[傷兵] Tyreke Evans

看板NBA_Fantasy作者 (cokelon)時間14年前 (2010/03/20 15:33), 編輯推噓8(809)
留言17則, 12人參與, 最新討論串2/7 (看更多)
Evans may have sustained a fractured jaw in Friday's loss to Milwaukee, putting the rest of his season in jeopardy, the Associated Press reports. Recommendation: Evans took an inadvertent elbow late in the game, resulting in a concussion, lacerated gums and a chipped tooth. If the jaw is fractured, which likely won't be determined until Saturday, Evans would likely miss the remainder of the season. (Rotowire.com) 別報銷阿哭哭QQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/20 15:36, , 1F
03/20 15:36, 1F

03/20 15:49, , 2F
03/20 15:49, 2F

03/20 15:50, , 3F
03/20 15:50, 3F

03/20 15:54, , 4F
03/20 15:54, 4F

03/20 15:56, , 5F
習慣就好 季初至今丟了0號 B帥 A軟豆腐 最後一名進季後
03/20 15:56, 5F

03/20 16:50, , 6F
03/20 16:50, 6F

03/20 16:54, , 7F
戰績第一 一下傷了Deng AK Evans Curry D-Will...= =
03/20 16:54, 7F

03/20 16:54, , 8F
要怎麼打...= =|||
03/20 16:54, 8F

03/20 17:03, , 9F
丟了Deng 撿了Garcia 季後賽第一輪用不到Deng了..
03/20 17:03, 9F

03/20 17:17, , 10F
Udrih會不會爆發? 快要替Collison找接班人了
03/20 17:17, 10F

03/20 20:05, , 11F
03/20 20:05, 11F

03/20 21:48, , 12F
希望我的小烏雞能爆發 是當初原po推薦我撿的QQ
03/20 21:48, 12F

03/21 00:49, , 13F
不是吧 希望沒事
03/21 00:49, 13F

03/22 20:35, , 14F
03/22 20:35, 14F

08/07 15:00, , 15F
不是吧 希望沒事 https://noxiv.com
08/07 15:00, 15F

09/10 11:32, , 16F
連兩篇........ https://daxiv.com
09/10 11:32, 16F

12/06 18:55, , 17F
我的H2H有他+滷蛋. https://daxiv.com
12/06 18:55, 17F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Bf7fVmf (NBA_Fantasy)