Re: [新聞] 林書豪:這將是一個完全不同的體系

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (park)時間12年前 (2012/03/16 16:52), 編輯推噓32(32020)
留言52則, 30人參與, 最新討論串3/4 (看更多)
※ 引述《mfsivw87 (vivi)》之銘言: : 我不知道這是不是原文,不過在ESPN尼克的blog裡看到的,原文很長,截錄重點來看 : Lin said that Woodson will look to change a few things in the offense, but : not everything. On the court tonight, he felt a difference not only with the : team's defense and higher energy level, but also with Woodson's new direction : being implemented in the offense. Lin agreed that Anthony and Amare : Stoudemire should be the Knicks' go-to guys, which echoes the philosophy of : Woodson, which will likely continue to develop over time. : "Obviously we want them [Anthony and Stoudemire] to be our primary scorers, : but there are nights where that's not going to be the case and they get : doubled, tripled," Lin said. "Tonight, we had them clicking, we had the bench : clicking. We just played to our strength, but every game has a different : tempo, different flow and different rhythm." : : 大意就是:木頭兒將會在進攻上做改變,但不是全盤皆改。今晚(其實是昨天)的比賽 : 裡,除了防守及大家的精力提升外,新教頭的方面在進攻上的戰術也被執行。Lin同 : 意新教頭用Melo和Stat應該做為攻擊開始的發端這樣的戰術。 : Lin說啦:我們想要他們兩個成為主要得分者,但是總是會有某些晚上無法如願,因為 : 兩人被包夾之類的,今晚的比賽他們打得很好,替補球員也是水準之上,我們求 : 的是可以將我們的最好水準都打出來,但每場比賽都有不同的節奏和流動。 現在沒有林的訪問影片,只好自己從新聞拼湊訪問片段 原新聞翻的2段: "But I want everyone to know that when it comes to [crunch time] and I have to get a big shot, I'm going to go to Melo and Amar'e and guys who have done it. Not these guys who are young and are still trying to feel their way out." "It will be a different style and a different system," Lin said. "We still have to figure it out, because we don't have it all figured out . . . I just have to be aggressive. But it's going to be different ways. Different ways to initiate offense. Different ways to score and create. It's definitely going to be a change." 另外附上 NYDaily 今天的新聞 Jeremy Lin's starting role could end with new NY Knicks coach Mike Woodson, who could point to Baron Davis as new guard 新教頭上任,林書豪可能失去先發,轉由 Baron Davis 擔當 LARRY W. SMITH/EPA Jeremy Lin’s days as a starting point guard could be numbered. When Mike D'Antoni walked away from the Knicks he may have taken Linsanity with him, as the role in the offense will change dramatically under new head coach Mike Woodson. 林書豪先發控衛的日子可能要開始倒數了。Mike D'Antoni的離開,可能也將帶走林來瘋 ,因為林在新教頭的職掌下,角色可能有巨大改變。 The feeling among the Knicks, and around the NBA for that matter, is that Baron Davis is better suited to run Mike Woodson's offense and that the veteran point guard could replace Lin within two weeks. 尼克隊和NBA圈的氛圍都傾向 Baron Davis 比較適合新教頭的進攻方式,他可能在2週內取 代林的位置。 "Again, Jeremy's in a learning stage and everybody is as far as I'm concerned with me being the head coach," Woodson said following his first practice since replacing D'Antoni. "They've got to know what I'm about and that I'm thinking, especially the point guards that play. "They've got to know what I want and they've got to know the players around them and who's feeling what during the course of the game. And be able to distribute the ball and still be able to do their thing as well." Woodson:「林書豪還在學習階段,大家都是,球員必須了解我的想法,特別是後衛。」 「他們必須知道我要什麼,了解周遭的球員在場上的感覺。能夠分球,同時也要能夠 把自己的事做好。」 In D'Antoni's point guard-centric offense, the ball was in Lin's hands as the Knicks ran countless pick-and-rolls. Woodson prefers to run isolation and post-up plays which will feature Carmelo Anthony and Amar'e Stoudemire. "I just think he's going to utilize his leading scorers, myself and Carmelo," Stoudemire said. "He's going to utilize us and take advantage of every opportunity out there on the court. We've been profound scorers all our careers, so he's going to make sure he takes at advantage of that." The Knicks are 10-9 with Lin as a starter and is expected to make his 20th start tonight against the Indiana Pacers. Lin was working with the first unit at Thursday's practice in Greenburgh, N.Y. 林先發的尼克隊戰績10勝9敗,今晚對上溜馬將會是他的地20次先發。星期四他還是與第一 組一起練習。 Lin flourished in D'Antoni's system and led them to seven straight wins in February. However, his production tailed off as his popularity grew. Lin suddenly became a marked man and has been badly outplayed by Deron Williams, Rajon Rondo, Tony Parker and Lou Williams during losses to the Nets, Celtics, Spurs and Sixers respectively. "I mean, I love D'Antoni's system," Lin said on Wednesday. "It was perfect for me. But I had never been in D'Antoni's system until this year. I played in another system prior to this year. So, it's like going back to what I was doing before and stuff like that." 「我愛D'Antoni體系….」這段林說的話前文翻過 D'Antoni's fallout with Anthony was accelerated when the former coach made it clear that he wanted to Lin to be the focal point of the offense. Anthony admittedly struggled to adjust to a lesser role. Woodson, however, intends to lean heavily on his two proven All Stars. "It's everybody's ballclub," Woodson said after practice Thursday. "I want everybody to feel comfortable. When I put a guy in the game, he's got a shot. I want him to feel comfortable about making that shot. But I want everybody to know, when it comes to nut-cutting time and I've got a big shot, I'm going to Melo and Amar'e and guys that have done it." Woodson傾向於倚重2位陣中明星球員。 Woodson:「這是屬於大家的球隊,我希望大家都打得很自在。當我讓一個球員上場,他 就有機會發揮,我希望他發揮得很自在。但是我希望大家了解,當到了緊要關頭,我會讓 Melo and Amar'e擔當這個重任。 Woodson has already established a repoire with Davis and he also coached Mike Bibby in Atlanta. Lin is only in his second year and Woodson may have inadvertently been referring to Lin when he remembered something his first Knicks coach, Red Holzman, told him. "He taught me that rookies were to sit and listen and learn," Woodson said. "That taught me a valuable lesson I think way back when." BD之前就曾是Woodson的先發球員,Bibby在老鷹時也曾在他麾下。而林只是第2年生。當 Woodson提到他的第一任尼克教練Red Holzman告誡他的話時,可能無意中暗示了林的處境 :「他教我菜鳥就是要乖乖坐著、聽著、學著,當我回首從前,這段話讓我受用無窮。」 Even if Davis eventually starts, Lin will still be part of the rotation. He's earned those minutes but Lin can sense that in the ever changing world of Madison Square Garden, more change is coming. "We're going to use more post-ups," Lin said. "I don't know if the shot distribution is going to be any different. I think the way that we get the shots is going to be different." 即使最後是BD先發,林還是會成為輪值中的一員。他值得這些上場時間,但是林也嗅到 MSG氛圍正在改變,未來會變得更多。 林:「我們會採用更多背框打法,我也不知道投球的分配會不會不同,但我想投球的方式 會不一樣」 Lin and D'Antoni grew close over their short time together and on the second year point guard from Harvard texted his former coach on Wednesday and said it was "sad, very sad, to see him go." "He told me to stay aggressive and keep working hard," Lin added. "A lot of things he had been preaching to me about during the year." 林在和D'Antoni短暫相處的期間關係很親密,他在星期三發了簡訊給這位前教頭,他說: 「看到他走非常難過。」 「他告訴我要保持積極的態度,繼續努力。這一年來他教了我非常多。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 編輯: forttryon 來自: (03/16 16:54)

03/16 16:54, , 1F
新教練的message:know your place....
03/16 16:54, 1F

03/16 16:54, , 2F
03/16 16:54, 2F

03/16 16:56, , 3F
ok啦 真不行尼克也會交易掉
03/16 16:56, 3F

03/16 16:57, , 4F
沒差 就當韜光養晦 潛龍誤用 見龍在田
03/16 16:57, 4F

03/16 16:58, , 5F
03/16 16:58, 5F

03/16 17:00, , 6F
03/16 17:00, 6F

03/16 17:01, , 7F
03/16 17:01, 7F

03/16 17:04, , 8F
今年龍年本命年,易大起大落的樣子 = =a
03/16 17:04, 8F

03/16 17:05, , 9F
03/16 17:05, 9F

03/16 17:06, , 10F
03/16 17:06, 10F

03/16 17:13, , 11F
03/16 17:13, 11F

03/16 17:16, , 12F
屬龍應該是24吧XD 以農曆看是25 QQ
03/16 17:16, 12F

03/16 17:22, , 13F
03/16 17:22, 13F

03/16 17:22, , 14F
03/16 17:22, 14F

03/16 17:29, , 15F
好奇 這些戰術執行的事情為何可以不斷直接在媒體公開阿
03/16 17:29, 15F

03/16 17:30, , 16F
原來bd曾經是木頭人的先發 難怪他昨天笑得這麼開心
03/16 17:30, 16F

03/16 17:30, , 17F
03/16 17:30, 17F

03/16 17:31, , 18F
因為準備要凍林讓大鬍子先發 怕球迷反彈 先解釋
03/16 17:31, 18F

03/16 17:33, , 19F
03/16 17:33, 19F

03/16 17:33, , 20F
03/16 17:33, 20F

03/16 17:34, , 21F
03/16 17:34, 21F

03/16 17:35, , 22F
03/16 17:35, 22F

03/16 17:37, , 23F
坐著聽那些話幾乎都在噹林 BD又曾被伍d森帶過 .不友善.慘
03/16 17:37, 23F

03/16 17:37, , 24F
那篇被視為宗教文早就被刪了 甭找了
03/16 17:37, 24F

03/16 17:41, , 25F
這支球隊唯一勝>敗的時期是linsanity 現在又要回去季初的老路
03/16 17:41, 25F

03/16 17:41, , 26F
把林冰著的話 這支球隊其實也不用太期待
03/16 17:41, 26F

03/16 17:46, , 27F
如果打贏當然沒話說 輸了 看你有幾個教練可以火
03/16 17:46, 27F

03/16 17:48, , 28F
明天就是檢驗時刻 溜馬昨天可是狂電76人17分....
03/16 17:48, 28F

03/16 18:01, , 29F
看來還是會走老路~~哪可憐的進攻籃板 加上無腦單打
03/16 18:01, 29F

03/16 18:01, , 30F
03/16 18:01, 30F

03/16 18:02, , 31F
03/16 18:02, 31F

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03/16 18:04, , 33F
03/16 18:04, 33F

03/16 18:24, , 34F
03/16 18:24, 34F

03/16 18:38, , 35F
其實不完全跟初期時一樣 畢竟有專職PG出現 看BD跟lin表現
03/16 18:38, 35F

03/16 18:39, , 36F
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03/16 18:41, , 37F
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03/16 18:47, , 38F
03/16 18:47, 38F

03/16 18:47, , 39F
03/16 18:47, 39F

03/16 18:52, , 40F
就交給雙王擺爛和BD搞笑阿 不期不待
03/16 18:52, 40F

03/16 18:53, , 41F
03/16 18:53, 41F

03/16 18:56, , 42F
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03/16 18:57, , 43F
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03/16 18:57, , 44F
03/16 18:57, 44F

03/16 18:59, , 45F
受限被留下來 下季還得繼續奉陪Melo自幹秀= =
03/16 18:59, 45F

03/16 19:12, , 46F
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03/16 20:11, , 48F
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03/16 20:43, , 49F
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03/16 21:47, , 50F
新教練的發言相當刺耳+1 感覺是在安撫甜瓜
03/16 21:47, 50F

03/16 23:34, , 51F
新教練的話聽的相當刺耳+1 他的合約不是暑假就到期了嗎
03/16 23:34, 51F

03/16 23:38, , 52F
03/16 23:38, 52F
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