[轉錄]Re: 對張五常與蘇錦玲的品格見證

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※ [本文轉錄自 hsiawenc 信箱] 作者: hsiawenc.bbs@bbs.ntu.edu.tw 標題: Re: 對張五常與蘇錦玲的品格見證 時間: Mon May 19 16:22:07 2003 作者: argentum (棲遲斐冊,放佚荒塵) 看板: ND 標題: Re: 對張五常與蘇錦玲的品格見證 時間: Sun May 18 21:14:37 2003 這個所謂的品格見證真是荒謬 而本版將之貼上 而且還給mark 基本上張五常被控逃稅與財產取得非屬合法 業已在美國提起公訴 我們外人毋庸妄議 美國司法體系自有其既定之程序 更何況該品格見證係自張五常的網站發出 其動機原本可議 本版何必為虎作猖 更重要的 所連署的經濟學家雖然有其值得敬佩的學術成就 但並不代表對張五常的品格認知就更有代表性 學術成就與品格認知本來就毫無關連 其實我們如果認真看這個案子 就會發現張五常一直利用各種機會放話 而不願真正面對美國司法部門所提出的財產申報諸疑點 做完整的解釋 面對司法審判 張五常應該誠實面對 不用玩一些品格見證的鬼東西試圖混淆焦點 而旁人,如本版版主 也毋須盲目的在旁邊敲邊鼓 ==> hsiawenc ( 如夢似地 ) 提到: > 對張五常與蘇錦玲的品格見證 > http://www.stevenxue.com/ref_200.htm > 如下署名的是張五常的朋友與專業同事,準備了這份關於張五常 > 與他的妻子蘇錦玲的成就與品格見證。在與我們的聯繫中,他們 > 展示了非常高度的友情、忠誠與榮譽。專業上,作?一個學者張 > 五常的檔案是不會染上瑕疵的。他歷來小心謹慎,例如不僅避免 > 欺騙或誤導的辯論,而且指出與稱讚那些在他之前的,曾經協助 > 或?發了他自己的創作發展的學者。 > 我們沒有資格衡量或評論張氏夫婦被指責的罪項。然而,在多年 > 交往的基礎上,我們不能相信五常與錦玲會故意地作出違反法律 > 的事。我們知道,雖然五常與錦玲有指導一組複雜的家庭資?的 > 身份,他們從來不是全職的商人。 > 從回港任職算起,五常曾經是香港大學的經濟系主任,教過一萬 > 五千多個學生。除了繼續發表英文與中文的學術文章,他在中文 > 媒體發表了大約八百篇專欄,舉行過數次攝影與書法創作展覽, > 同時又作過二百多次公開演說。這些學術與藝術的需求競奪了張 > 氏夫婦的時間,他們要任用並倚靠在香港與在美國的專業人士, > 包括商業法律與稅務會計等。在這些任用與倚靠中,錯誤可能發 > 生,但我們相信五常與錦玲不會故意作出他們被指責的罪行。 > Milton Friedman(米爾頓·弗裏德曼) > Rose Friedman(羅斯·弗裏德曼) > Jack Hirshleifer(傑克·赫舒拉發) > John Umbeck(約翰·昂別克) > Yoram Barzel(尤倫·巴塞爾) > Armen Alchian(阿門·阿爾欽) > Levis Kochin(萊維斯·科勤) > Michael D. Intriligator(麥克·D·恩特裏蓋特) > Earl Thompson(厄爾·湯普森) > Arnold Harberger(阿諾·哈伯格) > Harold Demsetz(哈羅德·德姆塞茨) >   > 附:英文原文 > Feb. 12, 2003 > TESTIMONIAL STATEMENT CONCERNING STEVEN AND > LINDA CHEUNG > The undersigned friends and professional colleagues of Steven > Cheung have prepared this statement as a testimonial to his > achievements and character, and those of his wife Linda Su. > In all our associations with them they have demonstrated a very > high degree of friendship and loyalty and honor. On the professional > level, Steven Cheung's record as a scholar is unblemished. > He has always been meticulous, for example, not only to avoid > deceptive arguments but also in citing and praising the scholars > who may have preceded him and helped stimulate some of the > ideas he has created or developed. > We are not in a position to evaluate or comment upon the specific > charges against the Cheungs. However, on the basis of our > interactions with them over many years, we cannot believe that > Steve and Linda would intentionally have violated the law. It > should be borne in mind that, although Steven and Linda have > been in the position of supervising a complex group of family > assets, neither has ever been a full-time businessperson. Counting > only the time since he returned to Hong Kong, Steven has served > as head of the Economics Department at Hong Kong University > and has taught more than 15,000 students. In addition to continued > publication of professional papers in English and Chinese, he has > written some 800 articles for Chinese newspapers and other media, > has presented his artistic creations at a number of photo and > calligraphy exhibitions, and has delivered over 200 public lectures. > Owing to these competing scholarly and artistic demands on their > time, the Cheungs have had to deal with and rely upon professionals > in business and law and tax accounting, both in Hong Kong and > the U.S. Although some errors might have occurred in the process > of such dealings, we have confidence that Steven and Linda Cheung > would not have intentionally engaged in the violations of which > they are charged. > Milton Friedman Levis Kochin > Rose Friedman Michael D. Intriligator > Jack Hirshleifer Earl Thompson > John Umbeck Arnold Harberger > Yoram Barzel Harold Demsetz > Armen Alchian -- 薄霧星疏的早晨有些寂寥,波特萊爾, 馬克思與艾可聚集在群山疊翠.淨瀨漱石的臺灣 他們都沉靜,眼光殷切地瞻顧著鬧轟轟的臺灣. 這時清逸的波特萊爾先發聲, " 藝術家, 真正的藝術家, 應該把所見所感的社會萬象反映出來.." L'artiste, le vrai artiste, le vrai poese, ne doit peindre que selon qu'il voit et qu'il sent. Charles Baudelaire: le critique d'art -- ☆ [Origin:椰林風情] [From: g1pc2n59.g1.ntu.edu.tw] [Login: **] [Post: **] -- 科學技術是第一生產力。 ~ 鄧小平 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
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