Re: [情報] Jermaine出書訪問談到MJ

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Chapter 4 – Just Kids with a Dream First J5 performance on Michael’s 7th birthday at children fashion event at shopping center. Later played at high school talent show. They win. Their love for baseball. Especially Jackie. Jermaine hurts himself playing, Joe bans them baseball. J5第一次表演 MJ七歲 在一個購物中心 後來在高中的才藝比賽 他們贏了 他們愛棒球 特別是Jackie Jermaine在玩棒球時受傷 老喬就禁止他們玩 Contests performances go on. Generally win, once came second. Joe didn't let them pick up the second price prize - color TV- saying that winning is being number one. 1966- 1968 non stop performances, costumes, their equipment being stolen, "whatever happens show must go on", strippers at places they perform. Michael see them degrading themselves to tease men., sex objects, closing his eyes when one stripper threw her panties to men. 到處比賽 通常會贏 如果第二 老喬不認他們去領講 說只有第一才是贏 66-68年 不停演出 他們的樂器被偷 被告知 不論如何 演出一定要繼續 他們表演的地方有脫衣舞孃 MJ看到很 多脫衣舞孃挑逗男人 性方面的事情 看到脫衣舞孃丟內褲時 MJ閉上了他的眼睛 "the crucial difference lay between Mother and Joseph. She viewed us as her sons and often worried about the impact of all the performing and traveling, and to Joseph, perhaps, we were performers first and sons second;" 說老喬和J媽最大的不同 J媽把他們當作兒子 很擔心這些演出和旅行對他們的影響 但對老喬而言 他們先是表演者 才是兒子 Michael most creative. Also prankster. Release of 'Big boy" single. School. Michael was curious to learn, thirst for knowledge. Michael and Marlon race, play army. Michael's friend Bernard. Michael hated to see him cry, cried with him if he cried. Sly and Family Stone and Michael's love for them. Open window, Joe scaring them with a mask - says Michael wasn't deeply traumatized. Gladys Knight. Calls Motown. Motown doesn't want a kid group. MJ很有創作力 很愛惡作劇 發行單曲 在學校MJ很好學 MJ很愛跟Marlon玩 有個朋友 Bernard MJ討厭看到他哭 如果他哭了MJ也會跟他哭 MJ喜歡Sly and Family Stone 老喬會從開的窗戶戴面具跑進來嚇他們 但說MJ沒有受到太大創傷 Galndys Knight打電話 給Motown 但他們不想簽小孩 Chapter 5 - Cry Freedom Apollo performance. Professional pitch package sent to record labels. Meeting Smokey Robinson, Jackie wilson. Michael asking questions and learning from them, absorbing their performances. Whippings if they make mistakes, Marlon getting it worse. Joe trying to throw Marlon out of group, Katherine putting her foot down to keep him. Michael starting to self-doubt if he was good enough, refusing to do what Joe told him to, become stubborn, getting beaten by switch, hiding under beds, "I'll never sing again if you hit me again", brothers talk Michael down with offering him candy. Michael & Marlon calling Joe "buckethead" behind his back. also called him "the hawk". 阿波羅劇院表演 見到了Smokey Robinson和Jackie Wilson MJ問了他們一堆問題 學習怎 麼表演 如果表演犯錯就會被Joe痛揍 Marlon被揍最多 老喬還想把他丟出團去 KJ阻止 MJ開始懷疑是不是自己不夠好 拒絕遵照老喬指令 而且很頑固 所以就會被老喬痛毆 躲到床下說 如果你在扁我我就永遠不再唱歌 老哥們必須拿糖果去勸MJ出來 MJ和Marlon 在老喬被後說老喬是buckethead 也會說老喬是禿鷹 Jermaine says he understands the beatings - keep them out of gangs , keep them away from the streets. Experienced a gang shoot out at the corner of their house - inspiration for "Beat it". Beatings were way of the world back then. Joe is not a monster, and when Jermaine says it people think he's accused of being an apologist and smypthizer. Michael's 1993 interview with Oprah and 2003 with Bashir, talk about Joe's beatings - all true. 1984 Michael saying "I don't know if I would cry if Joseph died". Michael most sensitive, didn't see it as discipline. Jermaine says Joe didn't truly abuse them. Michael's 2001 Oxford Speech about Joe. Jermaine說他了解老喬揍他們是要他們遠離幫派 說MJBeat it的靈感來自於體驗過在他們 家附近發生的幫派槍戰 老喬不是怪物 MJ在歐普拉訪問時和03年對Bashir說到老喬扁他們 的內容全都是真的 1984年時 MJ說 如果老喬掛了 他不知道他會不會因此而哭泣 MJ很敏感 不覺得這些是在管教他們 Jermaine說老喬沒有虐待他們 引用MJOxford的演講中講到老喬 "He then turned himself into a greater force of fear. In becoming the tyrant at home, he prevented us submitting to the tyrants on the street. It worked: we were more scared of him than we were of any gang member." 說大家怕老喬遠大於怕幫派份子 Did not have many friends, Outsiders might bring bad thoughts , bad habits. "best friends are brothers". Winter Michael sends Marlon to buy candy for him, Marlon get hit by a car. Michael blames himself. Katherine becoming a JW. Michael and his faith. 沒有朋友 說外面的人會帶來壞影響 唯一的朋友就是兄弟 一年冬天MJ要Marlon出去幫他 買糖果 結果Marlon被車撞 MJ怪罪自己 KJ成為耶和華見證人 談到MJ的信仰 Suzanne de Passe persuading Gordy. Gordy still doesn't want kids. Audition. Motown signing them. Barry Gordy還是不想簽他們 去試鏡被簽約 Chapter 6 - Motown University Performing to Motown artists and Gordy's house. First time meeting Diana. She didn't discover them. Motown training, recording. Rebbie gets married. Randy 6 years old wants to join. Joe gives him bongos and says he will tell him when he's ready to join. Move to California. Says they spent time with Diana but didn't live with her -says it a marketing myth. Diana teaches them to paint. Jermaine falls in love with Hazel. A lot of good words for Diana, perfect mentor, wisdom,class. Unique bond between Michael and Diana. Diana like a surrogate mother. Gordy becomes like a father. Spending time with them - something Joe didn't do. Again training, recording, marketing lies/myths, image building, Michael laughs says it made them sound like the seven dwarfs. Suzanne nickname for Michael "“Casper Milquetoast”. Recording. First TV apperance. Diana presents Jackson 5. Joe not happy because Diana announced Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5. Sammy Davis Jr, nicknaming Micheal "little midget".Ed Sullivan show. Katherine and younger kids come to California. Michael's pet rats. Jermaine's boa constrictor gift from Hazel. Feeding it Michael's rats. Another house. Studio, school. Number 1 singles. 在Barry Gordy家表演給Motown的人看 第一次見到Diana Ross 他們不是被她發覺 Motown訓練他們 錄音 大姐結婚 六歲Randy想加入 Joe給了他鼓 說他可以了就可以加入 搬到加州 說他們並沒有住在Diana家 一切都是宣傳手法 Diana敎他們畫畫 Jermaine愛上 老闆的女兒 講了很多稱讚Diana的話 說MJ和Diana有特別的聯繫 Diana就像代理母親 Barry Gordy像爸爸 花時間陪他們 Joe不會做的事情 繼續訓練 錄音 行銷和說謊建立形象 MJ開玩笑說這些讓他們像七個小矮人 Suzanne給MJ的外號是Casper Milquetoast ( 第一次上電視 Diana介紹他們 老喬不爽 因為Diana說是Michael JAckson和J5 Sammy David JR暱稱MJ是小侏儒 KJ和其他弟妹來加州 MJ的寵物老鼠 老闆女兒給Jermaine一條蟒蛇當禮物 把MJ的寵物給 蟒蛇吃了 搬家 發行了冠軍單曲 to be continued. ... wfull=1#post3481666 -- 在一個充滿仇恨的世界 我們仍須勇於希望 在一個充滿憤怒的世界 我們仍須勇於安慰 在一個充滿絕望的世界 我們仍須勇於夢想 在一個充滿猜忌的世界 我們仍須勇於相信 ---------------by 麥克傑克森 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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