The five best uniform changes of the last 20

看板MLB作者時間13年前 (2011/11/12 10:59), 編輯推噓24(2403)
留言27則, 25人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多) 1. Tampa Bay Rays The Rays drop the "Devil" and the Triple-A quality uniforms and make the World Series the next fall. Coincidence? Well, their talent and bullpen had a lot to do with it, but the Rays finally getting with the program after 10 years of looking like a MS Paint project gone wrong didn't hurt. 2. Chicago White Sox Though the White Sox passed on the retro ballpark fad to build the unremarkable Comiskey Park II, they launched the movement to re-adopt lost classics when getting dressed. Was it a result of a desire to market to the Los Angeles Raiders and Kings crowd? Perhaps, but at least it put an end to the weird days of playing in shorts and jerseys more suited for 16-inch softball. 3. Seattle Mariners While I still admire the very AL-looking trident logo, there's no question the M's nailed their compass logo when they introduced it in the early '90s. It's a classic look for a team that was born in 1977 and features the best use of teal from the color's crazy popularity boom (which is, to say, sparing). 4. Philadelphia Phillies I love me some Mike Schmidt in maroon and powder blue as much as the next Meech, but the Phillies' current look is a wonderful callback to the franchise's earlier days. Clean and concise, the Fightins' seamlessly blend into the traditional East Coast look. 5. Arizona Diamondbacks The D-backs have a number of things working against them. They were born out of an expansion, must adhere to a desert theme that doesn't appeal to a majority of sane people and are named after a snake. Their odds of looking goofy are high. And yet I think the sedona red look that Arizona has been wearing for a few seasons makes for one of the better kits in the league. The jerseys are distinct without employing a logo or colors best left for jewelry stores in Old Town Scottsdale. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/12 11:04, , 1F
11/12 11:04, 1F

11/12 11:07, , 2F
11/12 11:07, 2F

11/12 11:13, , 3F
11/12 11:13, 3F

11/12 11:18, , 4F
我覺得條紋衣都不錯看 太空人的也是
11/12 11:18, 4F

11/12 11:28, , 5F
好像一個是黑色線條 一個是深藍色線條
11/12 11:28, 5F

11/12 11:33, , 6F
跟過去比起來 確實改版後的比較好看XD 酒鬼沒上榜
11/12 11:33, 6F

11/12 11:54, , 7F
11/12 11:54, 7F

11/12 12:09, , 8F
太空人Retro Jersey超好看的好嗎!!!!!!
11/12 12:09, 8F

11/12 12:10, , 9F有圖有真相
11/12 12:10, 9F

11/12 12:16, , 10F
太空人的不錯看 感覺好像馬力歐吃到星星
11/12 12:16, 10F

11/12 12:27, , 11F
費城的假日奶油衣 灰熊的好看 有口皆碑 o(^-^)o
11/12 12:27, 11F

11/12 12:42, , 12F
11/12 12:42, 12F

11/12 12:43, , 13F
11/12 12:43, 13F

11/12 13:10, , 14F
以前Bagwell& Luis Gozalez穿太色人球衣(復古),超好看!
11/12 13:10, 14F

11/12 13:20, , 15F
11/12 13:20, 15F

11/12 14:12, , 16F
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11/12 16:03, , 20F
11/12 16:03, 20F

11/12 16:24, , 21F
我們家第二名囧 不過那套黑色 膚色黑的人穿起來不好看= =
11/12 16:24, 21F

11/12 19:39, , 22F
11/12 19:39, 22F

11/12 20:49, , 23F
11/12 20:49, 23F

11/12 22:48, , 24F
11/12 22:48, 24F

11/12 22:48, , 25F
11/12 22:48, 25F

11/13 00:08, , 26F
簡單說應該就是顏色要暗深 球衣看來"重"一點 才有機會好看
11/13 00:08, 26F

11/13 02:16, , 27F
最佳進步獎 XD
11/13 02:16, 27F
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