[情報] Beautiful Mess–Live on Earth CD/DVD

看板JasonMraz作者 (TocaRivera.com)時間15年前 (2009/09/16 08:34), 編輯推噓6(603)
留言9則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Jason Mraz’s Beautiful Mess–Live on Earth CD/DVD is Now Available for Pre-Order! The CD/DVD officially comes out November 10th, but if you pre-order your copy through Jason's Official Online Store before Oct. 30th, your package will be in your mailbox on or around Nov. 3rd! Cover image will be unveiled next week! Your credit card will be charged the day you submit your order. We will ship pre-orders as soon as we receive stock and we estimate these will ship on or around October 30, 2009. Customers who order Expedited Shipping (US only) are guaranteed to receive their order on the official online store exclusive release date of November 3, 2009. Please place a separate order to receive any non pre-order items sooner. This PRE-ORDER will close at 3:00 PM ET on Friday, October 30, 2009. http://jasonmraz.shop.musictoday.com/Product.aspx?pc=JZAM22 預購!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 不曉得預購會不會在台灣上架以後才收到.......... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: TocaRivera 來自: (09/16 08:37)

09/16 23:04, , 1F
09/16 23:04, 1F

09/17 01:40, , 2F
09/17 01:40, 2F

09/17 15:13, , 3F
台灣應該會代理吧 不賺白不賺XD
09/17 15:13, 3F

09/17 22:29, , 4F
09/17 22:29, 4F

09/25 22:32, , 5F
09/25 22:32, 5F

09/26 00:30, , 6F
他右邊寫 Please Note: This is NOT the cover image
09/26 00:30, 6F

09/26 00:31, , 7F
可是這跟之前綠油油的不一樣了 到底腦袋開花是不是阿
09/26 00:31, 7F

09/26 01:13, , 8F
腦袋開花真的很可愛耶 好妙的圖~~
09/26 01:13, 8F

09/26 17:56, , 9F
09/26 17:56, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ai3A4WX (JasonMraz)
文章代碼(AID): #1Ai3A4WX (JasonMraz)