能多吃些局數,在6月28日在舊金山3又3分之2局丟掉7分以後,取得2勝0敗1.21防禦率 Long after that game against the Giants, Kuroda cleansed his mind by running wind sprints in the outfield for 20 minutes. Is that what turned around his season? 在舊金山輸球後,在外野跑了20分鐘以澄清心靈,這是他本季轉捩點? "That's always been my style of baseball [after a bad outing], but if I knew I would pitch well after that, I would run every day," said Kuroda. "I did it to clear my mind and release my stress. My overall confidence is good the last three starts." 這是我調整方式......................................在後三場先發有好的自信. Kuroda had an early lead, as Philadelphia right fielder Geoff Jenkins missed a diving attempt of James Loney's drive that went for a triple. Nomar Garciaparra's groundout scored Loney. Matt Kemp slugged a team-high 14th home run off Brett Myers leading off the sixth inning and Casey Blake singled in Russell Martin in the seventh. 道奇很早為黑田取得領先-,在............................................ Kuroda, meanwhile, was mowing through the Phillies' potent lineup. Assisted with three sparkling defensive plays from re-energized shortstop Garciaparra, Kuroda efficiently used only 79 pitches while allowing one run on a seventh-inning double by former Dodger Jayson Werth and a sacrifice fly by Ryan Howard. 黑田在隊友美技防守下很厲害........................... "You can't score enough runs to afford bad pitching," Torre said before the game. "You can't freeze the ball in this game. To me, pitching is the only way you can control the game. It's nice to have the firepower, but if you have to rely on something, it's pitching." Torre 說在投手投不好下得分總是不夠花,You can't freeze the ball in this game(不瞭).投球是控制比賽唯一方式 有打擊火力是好事,但如果要依賴某事…就是投手 That being said, Torre batted for Kuroda during the seventh-inning rally, looking for a knockout blow, otherwise Kuroda might have been headed for his third complete game. Instead, the game was handed to Kuo, who didn't allow a hit. 如同依賴投手宣言,原本以為黑田投完七局後,會要完成第三場完投,取而代之,將球交給郭泓志,沒有讓對方擊出安打 With Takashi Saito out, Kuo has emerged as a co-closer with Jonathan Broxton. If you don't think it's amazing that he has a 1.66 ERA in 34 games with 82 strikeouts and only 49 hits allowed in 70 2/3 innings, a refresher course on Kuo's pockmarked career is in order. 在齋藤隆不在時,郭泓志和Jonathan Broxton構成道奇防波堤,對34 場70 2/3局 有 82三振只有49支安打防禦率1.66實不為奇,在從坑坑疤疤職業生涯中復活是順理成章的事…, He was signed out of Taiwan for $1.25 million as a teenager, blew out his elbow in his first professional game after striking out seven of the 10 batters he faced and it's been a nightmare ride ever since, including the first five years he spent trying to get healthy, when he pitched a total of 42 1/3 innings (averaging less than nine innings a year). 在未滿二十被道奇以125萬美金簽下,在初試啼聲時面對10名打者三振七個後手肘受傷,自始之後是惡夢開始…在前五年試圖保持健康,只投出42 1/3 局,平均一年少於九局 He's nothing if not persistent. He signed in 1999, meaning he's been in the organization longer than any current active Dodger player, owner, general manager or assistant general manager. 如果沒有堅持就一無所有,郭是在1999年簽約,意味他是比現役球員,經營者,教練,助理教練在球團中待更久 Kuo's journey to the Major Leagues hit one pothole after another. He missed 2003 entirely, was taken off the Major League roster at one point and could have been selected by any club in the Rule 5 Draft. When his rehab stalled for the umpteenth time, he had to be talked out of quitting the game. He's has often credited Darren Dreifort (two Tommy John elbow ligament replacement surgeries) and Eric Gagne (one) for their advice and counsel to keep him going. 郭的大聯盟生涯是跌跌撞撞,錯失2003年整季,一度被球團移出保護名單,可以在規則五下移籍,卻沒有其他球團選走.當他陷入無止期復健中,被迫討論是否終止生涯在Darren Dreifort (two Tommy John elbow ligament replacement surgeries) and Eric Gagne (one)建議和諮詢下繼續走下去 And now he's in a pennant race, closing games despite dire predictions that his arm would fall off if subjected to the abuse of relief. 現在在道奇冠軍爭奪戰中,(不太想翻這句,Torre ...............XD Ken Gurnick is a reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/16 10:11, , 1F
翻譯怪怪的 不過有看有推
08/16 10:11, 1F

08/16 10:12, , 2F
眼睛醫生? 還是推一下~
08/16 10:12, 2F

08/16 10:16, , 3F
July 7/28? 還是推一下~
08/16 10:16, 3F

08/16 11:15, , 4F
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08/16 15:10, , 5F
...用眼睛醫生翻的不如不要翻= =
08/16 15:10, 5F

08/16 15:43, , 6F
08/16 15:43, 6F

08/16 16:39, , 7F
08/16 16:39, 7F
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