Re: [問題] 變換SHELL

看板Linux作者時間12年前 (2012/11/16 14:32), 編輯推噓0(000)
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於 西元2012年09月30日 09:41, 建構式摸魚 提到: > 裝了zsh想要換成default > chsh -s /bin/zsh 有顯示換成功 (我在user/root都有做這件事) > 命令列下打zsh也可以進去 > 但是每當我用user打開terminal的時候,卻還是bash.. > 可是進入root權限的話,就會正常變成zsh > 我用fedora預設的terminal VALID SHELLS chsh will accept the full pathname of any executable file on the system. However, it will issue a warning if the shell is not listed in the /etc/shells file. On the other hand, it can also be configured such that it will only accept shells listed in this file, unless you are root. 所以先確認你的 /etc/shells 內有無 zsh。 -- ⊙翱翔青空.傲視大地⊙
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