[洋基] Gaudin likely to start Sunday for Yanks

看板NY-Yankees作者 (=艾力克斯=)時間15年前 (2009/08/12 13:57), 編輯推噓22(22011)
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Young Chamberlain expected to receive extra rest http://tinyurl.com/n5dk5r Gaudin 有可能會在美國時間星期日代替 Chamberlain 先發,應該是考量到 Chamberlain 投球局數,要讓他有休息的機會。 至於有關 Chamberlain 剩 下球季的安排,詳細的計劃 Girardi 尚未透露。 By Anthony DiComo / MLB.com 08/11/09 6:32 PM ET NEW YORK -- For some time now, Yankees manager Joe Girardi has alluded to the fact that Joba Chamberlain's schedule for the rest of the season is "mapped out," without revealing the details of that map. Girardi did not do so Tuesday, either. But he did offer a crumb. Asked if Chamberlain will take his regular turn in the rotation Sunday in Seattle, Girardi would not answer. Asked if Chad Gaudin would start Sunday instead, he rolled his head from one side to the other before finally nodding. He had not yet told Chamberlain of his plans, and had no intention to do so until after his start Tuesday night against the Jays. But, barring a change, Gaudin seems likely to start in Chamberlain's place Sunday. "There are going to be times where he is going to be on five days, and then there are other times where he might get a little extra rest," Girardi said of Chamberlain. "That's all part of it." Girardi has stressed throughout this season that Chamberlain -- still just 23 years old and already having surpassed his innings total from last season -- would not necessarily make every one of his starts down the stretch. But other than an eight-day layoff before, during and after the All-Star break, the righty has so far received nothing more than a routine extra rest after team off-days. But the Yanks were encouraged by Chamberlain's performance after his All-Star vacation, a run that included four consecutive wins and an 0.83 ERA in his first three starts back. New York has been famously prudent with one of its greatest talents since Chamberlain burst onto the scene as a reliever in 2007, creating the "Joba Rules" to determine exactly when and how much then-manager Joe Torre could use him. Then, in '08, the Yankees kept Chamberlain in the bullpen to limit his innings before shifting him to the rotation mid-season. Girardi did not reveal whether or not Chamberlain will receive one or more extra days of rest this time through the rotation -- only that Gaudin, who was regularly starting games in San Diego before New York acquired him, would likely make a spot-start in his place. "They told me that I could be used in a number of different ways," said Gaudin, who also had not yet been informed of Girardi's plans. "I guess that means as a starter, too." As a starter this season, Gaudin is 4-10 with a 5.23 ERA. And considering that he has spent much of the past two seasons bouncing between the bullpen and the rotation in San Diego, Chicago and Oakland, Gaudin is used to pitching on unusual amounts of rest. "I guess it's as hard as you make it," Gaudin said. "I think a lot of this game is mental. If you prepare yourself for a start or for coming out of the bullpen or for whatever the case may be, I think you have a good shot." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: unicotexalex 來自: (08/12 14:05)

08/12 14:05, , 1F
08/12 14:05, 1F

08/12 14:08, , 2F
08/12 14:08, 2F

08/12 14:10, , 3F
當先發 @@? 我倒情願把它當成第2個ACE來用 補強牛棚
08/12 14:10, 3F

08/12 14:17, , 4F
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08/12 14:24, , 7F
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08/12 14:29, , 8F
Joba局數應該是差不多了 可是Hughes這樣換來換去好嗎
08/12 14:29, 8F

08/12 14:35, , 9F
08/12 14:35, 9F

08/12 14:50, , 10F
這樣不錯阿 還滿有彈性的
08/12 14:50, 10F

08/12 14:50, , 11F
08/12 14:50, 11F

08/12 15:03, , 12F
08/12 15:03, 12F

08/12 15:06, , 13F
賈霸跟修斯如果都待牛棚 那先發要給米崔跟新同學扛??
08/12 15:06, 13F

08/12 15:17, , 14F
08/12 15:17, 14F

08/12 15:37, , 15F
囧拉迪 應該捨不得Hughes離開牛棚XD
08/12 15:37, 15F

08/12 15:42, , 16F
08/12 15:42, 16F

08/12 15:43, , 17F
看教練團怎麼決定吧 既然Joba進牛棚 Hughes拉出來也不至於
08/12 15:43, 17F

08/12 15:43, , 18F
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08/12 15:55, , 20F
08/12 15:55, 20F

08/12 16:05, , 21F
明明就還有跳著先發的選項-_- 這是對新人最常用的做法
08/12 16:05, 21F

08/12 16:12, , 22F
Hughes應該直接RP到playoff 今年比Mo還威
08/12 16:12, 22F
http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/news/probable_pitchers.jsp?c_id=nyy 官網公佈了是 Gaudin ※ 編輯: unicotexalex 來自: (08/12 16:20)

08/12 16:25, , 23F
08/12 16:25, 23F

08/12 16:27, , 24F
接下來大概要比較常輸球了 XD
08/12 16:27, 24F

08/12 16:35, , 25F
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08/12 16:37, , 26F
08/12 16:37, 26F

08/12 16:57, , 27F
08/12 16:57, 27F

08/12 17:37, , 28F
宅慶:我準備好了 囧拉迪:(轉頭)嗯? 剛誰講話..?
08/12 17:37, 28F

08/12 18:04, , 29F
ACE不會沒頭路 先沒頭路 會是 可樂XD
08/12 18:04, 29F

08/12 18:22, , 30F
可樂一人左根本沒在怕的吧 馬鐵又還沒好
08/12 18:22, 30F

08/12 20:15, , 31F
08/12 20:15, 31F

08/12 20:39, , 32F
08/12 20:39, 32F

12/28 13:27, 5年前 , 33F
小張不能一直這樣用下去 https://noxiv.com
12/28 13:27, 33F
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