Re: [外電] The Carmelo-Jeremy Lin fit test, Pt. 1

看板Knicks作者 (toro)時間12年前 (2012/02/23 00:44), 編輯推噓4(400)
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※ 引述《cjSucks (西街-薩克斯)》之銘言: 簡單翻譯 歡迎其他人補充 本文分析了甜瓜和林在球場上的契機,大致上都是戰術不夠純熟, 但藉由2位high-level的球員加入,看出未來的進攻十分強大。 (甜瓜的吸引包夾以及Amare製造出許多空檔) The Carmelo-Jeremy Lin fit test, Pt. 1 The Knicks cut into the Nets’ lead during the middle of the fourth quarter Monday night using a lineup that did not include Jeremy Lin or any traditional point guard. Then Lin came back into the game, and the Knicks, needing to play almost perfect offense in order to have any chance to win, did this with 5:20 left in the game: 在第4節僅剩下5:20開始,尼克隊打出了幾乎完美的offense。
The skill level of the five New York players on the floor here is so high that this set is dangerous even though the three players surrounding the initial Lin/Tyson Chandler pick-and-roll — Carmelo Anthony and Amar’e Stoudemire on the left side, J.R. Smith in the right corner — do not move at all as that play unfolds. Despite that lack of motion, there is a brief moment when Stoudemire is open on the left baseline as Kris Humphries slides into the paint to help on Chandler. And any possession that ends with Melo isolating on Anthony Morrow counts as a well-used possession. Still, you can’ t help but ask for more, just as we asked for more off-ball motion from Miami ’s stars all of last season. 五個high skill level球員在場上的尼克的offense system非常危險,儘管當Lin和Tyson 在打Pick&Roll時,場上其他3人站在原地不動彷彿自己的位置是Open;Melo和Amare站在 左側而JR站在右角。僅管缺乏流動,但有一瞬間Amare是Open的。而且任何時刻只要Melo 拿到球處於1v1的iso狀況下,都是非常有利的。 The challenge of re-integrating Anthony into the Lin Knicks centers on two things: Melo重新加入Lin System的兩大重點: 1. Making Anthony and Stoudemire useful alongside the Lin/Chandler pick-and-roll. This play has become New York’s go-to action and figures to remain so when the core players are on the court. The typical way to accomplish this first goal would be to use Anthony as a secondary option — a deadly scorer Lin can kick the ball to if the defense stops the first play, as New Jersey does in the clip above. Even better would be for Anthony and Stoudemire to work some off-ball movement while that Lin/Chandler pick-and-roll unfolds, so that Anthony is on the move, with the defense compromised, when Lin kicks the ball his way. That doesn’t happen here, but it did at other times, and on those plays you could see the rudiments of what yet another “new” Knicks offense might look like — even in a game in which they put up their worst points per possession mark since Lin began getting real minutes. 1.Melo和Amare在Lin和Tyson pick&roll時必須發揮作用。 這是尼克隊常見的play,而且在Melo及Amare加入後也仍要存在。完成這個Play常見的方式 為將甜瓜作為第二得分點。當防守使Lin無法得分便傳球給甜瓜殺球。如上個影片展示。 更好的作法是甜瓜和阿嬤必須在Lin/Tyson P&R時無持球移動。這次並沒有看到。但是他確 實在某些play下有做到新的尼克offense system的模樣。 2. Folding in possessions in which Anthony and/or Stoudemire can work as the first option with Lin on the floor. This should be less difficult, though it will force Lin to work as both an off-ball screener and a spot-up shooter — skills that aren’t nearly as reliable as his pick-and-roll work at this point. 2.當Lin在場上時,將球交給第一得分點的甜瓜或阿嬤。 這應該會比較簡單,但是Lin必須要做無持球卡位,並且做一個定點射手,但是這些技術 並沒有他的P&R可靠。 In any case, here are some notable things from Monday night: 無論如何,以下有些值得注意的事情: ‧ Keeping Anthony and Stoudemire useful during Lin/Chandler pick-and-rolls 甜瓜和阿嬤必須在Lin/泰森P&R時必須做點事情 The Knicks get a “C” here, and that’s fine for Game 1. Plays like the one above — stuff that is too stagnant given the talent involved — dotted the game, and Anthony and Stoudemire occasionally looked uncertain working away from the main action. That’s expected. The Knicks are evolving, again, and they won’t have much practice time to aid that evolution. But they’ll work at it, and the talent is so good that New York should look like a scoring machine on some nights, even with awkardness like this: 尼克在這場只得到C的成績,但對Game1來說還OK。以上個Play而言,場上的流動性太糟了 ,而且有時候甜瓜和阿嬤不知道自己要做什麼事情。但這算是可以預見的。尼克會在進化 ,但他們並沒有太多的練習時間。不過他們的天份都很好,所以可以期待他們。
Stoudemire and Anthony again sort of stand around while Lin and Chandler do their thing, and Stoudemire eventually serves as the safety valve at the elbow. He’s a couple of feet out of his range when he gets the ball, but he has historically been a dangerous mid-range shooter. If he’s going to work as a second option on the weak side — and Stoudemire’s demotion from first option to second or third is the biggest non-Lin story of the Knicks season — Lin will have to use him in this way even more than he has so far. 阿嬤和甜瓜又一次在p&r時站著發呆了。阿嬤拿到球之後和他的中距離出手點還有幾尺。 ... 以下開放接力... You can see the uncertainty when Stoudemire gets the ball. Should Anthony post up? Should Stoudemire shoot? Should he drive? Eventually he and Anthony improvise a nifty pick-and-roll that leads to a switch and then a foot-on-the-line jumper that would be a great shot were it a three-pointer. Again, the Knicks get a good look despite the awkwardness, and that is a tribute to the talent of the players involved. The Knicks toyed with lots of other stuff involving these two off the ball during Lin/Chandler pick-and-rolls. On one possession midway through the first quarter, they stationed Anthony and Stoudemire in opposite corners. Anthony cut backdoor along the right baseline when his defender took a peek at Chandler rolling in the lane, while Stoudemire looped up behind the play to make himself a wide-open target near the left elbow for a possible jumper. New York also did more of this: ‧ Clearing one side of the floor completely for Lin and Chandler Here’s an example of this kind of set, which the Knicks used more on Monday night than in prior Lin games:
This is really smart. Anthony and Landry Fields for their careers are average three-point shooters, and some lineups the Knicks will play heavy minutes going forward just won’t have the kind of threatening outside shooting of groups that feature Steve Novak and Smith. The Knicks adjust here by clearing the entire left side of the floor for Chandler and Lin. Normally, there would be a shooter in the left corner, where Fields starts this possession. But not here, since New York understands the guy defending that shooter would crash into the lane and muck up the pick-and-roll. You see the results: Kris Humphries has to come all the way across the court to prevent a Chandler dunk, and that opens up too many holes in the defense. Ideally, you’d like Chandler — not a good passer for his position — to hit Stoudemire directly instead of going through Melo as the middle man, but again, the talent is good enough that the play works regardless. The Knicks repeated this clear-out action several times throughout the game. ‧ Carmelo as the screener for Lin Anthony can play this role, even in games in which Chandler isn’t limited by foul trouble (as he was Monday), and the Knicks experimented with a half-dozen Lin/Anthony pick-and-rolls to uneven results:
Anthony slips the screen here, as he loves to do, and anytime he cuts down the lane hard, he’s going to draw attention. Notice how open Stoudemire gets on the left wing — this is one of those instances in which Lin missed him. Also notice Jared Jeffries cutting down the left side of the lane at the start of the play. He cuts right into Stoudemire’s space, and if he’s going to do that, he might as well hammer Humphries (Stoudemire’s man) with a screen to give Amar’e even more room. Here’s another Lin/Melo pick-and-roll, again with the left side totally clear — and with Stoudemire as a wide-open jump-shooting outlet:
‧ Staggered screens for Lin This has enormous potential to free up Lin and unleash Anthony as a scorer:
Throw two dangerous screeners at Lin, and you’re bound to create an opportunity for someone — Lin, one of the screeners, or Stoudemire, lurking again on the weak side above the foul line. Here it’s Anthony, who does a beautiful job recognizing a chance to wrong-foot DeShawn Stevenson as he tries to slide back onto Anthony after darting over to contain Lin. Anthony can destroy you when given an advantage like this. ‧ Melo as the first option New York fans can take heart in this: Each team gets 90 or so possession in a basketball game, and it was clear Monday night that should provide enough chances for everyone to get their fair share of time as the go-to guy–or at least for Melo to get his fair share. Stoudemire is a different story, working almost exclusively now as the second option. But here’s Melo, doing his thing:
Lin happily hands pick-and-roll duties to Anthony, who runs a quick one with Jeffries before finding Stoudemire for an easy jumper. Melo got plenty of opportunities as option No. 1. He isolated against Stevenson and Morrow on the block, darted into the post after a quick back-screen for Novak got nothing and ran several pick-and-rolls of his own — including one with Stoudemire that resulted in an And-1 layup for Anthony. He only took 11 shots, but Anthony also dished six assists (with six turnovers) and got to the line six times. Lin probably shouldn’t be attempting seven more field-goal attempts than Melo (and the same number of free throws), and Novak might never attempt 10 shots in a game again this season. The shot distribution on Monday probably wasn’t ideal, but this is an ongoing project. New York fans are probably sick of ongoing projects, but this is the most interesting one yet, and the one with the most potential. The challenge will be just as tough on defense, where Anthony and Baron Davis represent two more subpar defenders New York must incorporate alongside Chandler (perhaps the Defensive Player of the Year at this point) and Stoudemire (perhaps the Anti-Defensive Player of the Year). The Knicks’ perimeter defense was off against New Jersey, but that’s a theme for another day. This will be an interesting ride. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/23 01:07, , 1F
沒錯..當初看就覺得怎麼都那麼少跑位? 這樣怎麼傳球!
02/23 01:07, 1F

02/23 01:12, , 2F
說來說去就是球隊變動太大 剛好又遇到縮水球季沒時間調整
02/23 01:12, 2F

02/23 01:22, , 3F
02/23 01:22, 3F

02/23 01:24, , 4F
是P&R或是別人持球進攻時,走位跟內線卡位的支援 :)
02/23 01:24, 4F
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