Re: Wash vs UConn

看板NCAA作者 (不要叫我洨狼犬)時間18年前 (2006/03/25 13:58), 編輯推噓7(705)
留言12則, 6人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
All I can say is we won the game. We have unmatchable talent, size, and depth. But why we never live up to the expectation? We don't have enough motivation, passion, and heart. It wasn't pretty, it wasn't our A-game, but we won it, I take it. Thanks to our mr. big shot, rashard anderson.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/25 14:10, , 1F
03/25 14:10, 1F

03/25 14:11, , 2F
03/25 14:11, 2F

03/25 14:17, , 3F
慘烈的一戰, Washington打到五人犯滿...
03/25 14:17, 3F

03/25 14:18, , 4F
03/25 14:18, 4F

03/25 14:46, , 5F
03/25 14:46, 5F

03/25 14:46, , 6F
a go to guy....其他整體戰力相當強
03/25 14:46, 6F

03/25 14:48, , 7F
特別是籃下 但是卻沒有人可以給球隊穩定的得分
03/25 14:48, 7F

03/25 14:49, , 8F
03/25 14:49, 8F

03/25 15:14, , 9F
yah, we have been talking that all season long
03/25 15:14, 9F

03/25 15:14, , 10F
rashad makes big shots for us regularly, but he isn't
03/25 15:14, 10F

03/25 15:15, , 11F
much of a go to guy. Gay is supposed to be the one
03/25 15:15, 11F

03/25 18:49, , 12F
這是炫耀文嘛....= =
03/25 18:49, 12F
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