[新聞] 邁阿密女網賽八強賽後訪談

看板Henin作者 (大地任我遨翔)時間16年前 (2008/04/02 09:33), 編輯推噓12(12014)
留言26則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
Justine Henin - 4.1.08 S. Williams/J. Henin 62, 60 Q. How do you assess the match, Justine? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's still little bit early to talk about that, but it was a lot of intensity at the beginning of the match and it took a lot of energy. But she just has been better every part of the game, and I didn't do enough to win and she has been consistent. I mean, I didn't serve well enough, I didn't take my opportunities enough, and I felt she was on every ball, but I probably -- I wasn't moving her a lot, but it was quite difficult today. Q. Were you surprised she was coming in a lot? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, no. I knew she was going to be really aggressive, because the last time, last three times I beat her, so I knew she was going to go for it. She has been -- she did a good job. I mean, she's very aggressive attacking the ball, and I think she did what she had to do, and I didn't do what I had to do, so that makes a big difference at the end. Q. Are you bothered by the conditions at all? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it was hot and windy, but it's always in Miami, so it's for both players. It was really hot, but that was okay. Q. Was she any different than, you know, the last three times you had played her? Do you feel that she's maybe playing better this year so far? JUSTINE HENIN: Looks like she was moving much better than last year, for sure. But I have a feeling that I really didn't do enough, you know, try to take my opportunities. So many games I was leading and I didn't take my chances, and, yeah, it was quite difficult. Q. Are you worried about your form this season, maybe? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's like it's been tough for me in the last -- since the beginning of the season, but I understand why. A lot of things happen and what I did last year was pretty amazing. Yeah, it's not that easy, and I took the time to work hard in the last few weeks, but sometimes it's not enough because you face players that want the same thing. She was simply better than me, so I will have to keep working and one day will get better. Q. Are you mentally maybe still processing everything you did last season? JUSTINE HENIN: I mean, it's going to be -- what happened last season is far away from now, but still I knew it was going to take some time to really, you know, realize and accept everything that happened last year. Then I'm maybe still a little bit in it, but we'll see. I need to keep working, be focused on this moment, and we see. Q. Can you just kind of clarify, are you setting up some sort of base in Florida, or is that just lending your name to a facility? JUSTINE HENIN: No, I'm not going to be there that often. Carlos is going to be really involved in it. As soon as I get some time between tournaments here in the States I'll be over there, so it's a good thing. Q. As the match progressed, what things did you try to do to get your backhand, recover your backhand? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, probably not enough. But it was -- she did put a lot of pressure, especially on my backhand side. I wasn't solid enough, I wasn't consistent enough, and it was too many ups and downs. That makes a big difference, because she's been really consistent during the whole match. She didn't have these ups and downs, and so she did a perfect job, and I didn't. It makes it quite a big difference. Q. Did you try to do some different things, like putting more air under the ball? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it was difficult. I had the feeling that it was going very fast and that I didn't have the time really to organize my game, and so it was -- you know, it's still very early to talk about the match and take some distance with it. So maybe in a few hours I'll be I'll understand maybe a little bit more. Q. Is there something about when you play her here? Is there anything about this particular venue? Obviously you beat her in other places, but last year here, also. Is it just the conditions? Is it she's close to home? JUSTINE HENIN: Oh, I don't know. I don't know about that. Who knows? She's feeling very good here, that's for sure. The reason I couldn't -- I couldn't really play my game, I don't think so. Q. Do you feel like you were playing too defensively or she was making you play too much defense? JUSTINE HENIN: Kind of both, but I was -- yeah, I was too defensive, for sure. Against this kind of player you don't have any chance if you play that game, and I didn't have really any courage to do something else. When you're on the court it's not that easy. Now I can say it wasn't enough, but when you are out there and you feel the pressure, it's not that easy. Q. Do you remember the last time you lacked courage? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's -- you know, these kind of things happen sometimes, and I need to really keep working and fight a lot, and that's what I'm going to do. Q. Is it because maybe you haven't played much of your top tennis yet this year that you're maybe playing a little bit too defensive, or like you say, lacking courage? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, I mean, I missed some confidence from the beginning of the season, and that is for sure. I didn't have the opportunity -- I mean, here I played three first good matches, but I wasn't at that level today, and it wasn't that easy to make that difference. It's one of the reasons. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/02 11:04, , 1F
Henin 加油,你可以的!!!! 拿回你的自信和勝利。
04/02 11:04, 1F

04/02 11:07, , 2F
04/02 11:07, 2F

04/02 21:27, , 3F
04/02 21:27, 3F

04/02 21:29, , 4F
04/02 21:29, 4F

04/02 21:33, , 5F
04/02 21:33, 5F

04/02 21:34, , 6F
出來,我本來還想今年殺去溫布頓耶........T T
04/02 21:34, 6F

04/02 21:45, , 7F
可是我想不出他未何突然出現瓶頸 去年不是大殺四方嗎
04/02 21:45, 7F

04/02 21:49, , 8F
Life is full of ups and downs.....It happened.
04/02 21:49, 8F

04/02 22:18, , 9F
Ju加油 找回自信!!
04/02 22:18, 9F

04/02 22:28, , 10F
我必須說去年HENIN之所以這麼風光 除了他自己的確技術
04/02 22:28, 10F

04/02 22:27, , 11F
(To M大) 原因...可能是碰到阿飄了吧?? (飄走)
04/02 22:27, 11F

04/02 22:28, , 12F
達到高峰 有部分原因也是其他頂尖選手 小威溫網受傷後
04/02 22:28, 12F

04/02 22:29, , 13F
移位體態都走樣 大威只有草地爆氣 莎娃跟MOMO也受傷勢影
04/02 22:29, 13F

04/02 22:30, , 14F
響發揮 其他如褲子娃等明顯心理還是無法跟海寧抗衡 但從
04/02 22:30, 14F

04/02 22:31, , 15F
年終賽跟莎娃那場就可看出競爭水平不一樣了 今年莎娃保持
04/02 22:31, 15F

04/02 22:32, , 16F
健康與強勢 小威很明顯移位變快很多 所以大家的狀態都
04/02 22:32, 16F

04/02 22:33, , 17F
提升了 我看海寧倒是還好 發球還更強勢 只是對手拿出更好
04/02 22:33, 17F

04/02 22:34, , 18F
的水準 這也給球后一個新的課題不是嗎? 每個選手都加油吧
04/02 22:34, 18F

04/02 22:33, , 19F
04/02 22:33, 19F

04/02 22:36, , 20F
我想如果有看昨天轉播 看到很多球失分後HENIN很懊惱的
04/02 22:36, 20F

04/02 22:36, , 21F
表情就知道她也是一樣有鬥志的 只是需要調整一下
04/02 22:36, 21F

04/02 22:37, , 22F
04/02 22:37, 22F

04/02 22:50, , 23F
to a大大 是不是該請個大師來了= =a
04/02 22:50, 23F

04/02 23:33, , 24F
那要掛八卦 畫符還是辦法事頌經???
04/02 23:33, 24F

04/02 23:59, , 25F
推m大 我相信Ju還是保有競爭力的 接下來加油!!
04/02 23:59, 25F

04/03 00:22, , 26F
Justine,you're so humble.I trust you'll be back soon!!
04/03 00:22, 26F
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