Re: [閒聊] 為何對手不包夾呢??

看板Lakers作者 ( 醉拳甘Mydick)時間14年前 (2009/12/19 01:21), 編輯推噓18(1801)
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※ 引述《spock2230 (spock)》之銘言: ※ 引述《capriole (CARPE DIEM)》之銘言: : 承kobeslaker大的文章 : 個人認為今天Kobe能絕殺成功 : 湖人最後的戰術安排也是成功的因素之一(雖然禪師不一定有醒過來) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 附上一篇賽後報導,證明 Jackson 當時是清醒的 XD Phil designs Kobe's heroics By KEVIN DING MILWAUKEE Even now as an old married couple, they can still surprise each other, which is pretty hard to do. 您以為老夫老妻玩不出新花樣嗎?雖然不容易但有的時候還是可以讓對方surprise一下喔 And pretty great. 而且就是老夫老妻才難得。 Phil Jackson started drawing the diagram on his board, designing a play from the backcourt, and Kobe Bryant was baffled. He interrupted with a furrowed brow and started to point toward the scoreboard to remind his longtime coach that only 5.4 seconds remained in overtime, and the Lakers were losing by one. 禪師在設計最後一次進攻的時候,KOBE不知道他的用意,甚至想提醒他: 「^%#$!剩五點四秒,我們還輸一分耶!」 “Huh?” Bryant actually said in the huddle Wednesday night. 湖人隊員圍觀戰術指示的人堆裡,KOBE:「啊?」 Bryant turned to appeal to co-star Pau Gasol to bring Jackson to his senses. Jackson stopped drawing and just gave Bryant a dead-eyed look that basically said: “Are you going to let me do what I do or what?” KOBE甚至找GASOL一起叫禪師不要鬧了、醒醒阿大佬~ 禪師停筆給KOBE一個死魚眼:「阿現在是要不要聽我的啦?」 Jackson resumed drawing in the backcourt, and with that, Bryant ceased being surprised. 當禪師把戰術畫完,??終於瞭解他的用意不再驚訝。 “Then I got it,” Bryant said later as he walked out of the visitors’ locker room, his epic resume now bulging by one more shot. “I knew exactly what he was doing.” 「我懂了,」他的光榮戰史現在又多了一次精彩跳投,KOBE賽後走出更衣室說: 「我完全搞懂了他的用意。」 Jackson wanted to help Bryant by deterring Milwaukee from double-teaming him. 禪師就是要讓公鹿沒辦法包夾KOBE。 Bryant flashed back in the moment to the 1991 NBA Finals (yes, his basketball knowledge is that encyclopedic that he could cite the correct year): Jackson started a play in the backcourt – although 10 seconds remained in that case – and wound up getting Michael Jordan an elbow jumper over Vlade Divac’s too-late help, forcing overtime at The Forum in Game 3 against the Lakers. KOBE回憶1991球季的總冠軍戰(沒錯,他就像本籃球活百科連正確的年份都有辦法引述。) 禪師讓戰術從後場發動,在剩下十秒的時間裡 MJ利用 DIVAC補防不及, 在圈頂來個跳投把比賽逼入延長賽,當時是冠軍系列第三場對湖人,Forum湖人老主場。 As Bryant caught Jackson’s drift in the huddle, the excitement began to build in him and he picked up as soon as Jackson left off drawing the play. Bryant pointed to the clipboard and talked to Derek Fisher about what he needed to do in his corner, then Lamar Odom about what he needed to do with the inbounds pass, then Gasol as they walked in step onto the court about holding off Milwaukee shot blocker Andrew Bogut. KOBE一瞭解 禪師葫蘆裡賣的藥,他馬上興奮地接手剩下的工作分配, 告訴 FISHER在角落埋伏、ODOM該怎麼發球進來、走進球場時又囑咐GASOL要hold住 Andrew Bogut。 Bryant knew that with Jackson’s help in drawing up such a spread-open floor, if his teammates held their spots well, he’d get a shot he later said he can make “in my sleep.” KOBE知道在禪師設計清開全場空間、各隊友站好位置之下,他一定投得進那一球: 「我睡著都投得近。」 Bryant hit a game winner just a week and a half ago against Miami. But with the ball coming in from the frontcourt then, Bryant struggled to control the ball against an immediate double team. He wound up dribbling the wrong way, away from the basket, and had to double back before launching what he later called the luckiest shot of his career. 在邁阿密丟進那顆三分球連 KOBE自己都覺得幸運,而且在熱火及時包夾下, KOBE受到壓迫不但球帶錯方向,出手前也很踉蹌。 This time, Bryant wasn’t even touched until he dug his right shoulder into Milwaukee’s all-alone defender Charlie Bell as a prelude to clearing space to shoot. Bryant breezed to the left elbow, shimmied with a quick fake left for more space and was all net on a 15-foot fadeaway. 而這次,KOBE在收球用肩膀頂出空間前,根本沒有被壓迫到; 他對上的只有 Charlie Bell一個,輕輕鬆鬆就帶到左邊罰球線, 來個左邊假晃做出空隙,出手就是空心。 Odom was so excited he didn’t just hop up and down; he jacked his arms up like goalposts and leapt so high he bent at the knees. ODOM超爽的。跟猴子一樣超大力地跳上跳下。 Bryant’s teammates on the bench stormed the court toward him, but Luke Walton paused to turn back to a ballboy who’d been sure Bryant would play hero and smiled, saying: “You called it!” 湖人全隊朝 KOBE衝過去,WALTON還跟賭KOBE會投進的球僮說:「有影..被你賽中了!」 The largest crowd of the season in Milwaukee dragged away, and one Bucks fan could be heard saying: “What a buzzkill! What a buzzkill! Unbelievable.” 離場的公鹿球迷:「絕殺!!絕殺!!太誇張了阿阿」 Jackson was somewhat surprised, too, considering the Bucks missed crucial foul shots in regulation and overtime to open the door. Milwaukee had also led, 106-100, until Bryant produced the game’s final seven points in the last 1:18 (in his third full game with an avulsion fracture in his right index finger that has left him to change his shooting grip “substantially” with more thumb pressure). 禪師也有點驚訝。公鹿在正規跟延長賽都錯失關鍵罰球, 而且在KOBE丟進湖人最後七分前,最後一分十八秒公鹿還領先六分。 KOBE不但指傷必須修正握球姿勢,這更是受傷後第三場幾乎打滿全場的比賽。 “It was a miraculous win,” Jackson said. “It really was.” 「好神阿,」禪師說:「真的太神了。」 Jackson’s genius in designing the play will go unnoticed by the masses. His life, though, has been all about being the man behind the man anyway. 但禪師設計戰術的創意跟巧思經常都被淹沒在勝利歡呼的群眾聲後, 但他也習慣了,默默當個英雄背後的女...男人。 Asked about the Bucks not double-teaming him, Bryant said: “Phil caught them off guard by having us take the ball fullcourt. I think that threw them for a loop.” KOBE談公鹿沒包夾到他,說: 「禪師讓我直接持球帶到前場,完全趁他們不備,真的讓他們大意失荊州。」 And because they’re now an old married couple, Jackson poked some fun afterward. He noted Bryant’s miss on a similar jumper at regulation’s end and asked him: “Why’d you keep us waiting?” 禪師跟記者喇賽,拿KOBE正規時間前沒丟進的那一球(幾乎同位置同情況)開玩笑。 「幹嘛幹嘛,你這小子想吊我們胃口呴~。」 Smiling at reporters later, Jackson said: “Really, he wasted a whole half hour of our lives.” 微笑禪師賽後嘴砲No.2: 「厚~KOBE多浪費了我們整整半個小時耶~」 -- 個人覺得這篇花絮虎爛成分有一點...。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/18 23:48,
12/18 23:48

12/19 00:09,
禪師: kobe ! 你知道半個小時我已經可以擁有兩個好夢嗎
12/19 00:09

12/19 00:10,
12/19 00:10

12/19 00:12,
禪師沒睡 科神建功
12/19 00:12

12/19 00:14,
Sulicon 應該會來翻吧?(誤)
12/19 00:14

12/19 00:16,
快來翻譯XD 不過Live時禪師就有拿戰術板啦 Kobe還在那一
12/19 00:16

12/19 00:16,
直念念念 還有和Gasol彼此討論一些事 我看得很仔細XDDD
12/19 00:16

12/19 00:21,
我也有看到~ kobe:等等贏了之後咱去吃饗食 pau:恩..好
12/19 00:21

12/19 00:25,
12/19 00:25

12/19 00:26,
[震怒] Phil : Kobe 浪費我半小時的生命
12/19 00:26

12/19 00:28,
Phil:這球跟正規時間那球根本一模一樣 你早早投進我們就收
12/19 00:28

12/19 00:28,
工了 早就想回家了
12/19 00:28

12/19 00:33,
Phil : 淦,設計了半天,你還是用同招打掉
12/19 00:33

12/19 00:39,
樓上說得很有可能耶............. (設計對白如下)
12/19 00:39

12/19 00:40,
Phil:等會Lamar發球 Fisher你繞出來去底線 Artest檔一下
12/19 00:40

12/19 00:41,
人讓Kobe出來弧頂接球 然後Gasol出來單檔 Kobe你投
12/19 00:41

12/19 00:41,
Kobe:yo man! 不用那麼麻煩 大家清空站好位給我左邊單打
12/19 00:41

12/19 00:42,
Pau :真的不需要幫忙檔一下給你空間投籃嗎?
12/19 00:42

12/19 00:42,
Kobe:不用不用啦 你去籃底準備卡位就好 剩下交給我 XD
12/19 00:42
-- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/19 01:23, , 1F
科科看過的比賽都記的住? 那想必已經進入八奇的思考領域...
12/19 01:23, 1F

12/19 01:28, , 2F
Sulicon : 幹 ! 我翻到一半
12/19 01:28, 2F

12/19 01:28, , 3F
Bogut看起來軟軟的 可是打起來好像也不差
12/19 01:28, 3F

12/19 01:35, , 4F
12/19 01:35, 4F

12/19 01:35, , 5F
12/19 01:35, 5F

12/19 01:36, , 6F
12/19 01:36, 6F

12/19 01:37, , 7F
12/19 01:37, 7F

12/19 01:38, , 8F
推推 言簡意賅
12/19 01:38, 8F

12/19 01:42, , 9F
我就說這次出手公鹿隊員根本沒壓迫到KOBE = =
12/19 01:42, 9F

12/19 01:43, , 10F
12/19 01:43, 10F

12/19 01:46, , 11F
推推 一對一來說已經壓迫到了..只能說禪師還是有一手XD
12/19 01:46, 11F

12/19 02:19, , 12F
推禪師 很棒的戰術
12/19 02:19, 12F

12/19 02:32, , 13F
Kobe:我睡著都投得近 我:清醒著我也投不進
12/19 02:32, 13F

12/19 02:47, , 14F
kobe:不包夾我一定近 我:不守我我也投不進
12/19 02:47, 14F

12/19 02:59, , 15F
obe:不過來我就投進 我:你來不來都不會進
12/19 02:59, 15F

12/19 03:29, , 16F
12/19 03:29, 16F

12/19 04:12, , 17F
Kobe:我作夢都在投球 科嫂:拜託睡覺時不要後仰跳投
12/19 04:12, 17F

12/19 16:05, , 18F
樓上 XDD
12/19 16:05, 18F

12/20 02:28, , 19F
趙雲+諸葛 冰完敲
12/20 02:28, 19F
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