Re: [請益] 十萬火急十萬火急

看板NUK-AM95作者 (吉米)時間16年前 (2008/05/27 16:14), 編輯推噓0(000)
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讓我來賺一下錢 K-D tree: 複製一大推又賺少少錢 要我打字又太花時間 沒有其他賺錢的方法嗎? ※ 引述《jimmychad (吉米)》之銘言: : 多少有人會幾題吧~~救命... : 1. (15%) : (a) we introduced the d-dimensional kd-tree and mentioned that a query takes O(n^(1-1/d) + k) time. : the purpose of thisquestion is to give a proof that the query time is the value as stated : above. : (b) In the middle of Lecture Voronoi Diagrams, we claim that V(si) is unbounded iff si is : a vertex of CH(S). However, we did not give the proof for it in our : lecture. Please give a proof for this claim. : 2. (35%) Kd-trees can be used for partial match queries. A 2-dimensional : partial match query specifies a value for one of the coordinates and asks : for all points that have that value for the specified coordinate. In higher : dimensions, we specify values for a subset of the coordinates. Here we : allow multiple points to have equal values for coordinates. : (a) Show that 2-dimensional kd-trees can answer partial match queries : in O(pn + k) time, where k is the number of reported answers. : (b) Explain how to use a 2-dimensional range tree to answer partial : match queries. What is the resulting query time? : (c) Describe a data structure that uses linear storage and solves 2-dimensional : partial match queries in O(log n + k) time. : (d) Show that with a d-dimensional kd-tree, we can solve a d-dimensional : partial match query in O(n^(1-s/d)+k) time, where s (with s < d) is the : number of specified coordinates. Please describe clearly your query : procedure, and give the proof for the query time. : (e) Describe a data structure that uses linear storage and that can answer : d-dimensional partial match queries in O(log n + k) time. : Hint: Use a structure whose dependence on d in the amount of storage : is exponential (more precisely, a structure that uses O(d2dn) storage). : 3. (25%) : (a) In Lecture 7, we have characterized the Voronoi diagram of two : points. In this question, please characterize the Voronoi diagram : of two disjoint non-parallel line segments. Explain your characterization. : (b) This question is about the Fortune’s algorithm of Lecture 7. Do : the breakpoints of the beach line always move downwards when the : sweep line moves downwards? Prove this or give a counterexample. : (c) Again this question is about the Fortune’s algorithm of Lecture 7. : Give an example where the parabola defined by some site pi contributes : more than one arc to the beach line. Can you give an example : where it contributes a linear number of arcs? : 4. (25%) : (a) Let L be a set of n lines in the plane. Give an O(n log n) time : algorithm to compute an axis-parallel rectangle that contains all the : vertices of A(L) in its interior. : (b) The dual transform we learned from our lecture has minus signs. : Suppose we change them to plus signs, so the dual of a point (px, py) : is the line y = pxx + py, and the dual of the line y = mx + b is the : point (m, b). Is this dual transform incidence-preserving and order : reversing? : (c) Let S be a set of n points in the plane. Give an O(n2) time algorithm : to find the line containing the maximum number of points in S. : 5. (20%) The Gabriel graph of a set P of points in the plane is defined as : follows: Two points p and q are connected by an edge of the Gabriel graph : if and only if the circle with diameter pq does not contain any other point : of P in its interior. : (a) Prove that DT (P) contains the Gabriel graph of P. : (b) Prove that p and q are adjacent in the Gabriel graph of p if and only : if the Delaunay edge between p and q intersects its dual Voronoi edge. : (c) Give an O(n log n) time algorithm to compute the Gabriel graph of : a set P of n points. : 6. (20%) The Euclidean traveling-salesman problem is the problem of determining : the shortest closed tour that connects a given set of n points in the : plane. The general problem is NP-complete. J. L. Bentley has suggested : the problem by restricting our attention to bitonic tours, that is, tours : that start at the leftmost point, go strictly left to right to the rightmost : point, and then go strictly right to left back to the starting point. (Equivalently, : any vertical line should cross the tour at most twice.) : Describe an O(n2)-time algorithm for determining an optimal bitonic tour. : You may assume that no two points have the same x-coordinate. : (Hint: Scan left to right, maintaining optimal possibilities for the two parts : of the tour.) : ※ 引述《chuo (v( ̄︶ ̄)y)》之銘言: : : 回文會有紅勾勾 比較明顯 : : 可是...我都不會 Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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