[新聞] 他們的教練說.....(有雷)

看板Liverpool作者 (Liverpool FC)時間18年前 (2006/04/23 05:29), 編輯推噓12(1202)
留言14則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/fa_cup/4935240.stm 不知道這可不可以po耶..... 我就不提我們教練說得了 可以去連結看 Mourinho cited his side's failure to take their chances and some favourable refereeing decisions towards Liverpool from Graham Poll as major factors in his team's defeat. "When you create chances against a very defensive team you have to score," said the Portuguese. "We had two big chances and did not score. And, in a tight game with a tight result, every crucial decision against you makes it even more difficult. "But I think in the last half an hour we showed why we are champions again and the reason why in the last two seasons we have 45 more points than Liverpool.(......喔) "They beat us twice in cups and we beat them every game in the Premiership and it shows the difference."(......喔) Mourinho added: "I congratulate them because they won. They fought a lot to keep the result and when professionals fight like they did you have to congratulate them.(謝謝) 還沒完... "But if they go to the final and be lucky with a referee like they had against us it can be a help for them.(.....喔....)(.....煩死了....) ................. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: scousernru 來自: (04/23 05:40)

04/23 05:42, , 1F
04/23 05:42, 1F

04/23 10:56, , 2F
04/23 10:56, 2F

04/23 11:08, , 3F
04/23 11:08, 3F

04/23 11:13, , 4F
04/23 11:13, 4F

04/23 12:16, , 5F
這時候還是要貼一下這張 http://0rz.net/b91iA
04/23 12:16, 5F

04/23 15:14, , 6F
04/23 15:14, 6F

04/23 16:08, , 7F
04/23 16:08, 7F

04/23 16:12, , 8F
等著看吧 下次就會在聯賽裡贏他們了
04/23 16:12, 8F

04/23 16:41, , 9F
我想退照片 (噓~~~)
04/23 16:41, 9F

04/23 16:41, , 10F
04/23 16:41, 10F

04/24 21:15, , 11F
04/24 21:15, 11F

04/24 23:39, , 12F
文中這些話都還好而已, 他還說了更酸更機車的...
04/24 23:39, 12F

04/24 23:58, , 13F
不過不用跟他計較.. sour grapes make Portuguese wine
04/24 23:58, 13F

04/25 00:10, , 14F
04/25 00:10, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #14Ig0VCT (Liverpool)
文章代碼(AID): #14Ig0VCT (Liverpool)