Re: [討論] 我看粉餅是無望了XD

看板Love-GoPets作者 (一多拿滋一)時間18年前 (2006/12/18 22:59), 編輯推噓8(800)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
※ 引述《Jtamine (J踢)》之銘言: : a) One reason NOT to announce that we were going to change the PFC payouts is : that rather than stop someone from buying PFCs, what would have happened is : that there would have been a massive gorging of food -> pink -> PFC -> more : excess gold. 我們不公告的我們將改變粉餅限制的其中一個原因是我們寧願停止玩家不在購買粉餅 而不會導致一大堆玩家買食物~吃完變粉貝,買粉餅>賺取大量金貝 : b) We cannot make gold non-transferable because people would simply buy : *items* of gold value such as a RFC and use that as a currency of exchange. 我們不能讓金貝不能轉移,因為玩家需要買一些金貝價值的物,例如金餅,並且需要 利用他們互相的交易 c) Most games with items, make the items non-transferrable after use (like : WoW and CyWorld) this helps the operators for once the item is used no other : use can use it and thus it has to be bought fresh again. I understand this, : but we are trying to figure out how to make a profitable company without : having to do that. Imagine a Butterfly wing that just cannot be traded??? We : do that with just a few items for subs especially. I want an economy where : the users are free to pass around objects as they please. Prize Points are an : exception here for otherwise it would be soon meaningess... 很多遊戲關於物品設定在於用過之後就不能轉移(像是魔獸世界和..XXXX),這使得物品 使用後不能轉移而其他人需要繼續購買物品使得物品購買持續進行,我了解這點,但我們 正盡力尋找如何讓我們獲許利益卻不需要做這一點的公司.想像一下, 如果一個蝴蝶翅膀 不能夠汰舊換新? 我們只讓一些會員物品不能交易,我們希望玩家在這遊戲能夠自由的交 換他們喜歡的物品, 點數分數是例外...不然的話 點數商品就沒價值了 : d) expect to see changes soon in items requiring Pink Shells to purchase 期待用粉貝就能購買商店物品的改變吧 XD : Thank you, : -Erik : 我也懶得翻了XD 求高手吧 (我只能看得懂大概XD) -- _▃_ 老婆,我回來了!還買了禮物要.... ╔═════════════╗ 老婆,我回來了!還買了禮物要.... ║ ║ ] /\ 老婆,我回來了!還買了禮物要....門的另一端,世界的真實。 || β 妳技術不錯嘛! ○ ║ ║ ◣◥(|\ 唔..好棒 gayb/cAshoNly ◥██◣ /`○rz ╚═════════════╝ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/18 23:22, , 1F
12/18 23:22, 1F

12/18 23:23, , 2F
12/18 23:23, 2F
※ 編輯: Ning0331 來自: (12/18 23:29)

12/18 23:29, , 3F
知道答案了 XD 金餅...@@
12/18 23:29, 3F

12/18 23:32, , 4F
12/18 23:32, 4F

12/18 23:36, , 5F
Regular~ 因為之前沒有粉餅和綠餅~多加R也好區分 ^^
12/18 23:36, 5F

12/18 23:38, , 6F
12/18 23:38, 6F

12/18 23:38, , 7F
原來如此0.0 那反正就是他們打死不改....= =
12/18 23:38, 7F

12/19 09:56, , 8F
12/19 09:56, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #15XgphNt (Love-GoPets)
文章代碼(AID): #15XgphNt (Love-GoPets)