[外電] Thunder-Mavericks Preview

看板Mavericks作者 (黃金右腳)時間12年前 (2012/05/03 15:33), 編輯推噓16(1605)
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Thunder-Mavericks Preview DALLAS (AP) -- That young up-and-coming Oklahoma City team that made things so difficult on the Dallas Mavericks in the playoffs last year may not even let the defending NBA champions get out of the first round this time. 實力不斷增強的奧克拉荷馬雷霆去年在西區冠軍戰給了達拉斯小牛 不少麻煩,今年他們更是有機會在首輪就把衛冕冠軍給擋下。 Even though Kevin Durant has struggled with his shot, and each of the first two games in this opening-round series has gone down to the closing seconds, the Thunder certainly aren't in awe of Dirk Nowitzki and the Mavericks. 儘管Kevin Durant在前兩戰都失準,也都打到最後關頭才決勝負, 但雷霆完全不怕Dirk Nowitzki所率領的小牛。 Oklahoma City has a 2-0 advantage in the best-of-7 series that shifts to Dallas for Game 3 on Thursday night. 雷霆在七戰四勝制的系列賽中取得2勝0負的優勢,明天將在達拉斯 舉行系列第三戰。 "Game 3 is Game 7," Mavericks guard Jason Terry said Wednesday, stopping only briefly to make that comment while bounding up the stairs from the practice court to the locker room. 小牛後衛Jason Terry在今天的練習結束之後前往休息室的路上只簡 短的說了一句:"第三戰就是第七戰。" "We've played very well the first two games but we come away empty because we just haven't been able to make one extra play," coach Rick Carlisle said. "We've got to turn that in Game 3, and it's not as simple as just coming home and it's just going to happen. We have to make it happen." 教練Rick Carlisle說:"我們前兩場打得很好,但是卻沒拿下半場勝 利,因為我們就差那麼臨門一腳。我們在第三戰要改善這一點,但並 不是回到主場就表示我們能扭轉頹勢,我們要用行動證明。" In last year's Western Conference finals, Dallas needed only five games to get past the Thunder's group of 20-somethings. 小牛去年在西區冠軍戰只用了五戰就解決掉平均年齡20出頭的雷霆。 But the Mavericks needed overtime to win Game 4 and it took a go-ahead 3-pointer by Nowitzki in the final minute of Game 5 of that series. 不過小牛在第四戰到了延長賽才逆轉獲勝,第五戰則是靠著最後一分 多鐘Dirk的逆轉三分球才獲勝並贏得系列賽。 This time, the Thunder won the series opener on clutch shot by Durant and held on to win Game 2 despite not making a field goal in the final 4:51. They were tough, they were physical and they're growing up in a hurry. 這次雷霆在第一戰靠著KD的致勝球獲勝,儘管第二戰他們在最後4分 51秒都沒有進球還是贏了下來,他們展現出他們的強悍,體能很好, 並且成長速度相當驚人。 So what happened to that Oklahoma City team that some viewed as soft before now? 以前被外界認為軟弱的雷霆隊做了什麼改變? "We were young. And when you're young you're still trying to learn about yourself, you're trying to learn the league and you don't have time to focus on the little things because you're trying to just survive. You're in survive mode. I don't think we were ever soft," coach Scott Brooks said. "The last two games, I like the fact that we just clawed and battled and fought our way. ... Maturity helps, and you do it one day at a time." 教練Scott Brooks表示:"我們之前很年輕,只能試著了解自己的能 力,試著在這個聯盟生存下去,所以沒有時間去注意到細節,光是 想著怎麼活在NBA就已經用上全部的心力了。我從來不覺得我們曾經 軟弱,我很高興前兩場比賽我們用自己的方式奮戰到最後。比賽的 經驗會幫助我們一步一腳印的成長。" Consider that the youngest starter for Dallas in this series is 27-year-old guard Delonte West, one of two starters who wasn't even with the Mavericks last season and is the only one in their top five not in his 30s. 看看小牛的先發陣容,最年輕的是27歲的Delonte West,他是先發五 人中唯一不到30歲的。 One of those missing starters is Tyson Chandler, now with the New York Knicks and the winner Wednesday of the NBA's Defensive Player of the Year award. 今年與去年的先發陣容差了兩人,除了West以外就是前往尼克的中鋒 Tyson Chandler,他拿下了今年的NBA最佳防守球員獎項。 West would be among the oldest starters for the Thunder, who are using the same starting five from last year's Western Conference finals. West如果跟雷霆的先發相比可是最老的,而雷霆今年與去年西區冠軍戰 的先發五人一模一樣。 "They have another year under their belt and they have some of the most talented players in the world," said Jason Kidd, the Mavs' 39-year-old point guard who has played more NBA games than any other active player. "This is a different team in sense of maturity and understanding the game. They're getting better and that makes them dangerous." 今年39歲並且是現役打的場次最多的Jason Kidd說:"他們又在聯盟多打 了一年,他們在成熟度與比賽的理解上比去年更上一層樓,他們持續的 變強,變得越來越危險。" Russell Westbrook is averaging 28.5 points per game in the playoffs for Oklahoma City, helping make up for fellow All-Star Durant's 15-of-44 shooting so far that isn't even that big of a concern since Oklahoma City has won both games. Russell Westbrook在前兩場比賽平均攻下28.5分,幫助雷霆在隊上的 另一位明星Durant前兩場只有投44中15的差強人意表現時依然拿下二 連勝。 "That's what it's all about. That's why I'm a winner. That's what I want to be labeled as, a guy that wins games," Durant said. "I know I'm not shooting the ball well but I'm just trying to do other things. I can't dwell on the last two games. I've just got to move on. Move on. We'll see what happens in the next game." KD說:"這就是為什麼我是個贏家,這是我所希望得到的稱號,就是能 為球隊帶來勝利。我知道我的投籃不理想,但我試著做其他事,我不 能老是想著前兩戰,我得繼續前進,看看接下來的情況會是如何。" Dallas had an extended practice session Wednesday after taking off the previous day. The Thunder worked out again at home before traveling. 小牛昨天休息一天,今天做了延長的練習,雷霆則是在前往達拉斯之 前再度在主場練習。 Brooks said his team had a good film session and practice Wednesday. He said guys were "locked in" while talking about areas they want to improve in moving ahead in the series. Brooks說球隊在看影片與練習的時候氣氛都很好,他說大家對於他們 想要改善的地方相當專注。 One that that won't change for the Thunder is running the offense through Durant. 雷霆不會改變的就是Durant一定會參與進攻。 "He's getting good looks," Brooks said. "It seems like he's missing the open ones and making some of the contested ones. Hopefully he can make the open ones. But he's fine. Kevin's a terrific player that works hard and works on his game. He's working on his game as we speak." Brooks說:"他有一些空檔,看起來他有些空檔沒進,卻進了一些被守住 的,希望他能把空檔把握住。不過他狀況很好,Kevin是個很棒的球員, 他隨時都很努力練習並希望加強比賽的表現。" Dallas still has Nowitzki, who surprisingly missed a wide-open 3-pointer late in Game 2 before having one of trademark fadeaway shots bounce on the rim several times before missing. 小牛依舊要仰賴Dirk,他上一場比賽在關鍵時刻的空檔三分沒進,在底 線的招牌後仰跳投也彈框而出。 "We haven't played bad basketball. We've been right there," Nowitzki said. "It's been frustrating. Last year coming down the stretch, we knew we'd find a way to win, get the big stop, get the big shot, get to the line, whatever we needed to happen to get the win. ... But we're not going to pack it in. We're going to keep coming." Dirk說:"我們打的不差,並且咬住比數,這很讓人灰心,去年我們在 最後關頭總是能有辦法取勝,包括守下關鍵分,投進致勝球,要到犯規 等等能讓我們獲勝的方式。但今年我們沒有做到,我們會繼續努力。" 就像Terry說的 Game 3 is Game 7 真的不能再輸囉 Let's Go Mavs!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/03 16:13, , 1F
DIRK最後一段說的要到犯規 唉
05/03 16:13, 1F

05/03 17:02, , 2F
雷霆自認為不怕小牛 光這點就是小牛突破的機會
05/03 17:02, 2F

05/03 17:03, , 3F
一副已經聽牌的感覺 G3要給他們迎頭痛擊
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05/03 17:15, , 4F
05/03 17:15, 4F

05/03 17:27, , 5F
05/03 17:27, 5F

05/03 18:02, , 6F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/03 18:02, 6F

05/03 19:28, , 7F
05/03 19:28, 7F

05/03 19:33, , 8F
05/03 19:33, 8F

05/03 19:46, , 9F
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05/03 20:02, , 10F
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05/03 22:32, , 11F
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05/03 22:37, , 12F
05/03 22:37, 12F

05/03 23:06, , 13F
05/03 23:06, 13F

05/03 23:28, , 14F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/03 23:28, 14F

05/04 00:02, , 15F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/04 00:02, 15F

05/04 00:04, , 16F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/04 00:04, 16F

05/04 00:25, , 17F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/04 00:25, 17F

05/04 00:26, , 18F
05/04 00:26, 18F

05/04 00:40, , 19F
"Game 3 is Game 7" 簡潔有力! 帥
05/04 00:40, 19F

05/04 00:48, , 20F
Let's Go Mavs!!
05/04 00:48, 20F

05/04 02:24, , 21F
Let's Go Mavs!!! 加油阿我明天早上有課沒辦法看QQ
05/04 02:24, 21F
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