Re: [問題] skype的品質下降?

看板NTUDormM7作者時間19年前 (2005/10/21 08:35), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《WebM7 (男七網管專用帳號)》之銘言: : 各位好, : 由於有住宿同學反應,新的限流政策實施後,Skype的通話品質變差。我向設備廠 : 商詢問過,Skype並不歸類在P2P應用類,而是VoIP類,所以不會受64kbps限速的影 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P2P telephony became a natural next step where P2P could have a significant disruptive impact and Skype was founded to develop the first P2P telephony network. Internet-based telephony – Voice-over-IP – (VoIP) has been around for years but has not reached the mainstream market. The reasons for this are quite clear to those of us who have tried VoIP software: - Products which have a true cost-saving advantage over standard telephones do not have comparable quality. - Call-completion rates are very low due to firewalls and the use of Network Address Translation (which renders over 50% of residential computers unable to communicate with traditional VoIP software). - The User Interface is typically bloated and requires substantial configuration and technical skills. source: 回一下而以 還是謝謝你的用心 :D : 響。但是為了確定起見,想徵詢大家的意見,是否有人使用Skype,品質真的變糟 : 嗎?方便跟我測試一下嗎?謝謝各位! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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