[情報] Unofficial PBE Patch Notes for 9/4

看板LoL作者 (Ted)時間10年前 (2014/09/04 13:51), 10年前編輯推噓18(1914)
留言24則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
資料來源- Surrender@20:http://tinyurl.com/l6b5clu ReginOfGaming:http://tinyurl.com/l9eoyne 推薦好讀版:http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1409809885.A.77C.html 新的字體及特效 Welcome to Summoner's Rift http://i.imgur.com/idjIf9C.jpg
A minion has slain __ http://i.imgur.com/rbHgAFd.jpg
First Blood http://i.imgur.com/7IRtrhU.jpg
__ is legendary http://i.imgur.com/MaKVNz0.jpg
Double Kill http://i.imgur.com/FyaXH31.jpg
Triple Kill http://i.imgur.com/dytiLLj.jpg
Quadra Kill http://i.imgur.com/WSyZE0P.jpg
Penta Kill http://i.imgur.com/HTkbfJ4.jpg
HexaKill http://i.imgur.com/kx3DoK1.jpg
ACE http://i.imgur.com/Q0vr7rI.jpg
(敵對為紅色) Azir 登入畫面 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHP3GX8vsk4
雷尼克頓新展示圖 http://i.imgur.com/3mfXU3d.jpg
極靈大絕特效修改 現在被極靈大絕放到的話螢幕會變亮 聖光啊 http://i.imgur.com/voCTAZa.jpg
(左舊右新) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuELjO2ksSs
(看影片比較清楚) 新模式 Ascension 展示圖 http://i.imgur.com/ob6LMBG.png
蛇女故事修改(坐等翻譯) "Cassiopeia is a terrifying creature - half woman, half snake - whose slightest glance brings death. The youngest daughter of one of Noxus' most influential families, she was once a beautiful and cunning temptress capable of manipulating the hardest heart. Transformed by the venom of an ancient Shuriman tomb guardian, she continues to serve Noxian interests as she always has, just in a more... visceral way." Do note that this new entry notes her transformation was caused by "the venom of an ancient Shuriman tomb guardian" where as her current lore entry notes it was from breaking an oath. 英雄平衡更改 Azir [Passive] 1%CDR 可轉換的攻速從 1.5% 改為 1.25% [Q] AP係數從 0.6 改為 0.5 [E] 冷卻從 23/21/19/17/15 改為 19/18/17/16/15 夜曲 [R] 取消沒有飛出去會-40%CDR的效果(回歸線上版本) -- By ALi Project グランギニョル                仏語で「操り人形」または「人形劇」を指す。       普通は19世紀末のパリに実在した劇場「グラン・ギニョル座」を指す。  この劇場では人形の代わりに人間が出演し,残酷でエロチックな恐怖劇を演じた。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1409809885.A.77C.html

09/04 13:54, , 1F
09/04 13:54, 1F

09/04 13:54, , 2F
鱷魚變帥了阿~ 然後字體也很棒<3
09/04 13:54, 2F

09/04 13:54, , 3F
09/04 13:54, 3F

09/04 14:00, , 4F
大概已經有太多人抱怨 白癡carry不會看極靈的R
09/04 14:00, 4F

09/04 14:04, , 5F
09/04 14:04, 5F

09/04 14:06, , 6F
09/04 14:06, 6F

09/04 14:07, , 7F
09/04 14:07, 7F

09/04 14:08, , 8F
09/04 14:08, 8F

09/04 14:10, , 9F
09/04 14:10, 9F

09/04 14:13, , 10F
09/04 14:13, 10F

09/04 14:15, , 11F
09/04 14:15, 11F

09/04 14:25, , 12F
09/04 14:25, 12F

09/04 14:25, , 13F
無感 反正到台灣還是特別版(看看大廳)
09/04 14:25, 13F

09/04 14:29, , 14F
來源網址可以看到更多 還有六連殺
09/04 14:29, 14F

09/04 14:35, , 15F
09/04 14:35, 15F

09/04 14:35, , 16F
09/04 14:35, 16F

09/04 14:36, , 17F
又要安裝遊戲了.... (每次新模式結束就砍game)
09/04 14:36, 17F

09/04 14:46, , 18F
09/04 14:46, 18F

09/04 14:49, , 19F
song name? Darude - Sandstorm
09/04 14:49, 19F
※ 編輯: gcobc12632 (, 09/04/2014 15:28:50

09/04 15:33, , 20F
09/04 15:33, 20F

09/04 15:36, , 21F

09/04 15:40, , 22F
改字體那有改擊殺聲效嗎 那個女的唸的一點都不爽快
09/04 15:40, 22F

09/04 15:59, , 23F
09/04 15:59, 23F

09/04 19:56, , 24F
09/04 19:56, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1K1_tTTy (LoL)
文章代碼(AID): #1K1_tTTy (LoL)