Re: [分析] 兩題高微

看板Math作者 (topos)時間12年前 (2012/02/11 09:15), 編輯推噓3(303)
留言6則, 5人參與, 最新討論串7/9 (看更多)
※ 引述《bajifox (嘖)》之銘言: : 1 : {x_n} be a sequence of non-negative real number : 1 : satisfying x_(n+1) =< x_n + ----- : n^2 : 則x_n是否一定會收斂? : 我猜是沒有 因為Cauchy sequence的條件只有一邊 : 但是畫圖想找反例又覺得好像隱隱有遞減= = : 想請問該怎麼做 : 2 : : (D) : 原來想說是用反函數定理 : 但是證完每個f'(x)都是invertible完以後卻發現不太對 : 反函數定理都只有在小小的neighborhood : 就算做到onto(而且我好弱做不到) : 兩個neighborhood的交集的部分又該怎麼確認他們的f^(-1)是相等的 : 謝謝 By inverse function theorem, f(R^n) is open. Also {f(x_i)} is cauchy implies {x_i} is cauchy as |x_i - x_j|C <= |f(x_i)-f(x_j)|. This implies that f(R^n) is closed. However, R^n is connected, so f(R^n)=R^n. On the other hand, clearly, f is injective. Thus, f is globally invertible. -- 哪一首中文歌的歌詞有 Pasadena? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/11 09:50, , 1F
推 !
02/11 09:50, 1F

02/11 18:27, , 2F
請問f是open map的理由是??
02/11 18:27, 2F

02/11 18:28, , 3F
需要證Df(x)都是nonsingular for all x€R^n ??
02/11 18:28, 3F

02/11 18:46, , 4F
of course, for using inverse function theorem.
02/11 18:46, 4F

02/11 20:16, , 5F
02/11 20:16, 5F

02/11 20:38, , 6F
02/11 20:38, 6F
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