Re: [情報] Bang!Bang!Bang!

看板Kings作者時間15年前 (2009/09/05 07:49), 編輯推噓8(809)
留言17則, 8人參與, 5年前最新討論串3/4 (看更多) Kings' Udrih suffers minor knee injury 又忘了去拜拜... With the Kings' voluntary conditioning program set to begin Tuesday and training camp starting Sept. 29, their starting point guard finds himself in a less-than-desirable condition. 就在國王的自願性訓練營即將開始前,他們的先發控衛突然發現自已囧掉了。 Beno Udrih suffered a left knee injury last Tuesday while playing for the Slovenian national team in Bonn, Germany. According to, he limped off the court in his team's Eurobasket win over Germany and is expected to miss up to three weeks. Beno在星期四為國家隊出賽時,傷到了他的左膝。根據消息指出,他在傷後一跛一跛 的走出球場,而且可能要休息長達三個星期。 Yet Kings basketball president Geoff Petrie said an MRI on Udrih's knee was negative and the injury is not considered serious. 國王隊總理大臣Petrie說Udrih 的核磁共振顯示為陰性,而且這個傷勢看來並不嚴重 。 "I talked to (Udrih's agent) Marc (Cornstein), and he had talked to Beno and said … that it was a strain or sprain of some kind and that he was fine," Petrie said. "I told Marc, hopefully we'll track Beno down the next day or two, too, (to talk), but he's going to stay with the team. He said (Udrih) wasn't going to play (in the remainder of Eurobasket play). 「我和Udrih 的經紀人Marc聯絡過了,他告知我,這只是個扭傷,他看起還不錯。我 們希望可以追蹤Beno的傷勢,但Beno決定留在國家隊上,可是接下來的賽程他將不會參與 。」Petrie說。 "Marc's words to me were, 'It's nothing to be concerned about.' … We'll learn more here in the next two or three days." 「Marc看來就是要告訴我們『不是什麼大事啦!』,接下來的兩三天,我們將會得知 更多的消息。」 If the injury proves to be more serious, Petrie said, Udrih will be asked to return to Sacramento to have the team's medical staff assess the knee.: 如果事情大條的話,Petrie將會要求Udrih 回到沙加緬度,由隊上的醫療團隊評估他 的傷勢。 -- 有錯請指正<(__ __)> Beno:小傷而已啦!大家不要早早排擠我嘛T__T。 -- Q: This is the one trade suggestion I know you'll like. How about we trade all the bandwagon xxxxx fans who are freaking out about our record for real fans who understand this is a long season and that it's how we're playing come playoff time that matters! XX隊翻譯版 Q:有個交易提案我想你會喜歡。不如我們把所有為紀錄瘋狂的戰績球迷交易掉,換來能了 解球季還很長,而且贏得季後賽才真正重要的球迷。 ??隊翻譯版 Q:有個交易提案我想你會喜歡。不如我們把所有的戰績球迷交易掉,換來能了解輸球很正 常,而且贏球就是天大喜事的球迷。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: santabrelai 來自: (09/05 07:51)

09/05 10:49, , 1F
哈 因為有前科 所以大家都不相信他說的「小傷」
09/05 10:49, 1F

09/05 12:38, , 2F
不想批評他 但現在隊上的形勢是每個位置都有激烈競爭
09/05 12:38, 2F

09/05 12:39, , 3F
受傷不是他願意的 但我們也沒理由等他
09/05 12:39, 3F

09/05 13:06, , 4F
多明尼加這次真是太不值得了 賈西亞沒上 多明尼加連加拿大
09/05 13:06, 4F

09/05 13:06, , 5F
09/05 13:06, 5F

09/05 13:14, , 6F
"聽說"賈西亞受傷了= = (總版)
09/05 13:14, 6F

09/05 13:17, , 7F
很雖 白白送掉世錦賽資格Cisco這次受傷可能又送掉先發SF
09/05 13:17, 7F

09/05 13:20, , 8F
不用擔心啦 CISCO去年手指斷了都還繼續打
09/05 13:20, 8F

09/05 16:14, , 9F
這只是小傷 minor 之前的消息不是就有了嗎....
09/05 16:14, 9F

09/05 23:43, , 10F
Cisco傷的右手無名指跟上個球季是一樣的 舊傷了....
09/05 23:43, 10F

09/05 23:43, , 11F
下禮拜會回到沙城 評估看怎樣 也剛好利用這段時間休息
09/05 23:43, 11F

09/05 23:44, , 12F
怕他因為參加國際賽太早調整好 至於Beno 加油吧
09/05 23:44, 12F

09/06 00:22, , 13F
小賈的傷我是覺得對球隊來說還好 我們不缺二 三號戰力 甚
09/06 00:22, 13F

09/06 00:23, , 14F
至可以讓他多休息 給 Casspi Greene 多點上場時間也不錯
09/06 00:23, 14F

09/06 00:24, , 15F
烏賊...... 真的只好自球多福了
09/06 00:24, 15F

12/11 05:38, 5年前 , 16F
不想批評他 但現在隊上
12/11 05:38, 16F

04/20 03:27, 5年前 , 17F
下禮拜會回到沙城 評估
04/20 03:27, 17F
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