Re: [PSP ] 4.01M33 release!

看板Modchip作者 (凱文藍)時間16年前 (2008/06/29 01:22), 編輯推噓11(1103)
留言14則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
Instructions: Copy UPDATE folder /PSP/GAME/ and run. Put the 4.01 sony update as 401.PBP in same folder, or let the program download it for you using a wifi connection. Changes: - Bug fix: vshmenu didn't let change camera mode due to camera_plugin using select button. Fixed, now vsh menu will not be loaded when using the camera. - Recovery can now be translated, See how below. Translation to spanish is autoincluded. - Updated the M33 SDK with a new function and sample, and released the psp-packer tool to compress prx's and PBP's in the ~PSP format. - The folder of 4.01 and highre homebrew will be GAME4XX so it won't need change on update. Taanslating the recovery. To translate the recovery create a text file in ms0:/seplugins/xx_recovery.txt or flash1:/xx_recoery.txt (they are evaluated in that order), where xx is the language code of your language: es -> spanish en -> english fr -> french de -> german it -> italian ja -> japanese ko -> korean nl -> netherlands pt -> portuguese ru -> russian ch1 -> chinese simplified ch2 -> chinese traditional The file en_recovery.txt in translate folder is included for people to translate to their languages, this file is not needed for english people, as the english language is used when no language file is found. Just change the english strings to your language ones, and put it in the path mentioned above. Be careful to check in the recovery that the lines look fine, don't use too large text. The spanish file es_recovery.txt will be written by the program in the memory stick. 1.50 kernel addon for fat will be released this evening or this night. -- 我們這輩子的每一天都應該要做這三件事情。 第一就是開心的笑。你每天都應該開懷大笑。 by James Thomas Anthony Valvano 第二是思考,你每天都應該撥出一些時間好好的思考。 第三是你應該要每天都經歷值得熱淚盈眶的片刻,不管是因為快樂或任何事情都好。 想想看......你笑、你哭、你思考,這才是完整的一天。這他媽的才是完整的一天啊! 如果你能夠一週七天,每天都過著這樣的生活,你擁有的就是一個獨一無二的人生! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/29 02:00, , 1F
06/29 02:00, 1F

06/29 02:01, , 2F
間機器1.5for新P !?
06/29 02:01, 2F

06/29 02:13, , 3F
可能是覺得 1.50 還是有價值存在吧 :p
06/29 02:13, 3F

06/29 23:06, , 4F
06/29 23:06, 4F

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06/29 23:07, 5F

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06/29 23:11, , 11F
06/29 23:11, 11F

06/29 23:11, , 12F
因為DA是個有愛的人‧★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:
06/29 23:11, 12F

06/30 01:57, , 13F
06/30 01:57, 13F

08/06 08:23, , 14F
08/06 08:23, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #18PdDCO6 (Modchip)
文章代碼(AID): #18PdDCO6 (Modchip)