Re: [外電] AI trouble? Lionel Hollins may not w …

看板IVERSON作者 (-:-過往今昔-:-)時間15年前 (2009/11/10 04:11), 編輯推噓9(905)
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※ 引述《momofishj (摸摸魚)》之銘言: : 標題: [外電] AI trouble? Lionel Hollins may not want to talk about it : 時間: Tue Nov 10 01:50:23 2009 : : Geoff Calkins: AI trouble? Lionel Hollins may not want to talk about it : : Source: , Memphis Commercial Appeal --- 翻得可能沒m大好, 請大家多包涵. 以下是剩餘部份: --- : This is bigger than the Pau Gasol trade. Bigger than Christian Laettner : telling the world he planned to buy and then play for the team. 這是筆比拋嘎獸還大的交易. 比CL告訴世界他打算買下並為這知隊伍打球還大的消息. (這句小弟我不是很懂@@") : The Grizzlies brought in Allen Iverson and then chased him into the sunset : because he acted like -- ready for it? -- Allen Iverson! : Whoever would have thought it? The nerve of the guy! 灰熊把AI買進來, 現在卻把他逼得薄暮西山-- 只因為他表現得像自己 -- AI! 誰曾否想過這到底是怎樣的一個狀況?! : Yes, Iverson has confirmed to the world he is all about Iverson. But what : part of the world didn't know that already? 是的, AI早已向世界證明了AI就是AI. 但是世界裡哪個殘缺的部份還不知道勒? : Answer: The part occupied by Michael Heisley, Hollins and Chris Wallace. 答案正是: Heisley, Hollins 和 Wallace. : Maybe it's not that surprising, given the track record. These guys also : apparently didn't know that Hasheem Thabeet isn't real good at basketball. Or : that this year's team couldn't guard a chair. 也許從記錄來看這並不怎麼令人驚訝. 這些傢伙也很明顯地不懂Hasheem Thabeet其實 對籃球並不怎麼在行. : But even the Los Angeles Clippers knew about Iverson. They thought about : signing him this summer but declined after they talked to him about his role. 即使是快艇也懂AI. 他們在今年夏天想簽下AI, 但在和AI談過他可能扮演的角色後放棄 了這筆交易. : Iverson told them he wasn't going to be happy coming off the bench. He would : have told the Grizzlies the same thing except ... : They didn't ask. Honest. AI告訴快艇, 他不會喜歡從板凳出賽. 而相對地, 他也應該有告訴灰熊同樣的話...除非...... 他們根本沒有誠實的問起討論這件事. : Heisley, Wallace and Hollins flew to Atlanta to meet Iverson and purposely : did not talk to him about whether he'd start or come off the bench. : This was the official team strategy. Don't ask, don't tell. : So Iverson left the meeting thinking he'd be able to win the starting job, : and Hollins left the meeting thinking Iverson would come off the bench, and : is it any wonder the whole thing blew up? Heisley, Hollins等飛到亞特蘭大和AI會面時, 有目的地不和他討論到他是否會從 板凳出發. 這是官方策略, 別問, 別說. 所以當他們結束這場會面後, AI想著他應該能以先發出賽, 而Hollins則想著他將讓 AI從板凳出賽. 這樣...現今的結果其實是不難預期的. : Hollins was testy from the very start. He didn't want to answer questions : from the national media about Iverson. As if the national media would want to : talk to him about anything else. Hollins 不想對媒體回答任何有關AI問題. 卻裝得一付是媒體想問他其他不相干的事. : Hollins is the coach of the league's laughingstock. He's with the Grizzlies : for the same reason Iverson was with the Grizzlies: The wacky owner decided : it would be a good idea. Hollins 成為聯盟裡教練的笑柄. 他和AI同在灰熊都只因: 古怪的老闆認為這會是個 好主意. : This hard truth eluded Hollins. Because there he was, a glorified interim : coach, playing a Hall of Famer behind Conley and then refusing to talk about : it to the press. : Or to the Hall of Famer, apparently. 這艱難的事實使Hollins逃避現實. 只會死板的躲在Conley等人之後當個榮耀的過渡 教練...科科 並且拒絕面對壓力與現實. : "I think that's the worst part of this," Iverson told reporters Friday. : "While all this is going on, we have never talked to each other. That's : probably why it's at this point now. We've just never had a conversation, so : it's probably going to always be hard for me and him to see eye-to-eye, : because we've never even talked to each other. Obviously that's what you do : if you're trying to accomplish the same goal." AI在星期五對記者說道: 我認為這是最糟糕的一部份, 當這一切都存在眼前, 我們卻 從未和彼此交談. 這可能是造成現在這局面的原因. 所以這使我們總是很難 eye-to-eye, (唉) 這很明顯地是你在表達你想這麼做. (指Hollins) : Blistering, eh? So blistering that you'd dismiss it as fiction if it weren't : for the coach's response. AI在打嘴泡? 如果教練沒有以下回應再這樣想吧. : "There's no need to talk to AI," said Hollins. 沒有任何和AI對話的必要, Hollins說. (gan...= =) : No need to talk to him any longer, perhaps. But what do you say to Grizzlies : fans? How do you explain this latest screw-up? 或許是沒必要再和AI多說啥, 但你(Hollins)又該對灰熊迷們怎麼說, 該怎麼面對他們? : The Grizzlies should never have signed Iverson. By signing him and then : losing him, they're making it harder for everyone. 對於今日的局面, 灰熊根本不該簽下AI. 這麼做只是讓每個人難堪. : Hollins will be known as the coach who ran Iverson out of the game. Conley : will be known as the player who kept Iverson on the bench. : Conley, at least, deserves better. Heisley, Wallace and Hollins deserve all : the ridicule they'll get. Hollins將會因為把AI逼出球場而有名. 而Conley將會擔負讓AI沒機會上場的罪名. Heisley, Hollins和Wallace 該自己擔起他們將得到的可笑. : They're the ones who failed here. They're the ones who created this mess. 他們是真正的敗者. 也是造成這歹戲的人. : Allen Iverson is contemplating retirement. : The Grizzlies' incompetents remain. AI 正在考量是否該退休了... 而灰熊的無能依舊...(無能是字意, 請熊迷包涵) --- 文意上大致是降子, 翻得粗略多包涵囉! AI, 好多人仍然在看著你的身影, 你的身影縱使單薄了, 也不會改變-- 你是AI --的事實. You are still the answer for so many people! -- 當你佇足觀察著過往的人們時 也正有人悄悄地觀察著你 隨時隨地 做你自己 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/10 04:29, , 1F
WOW!! 我正在翻說 不過翻到一半當掉 = =
11/10 04:29, 1F

11/10 04:31, , 2F
BTW 翻得好 真是替AI感到難過 從76人後期之後就沒好過!!
11/10 04:31, 2F

11/10 04:50, , 3F
我M起來了 不過文中對Conley的那句話我不認同 這篇有點
11/10 04:50, 3F

11/10 04:51, , 4F
太偏AI了 其實Conley並沒有任何錯阿!!
11/10 04:51, 4F

11/10 04:51, , 5F
另 感謝你的熱心翻譯 我向你致敬!!
11/10 04:51, 5F

11/10 05:01, , 6F
11/10 05:01, 6F

11/10 05:31, , 7F
謝謝板大和 a大, 獻醜了XD
11/10 05:31, 7F

11/10 11:07, , 8F
11/10 11:07, 8F

11/10 13:11, , 9F
推 AI熱血的精神沒變過 問題是大家對他的觀感都變了...
11/10 13:11, 9F

11/10 13:21, , 10F
從05年開始 他不再是受人圍繞的核心 但AI依舊是AI
11/10 13:21, 10F

11/10 13:25, , 11F
11/10 13:25, 11F

11/10 13:28, , 12F
推 翻譯的明明就比我好嘛!! 這問題真的比較是高層的錯.
11/10 13:28, 12F

11/10 13:29, , 13F
11/10 13:29, 13F

11/10 14:20, , 14F
11/10 14:20, 14F
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文章代碼(AID): #1A-7TMSs (IVERSON)