Re: [情報] Kenny Ortega 的訪問

看板KingofPop作者 (neak)時間15年前 (2009/11/03 15:54), 編輯推噓6(601)
留言7則, 7人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
本來想用推文的,可是怕推太長,還是回文好了。 ※ 引述《ulcer (someone in the dark... )》之 : Q: How would you like Michael to be remembered as an artist and as a person? : 你希望 Michael 留給世人的記憶為何?身為一位藝人、以及身為一個人? : KO: I think people were saying it last night. They were echoing everything : that I felt in my heart. People coming up to me and saying, ‘We didn’t get : it. We didn’t get the closure from CNN. We didn’t get to say goodbye : properly from CNN.’ Not meaning that they were being irresponsible. It was : just that the information wasn’t there and that people were saying that not : only did we get to have these final moments with Michael as the artist, but : we got to come to know him better than ever before as a man. You really came : to appreciate his kindness and his sweetness and his generosity and the : wonderful collaborative spirit that he was about and the way that he worked : with people, never wanting to offend anyone. My God, if he thought that he : embarrassed somebody, it would just knock him to his knees. That’s why you : always saw him, even in the deepest frustrating moments for him, he would : say, ‘With the love. That’s what the rehearsal’s for’ because he really : appreciated us so much. He said to me, ‘Kenny, go out and find the best : artists in the world. Invite them to come and join our journey and then let’ : s inspire them to go to places that they’ve never been before.’ So Michael : knew who was in front of him and he had the greatest admiration and respect : for everybody. Even if he had a little debate or a disagreement with someone, : he never wanted it to get to the place where that person might have thought : that he didn’t care for them or that he didn’t respect them. : (前面談到一些CNN的部分,我不是很了解…) : 在影片中看到的 Michael 最後時光,我們要看的不只是他身為一個藝人的部分,更要看 : 他身為一個人的部分。大家真的應該珍惜 Michael 的親切體貼、慷慨大方、和他人共事 : 合作的精神,從不想要冒犯別人。 : 我的天啊,如果他覺得自己可能使他人受窘,那就好像是他的膝蓋上遭到重擊一樣。你 : 總是可以看到他這個樣子,即使他最受挫的時候,他也會說︰“With the love. 這就是 : 我們要排練的原因。”因為他一直很重視我們。他曾對我說︰“Kenny,去找世界上最棒 : 的藝術家,邀請他們來參加演出,讓我們把他們帶到他們以前從未到達的境地。”因此, : Michael 知道在他面前的是些什麼人,而他對這些人都很尊敬。即使他和這些人有小小 : 的爭辯、意見不合,他也不希望這些人認為他不關心他們,或是他不尊敬他們。 : (我猜想,這是Ortega在影片中呈現那些"意見不合"的片段的原因吧…) Closure 這個字是結束的意思,通常是用於作品或是某個感情達到一種完結可以放下的 階段,譬如有些戲感覺沒有演完,看完還是空空的就是沒有Closure (我覺得灌籃高手 沒有),葬禮就是通常給人說再見,達到放下而心靈平靜的一種方法。所以CNN 幾個月前 一直說MJ的Memorial 或許能提供喜愛他的人們一個Final Closure。 所以CNN 這段說的是 --------------------------------- KO: 昨晚有些人說出了我的心聲,有人會跑過來跟我說,我們並沒有辦法從CNN的報導中得到 心靈的平靜,這不是說CNN不負責任,只是說他們沒有辦法提供人們所需要的消息, 在這齣片中我們不只看到了他最後的時光,也比他身前更了解了他這個人。 --------------------------------- 基本上Ortega 是說希望可以經由這部片,讓歌迷能夠跟MJ說再見,得到平靜。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/03 15:56, , 1F
11/03 15:56, 1F

11/03 16:03, , 2F
我看完後也都沒有覺得平靜...反而覺得更愁悵惋惜....Q Q
11/03 16:03, 2F

11/03 16:42, , 3F
11/03 16:42, 3F

11/03 18:06, , 4F
謝謝補充 KO是這樣希望的 但歌迷看完後更不捨他的離去啊
11/03 18:06, 4F

11/03 19:03, , 5F
看完只會更捨不得啊 (淚)
11/03 19:03, 5F

11/03 21:08, , 6F
11/03 21:08, 6F

11/03 21:25, , 7F
所以應該不會有續集吧 = = 不然要怎麼CLOSURE法
11/03 21:25, 7F
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