
看板Magic作者 (winnn)時間9年前 (2015/03/16 13:15), 編輯推噓10(10017)
留言27則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
這邊組了一些新標準~ 希望大家可以給點意見~不管是要修改還是整個概念換色 都請不吝嗇給點指教喔~ Esper Control 4 Temple of Enlightenment 4 Temple of Deceit 4 Temple of Silence 2 Flooded Strand 3 Polluted Delta 2 Caves of Koilos 1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth 2 Island 2 Swamp 2 Plains 3 Anticipate 3 Thoughtseize 3 Bile Blight 3 Dissolve 4 Hero’s Downfall 3 Ojutai’s Command 2 Utter End 2 Silumgar’s Command 4 Dig Through Time 2 Treasure Cruise 1 Secure the Wastes 3 Mastery of the Unseen 1 Silumgar, the Drifting Death Big Red 4 Wild Slash 4 Lightning Strike 2 Draconic Roar 4 Twin Bolt 2 Arc Lightning 4 Outpost Siege 4 Flamewake Phoenix 4 Ashcloud Phoenix 4 Thunderbreak Regent 4 Stormbreath Dragon 24 Mountain Dashing Red 4 Foundry Street Denizen 4 Lightning Berseker 2 Zurgo 4 Mardu Scout 4 Dragon Fodder 4 Rabble Master 4 Outburst 4 Outpost 2 red god 4-6 burn 22-24 land Goblins Dragon Fodder as new additionTurn 3 Obelisk for the win 4 Foundry Street Denizen 4 Frenzied Goblin 4 Dragon Fodder 4 Mardu Scout 4 Hordeling Outburst 4 Goblin Rabblemaster 1 Hall of Triumph 3 Obelisk of Urd 2 Out Post Siege 4 Stoke the Flame 4 Lightning Strike 22 Mountain Jeskai Tokens 4 Raise the Alarm 4 Soulfire Grand Master 4 Hordeling Outburst 4 Secure the Wastes 4 Jeskai Ascendency 4 Treasure Cruise 2 Purphoros, God of the Forge 3 Valorous Stance 3 Lightning Strike 4 Stoke the Flames 1 Island 2 Mountain 2 Plains 3 Battlefield Forge 3 Flooded Strand 4 Mystic Monastery 3 Shivan Reef 2 Temple of Epiphany 4 Temple of Triumph BW Warriors 4 Dragon Hunter 4 Mardu Woe Reaper 4 Tormented Hero 4 Bloodsoaked Champion 4 Mardu Shadowspear 4 Chief of the Edge 4 Thoughtseize 4 Secure the Wastes 4 Damnable Pact 2 Foul Tongue Shriek 4 Temple of Silence 4 Caves of Koilos 8 Swamp 6 Plains -- 歡迎光臨KC平方魔法風雲會販賣屋 http://www.kcsquare.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Magic/M.1426482953.A.10A.html

03/16 13:39, , 1F
03/16 13:39, 1F

03/16 14:12, , 2F
03/16 14:12, 2F

03/16 15:02, , 3F
03/16 15:02, 3F

03/16 15:12, , 4F
理解成看不懂的就不是原po想要討論的對象 就可以了
03/16 15:12, 4F

03/16 15:16, , 5F
第一套, 生物那麼少 Mastery of Unseen 當致勝手段好嗎?
03/16 15:16, 5F

03/16 15:18, , 6F
03/16 15:18, 6F

03/16 15:48, , 7F
03/16 15:48, 7F

03/16 15:49, , 8F
03/16 15:49, 8F

03/16 15:58, , 9F
好多~大紅可以放幾張新的烏金地 不賺白不賺
03/16 15:58, 9F

03/16 16:18, , 10F
戰士套20張1drop 有沒有考慮放鄔德碑
03/16 16:18, 10F

03/16 19:00, , 11F
03/16 19:00, 11F

03/16 23:41, , 12F
03/16 23:41, 12F

03/16 23:43, , 13F
03/16 23:43, 13F

03/16 23:46, , 14F
五點正掃跟四點真的差很多... 常常摸不到第五塊地
03/16 23:46, 14F

03/16 23:47, , 15F
我覺得這種控制套牌塞金牙剛好會接對方正編的全部除去 XD
03/16 23:47, 15F

03/16 23:50, , 16F
03/16 23:50, 16F

03/16 23:51, , 17F
03/16 23:51, 17F

03/16 23:51, , 18F
03/16 23:51, 18F

03/16 23:52, , 19F
03/16 23:52, 19F

03/16 23:52, , 20F
03/16 23:52, 20F

03/16 23:53, , 21F
現在的蘇勒台控就是第一回場沒生物, 第二場金牙 + 羅煞 XD
03/16 23:53, 21F

03/17 00:03, , 22F
真想在那套哥布林丟 Foul Tongue Shriek
03/17 00:03, 22F

03/17 02:07, , 23F
03/17 02:07, 23F

03/17 15:30, , 24F
Esper都是瞬間做事 掃台的話乙太龍捲會不會比較好?
03/17 15:30, 24F

03/18 18:04, , 25F
03/18 18:04, 25F

03/18 18:04, , 26F
更快,如果是乙太化等級的費用可能才會正編,要不然SB or1
03/18 18:04, 26F

03/18 18:05, , 27F
03/18 18:05, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #1L1cS94A (Magic)
文章代碼(AID): #1L1cS94A (Magic)