Re: [官網] Keane加盟利物浦

看板Hotspur作者 (高爾多斯基)時間16年前 (2008/07/29 07:21), 編輯推噓3(304)
留言7則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/4 (看更多),19528,11675_3879397,00.html Keane also issued a statement, to express his thanks to Tottenham for his time at White Hart Lane. "I would like to place on record my thanks to the board, players and fans of Tottenham for the past six years, which were the best and most enjoyable of my career to date," read the statement. "I will never forget them. I would specifically like to thank chairman Daniel Levy for understanding, that, as a fan, joining Liverpool is a lifelong dream of mine and one I couldn't let pass me by. "I hope one day the Spurs fans, who have been brilliant to me, can understand this too. "I have only good things to say about my time at Tottenham and expect them to go from strength to strength under Juande Ramos and Daniel Levy." -- 走就走還那麼多廢話 這個人說的話可信度很低 -- To Dare is to do! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/29 07:32, , 1F
07/29 07:32, 1F

07/29 07:33, , 2F
07/29 07:33, 2F

07/29 13:59, , 3F
西班牙的太陽很舒服 祝他曬傷 啾咪 >_^
07/29 13:59, 3F

07/29 14:02, , 4F
想要fans不對他記恨也不難啦 對熱刺不要進球不就好了
07/29 14:02, 4F

07/29 14:03, , 5F
07/29 14:03, 5F

07/29 14:31, , 6F
白鹿巷有沒有禁止球迷帶芹菜入場 (?)
07/29 14:31, 6F

07/29 18:58, , 7F
明天開放攜帶豬頭進場 XD
07/29 18:58, 7F
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