Re: Rays, Rangers, Indians, D-Backs Talking Trade

看板MLB作者 (Chen16)時間11年前 (2012/12/06 21:50), 編輯推噓17(1817)
留言26則, 24人參與, 最新討論串4/4 (看更多)
※ 引述《ccpz (OoOoOo)》之銘言: : : 目前據說 Mariners, Rangers, Indians, Diamondbacks 湊一桌 : 不過還沒有重大進展 : Rangers 想要 Justin Upton : 響尾蛇拿 Asdrubal Cabrera : 印地安人拿 Trevor Bauer, Patrick Corbin, Mike Olt 之中幾個 : 水手還在猶豫中, 目前考慮拿 Derek Holland, 不知道會送誰7 : Mariners slowing down talks? : 2 minutes ago by KenRosenthal : NASHVILLE, Tenn. - The fourth team in the blockbuster – or, at least, in : some permutations of the blockbuster – is Seattle. : And the Mariners, in the opinion of one of the officials involved in the : talks, amount to the biggest roadblock, unsure of whether to push forward : with the deal. : Texas general manager Jon Daniels is the driving force behind the trade, : feverishly trying to land Arizona right fielder Justin Upton, according to : multiple sources. Cleveland is the third principal team in the deal. : Daniels’ desire to land Upton could indicate that the Rangers would prefer : not to re-sign free-agent outfielder Josh Hamilton, and may be confident of : landing free-agent right-hander Zack Greinke. : But barring a major shift in the talks, the four-team blockbuster appears : unlikely to happen, sources say. : The teams in the trade have discussed numerous combinations of players, and : the identity of the fourth team has shifted at various points. Tampa Bay was : involved at one stage, sources say, and so was Kansas City, according to : : Shortstop Asdrubal Cabrera is a linchpin of the deal, going from Cleveland to : Arizona. The player that Seattle wants most is left-hander Derek Holland, : sources said. : The package of young players going to Cleveland would vary, but Arizona : right-hander Trevor Bauer, left-hander Patrick Corbin and Texas infielder : Mike Olt were among the names in play, according to one source. : Seattle also would give up prospects, and club officials are divided over : whether the team is in a strong enough position competitively to make such a : deal, the source said. : -Ken Rosenthal Report: Josh Hamilton, Mariners “very close” to getting a deal done You laughed when you first heard that the Mariners were talking to Josh Hamilton. Geoff Baker of the Seattle Times is reporting, however, that the last laugh may belong to Seattle: I’m now told the talks between the two sides have been a lot more serious than anyone has let on and that they are actually “very close” to getting a deal done. The holdup: Zack Greinke. Why? Because, according to Baker, the Rangers have been given a chance to match any offer for Hamilton the Mariners make. They cannot match it if the Rangers sign Greinke, because they can’t spend that much. If Greinke goes elsewhere, however, the Rangers will match the Seattle offer on Hamilton. Seattle is poised to strike fast, Baker says. This is pretty shocking, no? Did anyone really think the M’s would be anything other than a stalking horse? Could anyone — before they moved the fences in anyway — have imagined them landing a big free agent bat, let alone the biggest? But, pending Zack Greinke’s ultimate destination, that could very well happen. 水兵快拿到漢米囉~ 這樣一來 Z魔神>條子 漢米>水兵 天使:...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/06 21:52, , 1F
跟美西球隊簽 會被條子迷噓嗎
12/06 21:52, 1F

12/06 21:52, , 2F
12/06 21:52, 2F

12/06 21:53, , 3F
very close........會不會有程咬金出現捏
12/06 21:53, 3F

12/06 21:53, , 4F
12/06 21:53, 4F

12/06 21:54, , 5F
12/06 21:54, 5F

12/06 21:55, , 6F
12/06 21:55, 6F

12/06 21:56, , 7F
12/06 21:56, 7F

12/06 21:58, , 8F
水兵三四五棒有可能Bay Hamilton Ibanez嗎XD
12/06 21:58, 8F

12/06 21:58, , 9F
12/06 21:58, 9F

12/06 21:58, , 10F
12/06 21:58, 10F

12/06 21:58, , 11F
擺TEX一道 這樣不行啦 XD....
12/06 21:58, 11F

12/06 22:08, , 12F
GO GO GO!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
12/06 22:08, 12F

12/06 22:08, , 13F
12/06 22:08, 13F

12/06 22:09, , 14F
Hammy 能克服屍毒嗎 @@
12/06 22:09, 14F

12/06 22:11, , 15F
真的簽了再說吧 @@a...黑馬白馬的都看膩了說...
12/06 22:11, 15F

12/06 22:15, , 16F
12/06 22:15, 16F

12/06 22:16, , 17F
如果是條子應該不可能出到180M吧 看開獎結果囉
12/06 22:16, 17F

12/06 22:20, , 18F
12/06 22:20, 18F

12/06 22:21, , 19F
12/06 22:21, 19F

12/06 22:21, , 20F
12/06 22:21, 20F

12/06 22:25, , 21F
洋基還在等啥 怎麼還不衝 ><
12/06 22:25, 21F

12/06 22:28, , 22F
為什麼還在講洋基 從之前有關洋基的消息看下來 根本沒傳聞
12/06 22:28, 22F

12/06 22:32, , 23F
當年洋基一次打包沙胖 鐵屑 AJB 也都沒傳聞...
12/06 22:32, 23F

12/06 22:44, , 24F
有傳聞吧! 只是大家沒想到洋基一次打包
12/06 22:44, 24F

12/06 23:01, , 25F
你沒把白癡科放在眼裡嗎? LA可是挖到鑽石脈了
12/06 23:01, 25F

12/06 23:16, , 26F
12/06 23:16, 26F
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