[官網新聞] Cobolli Gigli不滿二審判決,將上訴

看板Juventus作者 (就像醒不來的夢。)時間18年前 (2006/07/26 12:14), 編輯推噓13(1307)
留言20則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
http://www.juventus.com/uk/news/ detail.aspx?lml_language_id=0&trs_id=1370000&ID=8226 〔http://tinyurl.com/qgv57〕 Events - 25 Jul 2006 - 10:32 PM “There is absolutely no way we can accept this sentence” President Giovanni Cobolli Gigli comments on the decision of the Corte Federale to condemn Juventus to Serie B with a 17 point penalty: “There is absolutely no way we can accept this sentence. Taking into consideration the facts which have so far been brought to light, the sentence cannot be deemed a balanced one. Furthermore, I find the differential judicial treatment afforded to the other clubs most serious and completely unjustified. 主席 Cobolli Gigli評論二審判決 JUVE降至乙級並扣17分一事: 「我們絕對不可能接受這種判決,以至今已曝光的論據來考量, 這樣的判決並不平衡,此外,我發現司法給予其他球會差別待遇, 這是最嚴重且全然不公的。」 The ramifications for Juventus are extremely serious: the 2004/2005 scudetto has been revoked and, despite having nothing to do with the inquest, so has that of 2005/2006; we are also unable to participate in any international competitions. Above all, a punishment has been inflicted on us which will seriously jeopardise next season. 「JUVE個案的判決極度嚴重:04/05賽季的冠軍被撤回, 而且儘管沒有任何可以被質疑的地方,05/06賽季的冠軍也同樣被取消, 我們也無法參加國際賽事, 更重要的是,強加在我們身上的懲罰,將嚴重危害下賽季。」 Since the recordings of the first phone calls were released, the club has pursued one sole objective: to exercise clarity and it has done so without hesitation. For these reasons, we have decided to continue with our case and appeal to every possible body. I can confirm that we will not stop until justice is done, in the interests of our extraordinary fans, our share-holders, the club, and, of course, the football league. 「自從第一通電話錄音被釋放出來之後,球會就開始追求惟一的目標: 實行自清,而且毫不遲疑地完成了這件事, 基於這些理由,我們已經決定繼續這件案子,在各種可能的體制進行上訴, 我可以保證,為了我們傑出的球迷、我們的股東、球會、當然,還有聯賽的利益, 我們將不會停止,直到公理獲得伸張。」 http://www.juventus.com/fmknet/View.aspx?da_id=10994 官網pdf聲明文件。 --  不會要這樣一直鬧下去吧?  主席應該不是對 Lazio、Fiorentina都升級或是 Milan可以打歐冠不爽,  照之前的言論,他最希望看到的判罰是降乙級不罰分,(我也是)  他說覺得 JUVE理應留在義甲,在我看來那只是場面話,  簡言之就是說給球迷聽的,義大利鄉民為數眾多而且傷當兇悍啊~  二審判罰一公佈就已經有人在 JUVE總部門口拉『我們要甲級』的布條抗議了… -- Carlo Ancelotti:「斑馬不奔,就等牠奔。」  Marcelo Lippi:「斑馬不奔,就讓牠奔。」  Fabio Capello:「斑馬不奔,就把牠殺了!」 NIKE:「斑馬不奔,就把牠變成馬來貘!」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/26 15:08, , 1F
義甲龍捲風 黑白摩天輪 義甲霹靂火
07/26 15:08, 1F

07/26 16:38, , 2F
是說上訴這種東西 好像沒有聽說過更不利益處分的前例
07/26 16:38, 2F

07/26 16:39, , 3F
所以繼續鬧吧XD 搞不好會變沒扣分
07/26 16:39, 3F

07/26 16:50, , 4F
07/26 16:50, 4F

07/26 17:26, , 5F
07/26 17:26, 5F

07/26 20:33, , 6F
我還以為二審定讞 原來還有三審阿!
07/26 20:33, 6F

07/27 00:25, , 7F
07/27 00:25, 7F

07/27 01:26, , 8F
07/27 01:26, 8F

07/27 01:27, , 9F
07/27 01:27, 9F

07/27 18:39, , 10F
今天蘋果寫三審要訴諸國家法庭 據說會很久 趕不上賽季
07/27 18:39, 10F

07/27 19:50, , 11F
好阿 那就往國家法庭鬧阿 一哭二鬧三上吊
07/27 19:50, 11F

07/27 19:54, , 12F
說拿掉0506的話就加入其他國家聯賽之類的 (這人在胡說)
07/27 19:54, 12F

07/27 21:15, , 13F
07/27 21:15, 13F

07/27 21:40, , 14F
07/27 21:40, 14F

07/27 21:48, , 15F
07/27 21:48, 15F

07/27 23:39, , 16F
07/27 23:39, 16F

07/27 23:39, , 17F
還有比以往更有利的機會爭取到二連霸啊! XD
07/27 23:39, 17F

07/28 00:20, , 18F
07/28 00:20, 18F

07/28 00:22, , 19F
07/28 00:22, 19F

07/29 20:59, , 20F
07/29 20:59, 20F
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