Re: [KIM ] Kim生小孩啦~~!!

看板NED-BEL-LUX作者 (︿(@ ̄o ̄@)︿)時間16年前 (2008/03/01 00:51), 編輯推噓0(000)
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補新聞 Retired tennis player Kim Clijsters gives birth to daughter Feb 27, 11:43 am EST BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP)—Former U.S. Open champion Kim Clijsters gave birth to a daughter on Wednesday, nine months after retiring from tennis. Clijsters and her husband, American basketball player Brian Lynch, named the baby Jada. “The parents and the baby are in great shape,” spokesman Jeroen Jespers said. The 24-year-old Clijsters retired in May, saying a string of injuries had led to fatigue, a lack of motivation and a decline in play. She said she wanted to focus on a new life with Lynch, who plays in the Belgian league. Clijsters was Belgium’s first tennis player to reach the No. 1 ranking, holding it for 19 weeks in 2003. She won her only Grand Slam title at the 2005 U.S. Open, but Clijsters also won the 2002 and 2003 WTA Championships as part of her 34 career singles titles. According to Clijsters’ Web site, the baby, born at a hospital in Tongeren, weighed 6.69 pounds. ※ 引述《JankoTip (加油~~!!)》之銘言: : Kim Clijsters welcomes daughter Jada Elly : : (比利時網站) : 恭喜~~!!:) -- そうさ 僕らは 世界に一つだけの花 一人一人違う種を持つ その花を開かせることだけに 一生懸命になればいい 小さい花や大きな花 一つとして同じものはないから NO.1 にならなくてもいい もともと特別な Only one -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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