Re: [洋基] 一些消息

看板NY-Yankees作者 (毛毛蟲)時間16年前 (2008/10/29 11:08), 編輯推噓5(502)
留言7則, 7人參與, 最新討論串2/33 (看更多)
※ 引述《subcrew02 (Te Extrano ``)》之銘言: : Will Yankee dollars put Sabathia in a New York state of mind? : There’s really not much new in this Jon Heyman column. Will Sabathia go for : home or money? Yeah, no one has a clue. He does talk to a friend of Sabathia, : though. Plenty of reporters have seemingly done that this year, asking random : Sabathia friend after random Sabathia friend about the pitcher’s intentions. : Most of them, it seems, feel he’ll go home. The friend Heyman tracked down: : Jimmy Rollins. His take: “New York, American League. They’ve got enough : money, and they need him.” 在Jon Heyman的專欄裡沒有太多新東西 C.C要家還是要錢? 沒人有線索 大家都跑去問他的朋友 看起來他的朋友們都說C.C比較想回家 Jimmy Rollins說 NY 美聯 他們有足夠的錢 而他們需要他 : Holliday shopping for Yankees : The Yankees have been tied to just about every major free agent and available : star this winter. But one top player who has yet to be linked to the Yankees : but definitely intrigues them is Matt Holliday. : Rockies management likes Holliday a lot, too, but has determined that it will : try to trade him and, in fact, expects to trade him. Colorado is willing to : go five years for Holliday but believes he's interested in a deal for closer : to eight years or perhaps even longer. : Yankees people have heard good things about Holliday. However, their one : concern is his home-road splits, which show he has been more successful at : Coors Field than on the road. This year the difference was minimal, as : Holliday hit .332 with 15 home runs at home, .308 with 10 home runs on the : road. But his lifetime numbers reflect a significant variation. He's a .357 : career hitter at Coors Field, with 84 home runs. On the road he is a .280 : hitter with 44 home runs. 這個冬天幾乎所有的自由球員與大魚都跟洋基扯上關係 但這之中最好的莫過於洛磯的外野手Holliday 洛磯總管雖然很愛他 但洛磯只想給他5年約 而他想拿8年甚至更久 洋基迷最關心的是他生涯看起來只會在酷兒司打球 即使在去年也依然如此 : Cashman was warned about Mariners honcho : Brian Cashman is still a Yankee in part because of Gillick's stories about : working for the current Mariners regime. Gillick told Cashman for years what : it was like to answer to Mariners CEO Howard Lincoln, and Cashman is said to : have never seriously considered going there in part because of those stories. : The Mariners' hiring of Jack Zduriencik as GM is an inspired call, though. : It's somewhat surprising to see someone who's 57 get his first GM job, but it : may reflect some new hesitancy on the part of some to go for another young : Ivy League stat man. Zduriencik is the longtime scout responsible for : fortifying the Brewers' reservoir of young talent, an impressive enough stash : that no one else really had a chance to land Sabathia at mid-year. -- Alex Rodriguez~!! -- t a ◢██◣ ◥███◣ ╮ ╭══ ◢█ ◣ ═theanswer3t a h n █▌◥█ █ ◥█ ╰═══╯ █▌ █ h n e s ◣ █ █◣ █ ◢█◣ ◢▌█ ◢ ◤ ▃▄e s -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/29 12:58, , 1F
= ="上面幾篇不能推文…
10/29 12:58, 1F

10/29 15:19, , 2F
10/29 15:19, 2F

10/29 19:54, , 3F
10/29 19:54, 3F

10/29 20:46, , 4F
10/29 20:46, 4F

10/29 22:31, , 5F
Holliday並不需要...SP先布重兵吧..其他就是鐵 蛋
10/29 22:31, 5F

10/29 23:35, , 6F
10/29 23:35, 6F

10/29 23:42, , 7F
我們最需要的是吸吸鐵蛋啊 XDDD
10/29 23:42, 7F
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